Shackles. S. Skitalec

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Shackles - S. Skitalec

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a back seat. Yafim – in a coach box. The laurels dissolved gate wide open, Yafim pulled reins, and the three ran out on the rural street, abruptly заворотив on the rolled snow road and having left behind a deep sled trace in a snowdrift. In windows of the next log huts curious woman’s persons flashed. Yafim whistled, distorted reins, and the three, rattling jingles, rushed the middle of the wide street.

      Horses were torn from a harness, bells choked under frosty wind, frosty dust was kicked up by a column. The grandmother was closed by a high collar, only warmly looking eyes were seen. Yafim, as always, was silent and serious, from time to time stirred up reins, and the grandfather important grinned, rolling in a semi-archin beard.

      They were turned back late at night. Chalka was in soap, the grandfather – tipsy. While Yafim unharnessed horses and brought a precious harness in a cold spacious outer entrance hall, the grandfather and the grandmother changed clothes in the usual poor attire. On the grandmother there was an old pestryadinny sundress again, the grandfather put shoes on in onuchas and bast shoes, threw zaplatanny шубняк, put on a ripped shaggy cap and left to the yard with a lamp to give to horses a stern for the night. In a log hut the splinter cracked, Nastya spun, the fair-haired head with curiosity looked at Lavrushin with polaty.

      Yafim entered, changed clothes, like the father, old and silently sat down in all to a table.

      The grandmother collected to have supper.

      – Tea, on a visit treated? – crafty Nastya asked.

      – Znamo business! the table in total both a lapshennik, and a moloshn fried eggs, fritters in honey, chicken meat was full… Well live!. and we are not hungry каке́ not painfully not beggars are eager for food… tea! Everything was under the charter! Brought the bride under a veil. We Bai: not the veil was come to be watched, and the bride! Here took off a veil, the bride bowed to all under the charter, the prince-good fellow in an osobitsa.

      Yafim grinned.

      – Here, as it is necessary, the prince was asked: Whether Liouba princess young? The prince, of course, here bows silently, and matchmakers and matchmakers told: люба́!. And ask the princess: whether люб to it prince young? The bride worshipped here, well, so люб! Well, here all on a ceremony… Prichityvala the bride long, Indus drove in a tear of all, I liked it: люта́ I will be, in mother, and from myself – тве́ rdinka, though nevelichka growth, and postavnenka! From a face it is white and from eyes it is cheerful!

      Yafim again silently grinned, and Nastya told:

      – Prick люта́ I – not life to me will be with it!

      – Well, maiden thoughts are changeable! You, tea, prosvatay on that the meat eater!

      – I bothered you, perhaps? – Nastya shot up.

      – Did not bother and to what to be, to that not to pass, you we will pardon not all! The maid it is less – the woman more! Women repent, and maids are going to get married!. So – s, happened, people of a bayala are old!

      The grandfather entered, cheerfully dumped шубняк, rose to become gray log huts under a matitsa and, притопнув bast shoes, unexpectedly started singing:

      You, a hmelyushka, are cheerful the head,

      The head, wide beard is cheerful!.

      As you are absent, hop, more strong,

      As you are absent, hop, becoming bright!.

      The grandmother burst out laughing with a do-good, konfuzlivy snicker:

      – And that you, the old man, rasplyasatsya! hop rustles, so the head is silent!

      – Be silent you, the old woman! what is in the furnace, on a table throw everything! – and, притопнув, continued:

      Hmelyushka walks across the field,

      Still hop vykhvalyat itself!

      – Me the sovereign, hop, knows,

      Both princes, and boyars esteem,

      And monks bless me!

      – See you sorted houses! It is visible, there is no place like home?

      …Still weddings without hop do not play,

      Also fight and reconciled – all in hop!

      Only there is on me a male gardener:

      Deeply me, a hmelina, buries,

      Drives in a tychinushka into zealously heart!

      The grandfather straightened a beard and, sitting down to a table, laughed:

      – On guests to walk and to itself not to lock a collar!. Let’s take a walk, it is visible, at a wedding, the old woman!.

      – Well, well, all right! cheered up!.

      – And, well, to cry about what?. it put, Yafima is married! Yafimka, and?

      – And you have supper yes lay down – to, the father! – smiling, the son answered.

      – To an expense will be as! You do not stint, the old man!.

      Ded Pocriakhtel.

      – Fifty will leave!. Well and at the good fellow not without sweetheart! The guy in a caftan, and the maid in a sundress!

      Lavrusha looked, having lowered the head with polaty, and giggled joyfully: never before he saw the father such cheerful.

      – You that, swindler! you laugh? Get down, sit down to a table! Soon and you we will marry!. Single, perhaps, you still?

      – Single! – the Laurels giggled, getting down on a bar.

      After a dinner the old man was filled up to sleep on полатях, singing more and more quietly, slowing down words:

      That are rich men bought

      And in a suslitsa the hmelyushka was heated,

      On oak barrels spilled!

      As here I, hop, cleared up,

      On notches I, hop, dispersed:

      To Otsmey I to the gardener a nadsmeshka —

      I will hit it in тын with the head,

      And in the dirt a beard!

      After several “hen nights” in the house of the bride the wedding train took place, at last: the church was on Petty-bourgeois Farms.

      To Matvei’s yard the whole train drove it is done a bit of traveling, there arrived the cart with a dowry of the young wife.

      Near the athlete Yafim it seemed small. Her face was still covered by a veil. A crowd entered a log hut. There it was already covered long, in all log hut, hundred, made of three tables, with the benches which are moved up to it.

      Young people were put in a forward corner, to a bozhnitsa. The others stood, they did not need to sit down yet.

      Yafim was in a scarlet worsted shirt and a blue cloth caftan, young – in a white dress of city breed. At solemn silence of the numerous guests who filled a log hut, the grandmother approached the daughter-in-law, quietly took off her veil from the head, and all saw the person young: round, white, with bystry clever eyes, with a dense fair-haired braid. The mother-in-law untwined a braid on two, twirled around the head, and on the plot head silk “volosnik” of pink color. Only after that guests began to take seats at a table.

      The wedding, “knyazhetsky” feast began.

      The new person – the young bourgeois who was not wearing sundresses similar on city entered the conservative country house of the grandfather Matvei. The laurels in a new shirt grandly sat near the brother.


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