Mrtin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). Книга для чтения на английском языке. Джек Лондон

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Mrtin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). Книга для чтения на английском языке - Джек Лондон

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did – and you a stranger,” Ruth said tactfully, aware of his discomfiture.

      “It wasn’t nothin’ at all,” he said. “Any guy ’ud do it for another.” He paused, and Arthur took up the tale,for the twentieth time, of his adventure with the drunken hoodlums on the ferry-boat, and of how Martin Eden had rushed in and rescued him.

      Later, at the piano, Ruth played for him. He did not understand the music she played. It was different from the dance-hall pianobanging bands he had heard, but he was remarkably susceptible to music.

      Glancing at him across her shoulder Ruth saw that his face was a transfigured face, with great shining eyes that gazed beyond the veil of sound. She was startled. The raw, stumbling lout was gone. The ill-fitting clothes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained; but these seemed to be prison bars through which she saw a great soul looking forth.


      Later he was saying good-bye to her.

      “The greatest time of my life. You see, I ain’t used to things…” He looked about him helplessly. “To people and houses like this. It’s all new to me, and I like it.”

      “I hope you’ll call again,” she said, as he was saying good night to her brothers.

      He pulled on his cap, pushed clumsily through the doorway, and was gone.


      1. Listen to the chapter with books closed and mark the sentences T(true), F (false), NI (no information).

      1. Martin felt rather embarrassed.

      2. Martin was very surprised when he saw piles of books on the table.

      3. Martin was not thrilled having heard his name Mr. Eden.

      4. The girl looked very common.

      5. Ruth was looking forward to meeting Eden.

      6. Martin felt lost alone with Ruth.

      7. Martin did not comprehend Ruth’s ideas about poetry.

      8. Martin understood poetry very well.

      9. Martin was upset that Mr. Morse had not come.

      10. Martin liked the music Ruth played for him.

      2. Learn the words from the text:

      awkward, appreciate, momentary, reassure, glance, betray, irresistible, astonishment, stare, forgetful, mutter, faint, embarrassment, comprehension, tolerant, fancy, promote, ordeal, confession, rescue.

      3. Complete the sentences using the words from the text. Make the changes where necessary.

      1. I nearly died of .......... when he said that.

      2. He was offered money to .......... his colleagues.

      3. The more she tried to get out of the situation the more .......... it began.

      4. The students looked at me without .......... .

      5. I .......... something about the necessity to get back to work.

      6. He .......... with .......... at the stranger.

      7. She .......... round to see if there was anyone that she knew.

      8. She has been very .......... in recent years.

      9. He .......... a child from the fire.

      10. They have suffered a terrible .......... .

      4. Choose a word to match the following definitions.

      1) able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it

      2) to want something or want to do something

      3) a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know or think about you

      4) to understand how good or useful someone or something is

      5) a feeling of very great surprise

      6) the ability to understand

      7) lasting for a very short period of time

      8) to speak or say something in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear

      9) to make someone feel calmer or less emotional or frightened about a problem or situation

      5. Find in the text the English equivalents for:

      держаться в тени, изящная обстановка, походка вразвалку, освоиться в новом месте, широкие плечи, стремиться что-либо сделать, неуклюжая походка, высшие круги общества, опасаться ловушки, новое ощущение, вытерпеть все, приковывать внимание.

      6. Find the words in the text for which the following are synonyms:

      amazement, suffering, absent-minded, understanding, feel like, gaze, justification, mumble, clumsy.

      7. Say the following statements in your own words.

      1. He was in terror lest his broad shoulders collided with the doorways.

      2. Every detail of the pretty interior registered itself on his brain.

      3. An oil-painting caught and held him.

      4. He was thrilling to his new impression.

      5. It was up to him to get acquainted in this new world.

      6. It was an organic demand of his being.

      7. He kept himself in the background.

      8. He was remarkably susceptible to music.

      8. Explain and expand on the following.

      1. Martin felt awkward when he entered his friend’s place.

      2. Martin’s companion tried to assure him.

      3. Martin was astonished looking at an oil-painting.

      4. Martin’s soul strove for everything beautiful.

      5. Ruth’s appearance excited him deeply.

      6. Ruth was worried by Martin’s hands and scar.

      7. Martin was glad that Mr. Morse was not in the dining-room.

      8. Ruth behaved tactfully at dinner.

      9. Ruth was startled.

      9. Answer the following questions.

      1. Why did Martin feel awkward when he went in?

      2. What impression did an oil-painting produce on Martin?

      3. Why did he not pay attention to Ruth having entered the room?

      4. Whom did Martin compare Ruth with? Why?

      5. What did Ruth notice?

      6. What did Ruth ask Martin to tell her about?

      7. What was Martin thinking about while talking to Ruth?

      8. Was Martin glad that Mr. Morse was not there? Why?

      9. Why was Martin quiet during the first part of the dinner?

      10. Why was Ruth startled?

      10. Correct the statements.

      1. Martin was accustomed to such places as Arthur’s home.

      2. Martin was a habitué of the art galleries.

      3. Martin was not fond of reading, especially poetry.

      4. Ruth did not impress Martin a bit.

      5. They spoke about Ruth.

      6. Martin was not going to get acquainted in this new world.

      7. Martin was very

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