Portartur. 1940. Boris Trofimov

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Portartur. 1940 - Boris Trofimov

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Eremeev walked around the trench and said:

      – If only to hold on until dusk. Fresh companies will come, will replace us, and the battalions will rush to the attack. Field batteries cleverly cleaned. Break the enemy.

      “Eh, if only four dozen of such cannons,” the soldiers spoke with excitement.

      – The battery already hits the Japanese cruisers! Cried the noncommissioned officer.The shooting of the Japanese battalion, aptly hit by the shells of the second battery in the Japanese gunners made confusion in the advancing enemy columns. In the trenches it became somewhat easier. The gunboats and part of the Japanese batteries directed their fire on Tafashi heights. The orderlies began bandaging the seriously wounded and carrying them to the rear. The dust has settled. From the sea a breath of coolness. The tired defenders remembered that they had not eaten all day.

      – There is nothing worse than to sit and fight back from the enemy. And who came up with these fortresses?! To advance is much better, said the sergeant-major. – First of all, you yourself choose where to strike you. The enemy does not know about this and is waiting for an attack along the whole front. Second, you move your guns, and they are screwed to one place from the enemy.

      “And third,” the corporal snatched up, “the man will go on the attack full. Oh, and I want to eat, brothers!

      The sun went down. The foundation of Samson plunged into a light haze. The ravines stood out. The top of the mountain was exactly copper. Sunset glints glided over vzdeblennoy dust mixed with powder gases. Below, very close to the advanced trenches, there was a ring of enemy batteries. The fiery tongues of the shots with the drowning bottom seemed long and sinister.


      Colonel Tretyakov immediately, at the beginning of the battle, tried to determine as precisely as possible where the enemy would send his main attack. The flanks are most vulnerable: the right – from the shallow water of the Hunuez Bay, the left – from the channel of the river that flows south of the city of Jinzhou. Especially disturbed right flank. In the case of his breakthrough, the entire value of the position was reduced to zero. But the enemy, on the left, leaving the city with its thick walls, could concentrate reserves there, and use the riverbed as offensive sap.

      “It’s a shame that it was not Kondratenko who commanded, but Fock,” thought the colonel. “It’s hard to understand what this old man needs.”

      Lieutenant Gleb-Koshansky went down into the dugout.

      “All the main attacks are on our right flank,” he said.

      – I knew it! – exclaimed Tretyakov. – Write to General Nadein, to give reinforcements people.

      – The placement of shooters in the trenches is now dangerous. We fall asleep with shells. Kanonerki cut off the parapet of the lunettes.

      “Send for reinforcements.” I’ll go take a look.

      Samson – so beautiful at sunrise and sunset – now looms over the Nanshan hill a heavy boulder. Every enemy cannon salvo, the fiery tongues of which were clearly visible, every chain of enemy troops openly advancing, forced the colonel to suffer deeply. And not because he was a coward. He annoyed himself. The paint of shame flooded his beautiful face. More than three months ago, he participated in the position survey commission. He was entrusted with the improvement of the fortifications, but he reacted rather calmly to his duties. It was necessary to shout, to prove that Nanshan required long-range cannons and concrete structures, the shores of Hunuez Bay should also have heavy and long-range artillery, and Tafashi heights are no less, and perhaps more important, in protecting the isthmus than Nanshan high ground. Cana’s wonderful cannons roll around and fall into the hands of the enemy. Can it be that Fock and Kondratenko will not come to the rescue, they will not think of anything against the Japanese?! The soldiers behave well, you can hope for them.

      Von Schwarz and staff captain Debogory-Mokrievich approached Tretyakov.

      – What do you want to offer, gentlemen officers?

      Von Schwartz grinned. Tretyakov noticed this and looked at him in surprise.

      – You know, Mr. Commandant, that I am an engineering officer. My suggestions are valuable for several months before the enemy attacks. Now I am waiting for your orders for general actions and follow the damage to fix them, if possible. – But you smiled?!

      – I remembered the telegram of General Fock, which said: “All workers, free from repairing batteries, put on the lower trench, as I indicated. The quarries should be adapted for placing kitchens and warehouses in them, providing a grenade from aimed fire. Will the Japanese, it is still a question, but Kuropatkin will. He is already in Mukden.”

      – The old man firmly held the question of the trench, but he, as well as we, lost sight of the importance of the position of the spurs of Samson. What about you? – Tretyakov addressed the captain.

      – It is necessary to mine positions and trenches, so that, in the case of their occupation by the enemy, blow up by pressing a button.

      – We need to think first about repulsing the attacks, and then about the retreat… We started talking to you, and before our eyes the battle is in full swing! Our batteries mow down with rifle fire as good as shrapnel. That’s where the machine guns would work!

      The Japanese attacked thickly and with concentration. Tretyakov looked at the lunket No. 3 and at the trench between it and the railway embankment. Along the edge of the trenches, the right and the left, the arrows moved and continuously fired. The main forces of the enemy were no more than a thousand paces. Yellow foxes of Japanese caps flashed in the ravines that ran along the entire front.

      Fully preoccupied with the obvious danger of a breakthrough, the colonel did not hear the rifle cannon and the cod of torn grenades.

      – I will send Belozor and Seifulin to the upper reinforcement trenches. It is necessary to keep the right flank.

      Tretyakov saw that the regiments of his regiment accumulate and scatter in the same way as the enemies along the ravines.

      – They play hide and seek there. Well done! How convenient was the trench! Whatever the end of the enemy, the arrows are already there. A volley… and the attackers fall. And reinforcements quickly shot. The ranks of the attackers are less common.

      “See how well the trench is planned,” the colonel addressed the officers, “how all the features of the section are taken into account!” General Fok is right. It is commendable that he insisted on the construction of the lower trenches. Especially successful combination of the trench with the upper fortifications.

      “The visors are well invented,” the staff captain remarked.

      – By the way, do you know that this is my offer?

      “On the contrary, everyone ascribes him to the general, not to your highly honored.”

      Tretyakov winced.

      The uphill fifth company, sent by Captain Fofanov, approached the colonel.

      “Our company has a hard time, your honor.” Further stand in the trenches can not.

      The colonel ran to the red embrasures. Looking in the direction of the northern front, he recoiled. Along the trenches of the fifth company, shells continuously exploded. The enemy’s batteries were beaten point-blank in a small area.

      – And yet people keep there! – exclaimed Tretyakov.

      A column of Japanese, rushing to the center of the position, was swept away by bullets

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