Vampire Gemini. Amy Blankenship

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Vampire Gemini - Amy Blankenship

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twenties staring back at the auburn haired beauty and smiling in return. Hyakuhei released an uncontrolled growl low in his chest. He watched with immense satisfaction when the man’s drink shattered in his hand, causing small bits of glass to cut into his skin.

      The man cursed and quickly got up, heading toward the bathroom while cradling his injured hand. Hyakuhei smirked… the man wasn’t looking at her anymore.

      Kyoko frowned and sighed in frustration when the guy who’d caught her eye in the mirror suddenly jumped up and ran for the restroom. She let a pout appear on her face making the unseen stalker in the mirror smirk in amusement. Taking another drink of the non-alcoholic beverage Amni had given her, Kyoko decided not to look in the mirror anymore.

      Her gaze, instead, drifted over to the dance floor where the lights were flashing in wild pandemonium. The sudden urge to join that writhing mass of bodies overcame her and she slid off her stool. Kyoko held onto the bar until she got her balance then started across the room intent on finding someone… anyone.

      She wondered if this was what a cat felt like when it was in heat then blamed the thought on the alcohol and too much loneliness.

      The atmosphere in the club suddenly changed, becoming thicker with dark power. Kyoko didn’t feel it because the alcohol she’d consumed had dampened her senses to the point of uselessness. Had she been paying attention… she would have seen four very attractive men step into the club.

      Hyakuhei’s attention was yanked from the girl when the four men walked in. He gave them a quick once over and sneered. On the outside to the unsuspecting humans, they just looked like four friends out for a night on the town. To Hyakuhei, they were vampires looking for their evening meal and perhaps a bit of foreplay.

      He stood when the four vampires immediately split up going in different directions. However, one was headed for the dance floor with his eyes set on the auburn haired female that had captivated him. Hyakuhei’s dark eyes scanned the room seeing the other three were now watching the dance floor with interest. As his gaze crossed the bar he noticed the bar tender felt the shift too even though he hadn’t figured out where it was coming from yet. He had paled though… and that was a neat trick for a vampire.

      Kyoko swayed to the music, feeling a bit lightheaded but honestly, she didn’t care. Even though her eyes were closed, she could feel someone’s hungry gaze devouring her and it made her skin tingle nicely… she could feel the gazes roam across her as if they were hands.

      She slid her own hand across her body as she danced. Concentrating on the music, she became lost in the motion as a pair of large hands placed themselves on her hips. They weren’t hindering her movements, but instead were moving with her… sensually.

      Very slowly a warm body pressed up against her back and she leaned against it, letting her head fall back onto a broad shoulder. She couldn’t help it and whimpered when the hands moved from her hips to her belly. She felt fingers brush her bare skin underneath the hem of her top while the other slowly moved up the front of her body, brushing over her breasts before gently cupping the side of her face.

      â€œDance for me,” a dark, sultry voice whispered in her ear.

      Kyoko felt her heartbeat slow down and she found it difficult to breathe. That voice was sex given resonance and she had to see the face that went with it. As she turned in his arms, the stranger pushed her outward then brought her back, closer than they were a second ago.

      Her gaze met with a pair of deep blue, almost hypnotic eyes and her breath stopped in awe. He had long black wavy hair that swayed from side to side with their movements. Kyoko became contentedly confused… when had she started dancing with him? His face was soft… almost feminine in its perfection. He had a fading tan complexion that made her want to touch him with full lips that were a shade redder than normal.

      Kyoko felt her body start to heat up from the inside… or maybe it was all the alcohol she’d drank.

      She could hear erotic music pulsing from somewhere and groaned when the man’s knee pushed itself between her thighs until his leg was pressed against her center. Kyoko couldn’t look away while her body started to move against his wantonly. It felt like every nerve in her body was alive with sensations… she could even feel the air circling them in heat.

      When she leaned back a bit to look up at him, his arm pulled her closer with a quick jerk and she gasped when she felt his lips against the skin of her neck. She could feel every inch of his body pressed against her as they continued the seductive dance. The rest of the room was spinning but he was very steady… aligned with her and larger than life.

      In her drunken state, she didn’t even realize that the music was starting to fade to a dull throbbing… all she knew in that moment was the man holding her.

      Amni felt the wave of power rush through the club from the vicinity of the dance floor. It wasn’t unusual to feel it this time of night and he usually ignored it. Out of reflex, he looked toward the other end of the bar and noticed Kyoko was gone. His eyes widened and he did a quick sweep of the club.

      The drink he was mixing fell from his hand and landed on the floor with a loud crash. He had chanced a look up at the mirrors behind the bar and saw Kyoko dancing… with herself! Her face was flushed with her lips slightly parted and eyes closed. He could have sworn she was in the middle of a climax.

      Whipping around in panic, Amni rushed toward the opening in the bar so he could go out and drive off the demon holding her. He hadn’t felt the craving to kill in so long it shocked him at how quickly the urge could return… the urge to kill even his own kind.

      â€œDamn it, Kyoko.” He growled from between clenched teeth. If she were this desperate… desperate enough to take on a vampire, then he’d sleep with her and that would be the end of it.

      Amni halted in his steps when he saw Tadamichi standing in his way. The vampire lord didn’t even look at him but Amni knew he was standing there just to keep him from helping Kyoko. Amni moved close enough to be within touching distance of his master hoping he would take the subtle hint. When that didn’t happen, Amni bowed his head slightly in strained submission. His blue eyes became overly bright and icy at the barricade but he would do her no good if he were killed for his insolence.

      â€œSire please… She doesn’t realize…” Amni whispered knowing the ancient could hear him loud and clear. “Let me by before she falls to the same fate I have.” He silently cringed at the implied insult that had left his lips but never had he taken pride in the fact that he was a vampire. He had not asked for the curse. “She is my friend.”

      The reply Amni received was a low growl that made the wine glasses behind him shake in their hanging devices.

      â€œI am not your sire, boy.” Hyakuhei set him straight once and for all.

      Amni felt the shock settle within him as he nervously took a step back. His eyes widening knowing he had just met Tadamichi's legendary twin brother. This close, he could feel the difference between them and that difference made it hard to breathe.

      He turned and grasped the edge of the bar while looking at Kyoko fearfully. That’s when he knew for sure what the vampire on the dance floor was planning. Kyoko was so drunk, she didn’t have a clue what she was dancing with… or that she was a willing victim.

      Hyakuhei crossed his arms over his chest while he watched the conceited vampire glance up at his comrades as if telling them he would get the first bite and they could have the leftovers. He felt complete calm settle over him but it was a lie… it was the calm before the storm.

      He felt the anxious presence of the bartender behind him. “You treat her as though she were yours.” His voice held a dangerous tone as the mirror behind Amni cracked.

      â€œNo,” Amni whispered finding courage and fear to be a fine line. “She is not mine. A woman like that belongs to no one.” He stayed rooted to

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