Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading. Natalia O’Sullivan

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Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading - Natalia O’Sullivan

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Happy and all-embracing Closing down Safe and calm Dark and sad

      Once your have learnt your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses practise tuning in to your body when you are in your day-to-day life and see how your body is responding then.

      Preparing to do Psychic Work

      As you become involved in psychic work you will find you have difficulty deciding whether you are actually sensing these realities or just imagining them. This goes hand in hand with confusion about how you perceive psychic imagery. In actual fact, the way that most of us perceive atmospheres and vibrations is through feeling and sensing them. Learning to differentiate between when you are experiencing a psychic atmosphere or when you are simply responding to your own vibrations takes time and practice. This next set of exercises will help you tune yourself into working in a psychic capacity. They prepare your mind and body, so they should be practised just before you conduct any psychic work. Eventually you will be able to connect with your psychic powers automatically.

      Take a few minutes to work through each exercise, beginning each one slowly until you understand what it is doing to your mind and body.

      Before doing inner work you must learn to relax. Try the following:

      • Let go of any tightness or tension in your muscles

      • Sigh on your out-breath

      • Do an inner smile

      Tuning In

      If you are familiar with the chakras then open the chakras through a visualization technique before you begin these exercises. If not, refer to page 100 where there is an exercise on opening and closing the chakras.


      Become aware of your breathing, notice that moment of stillness just at the end of your out-breath and for that moment allow your mind and emotions to be equal, in a place of stillness. Repeat seven times.


      Imagine breathing in through your crown and out through your base. Then in through your base and out through your crown; sense that central column of energy within your body.


      Imagine golden or white light coming in through your crown and going right through to the tips of your fingers and the tips of your toes. Then imagine this light glowing brighter and brighter until it creates a wonderful cushion of energy all around you.


      Imagine roots going out from under your feet deep into the core of the earth, or a taproot growing out of the base of your spine and into the core of the earth.


      Imagine you are under a shower or waterfall of sparkling golden water, being cleansed inside and out, as you let go of anything that is upsetting or bothering you.


      In a prayer or chant say ‘I invite my Higher Self, the light and creation, my healing guides and angels to be here with me, so I experience all the insight and healing that is most appropriate for me now under guidance of my Higher Self and my God.’

      Closing Down

      When your energy centres are open, you are in an interactive exchange with the environment around you, both physical and psychic. Whenever you have completed a psychic connection you must close down your energy field by closing down the chakras. So if you have envisioned the chakras as flowers you must see the petals close and if you envision them as doors then they must be closed. (See Psychic Protection, pages 92–105.)

      Everything in nature is rhythm. Everything in the universe is in motion; nothing is fixed, permanent, unchanging. This eternal pulse is in everything – sound, breath, light and vibration. To become aware of these cyclic rhythms to which our body, mind and spirit are subjected to is learning how to swim with the rhythm not against it.

      The sun and the moon were regarded among ancient peoples as representative of the duality of the masculine and feminine principles inherent in nature, and of the active and passive, conceptual and receptive forces that permeate it. They used these forces to create a rhythm and cycle for spiritual life.

      Timing is an important element in the practice of psychic awareness and connection with the sacred. So are some times better than others? There are many factors that influence psychic powers and spiritual connection. The three most important ones are:

      • The different energy of the day and of the night

      • The times when day and night meet

      • The phases of the moon

      In setting aside time to connect you will need to take care of your practical and immediate needs and obligations. It is important that you dedicate a specific time each day or each week to practise.

      Creating a habit or ritual in your routine enables your mind and body to become accustomed to that time to tune in, and this regularity of connection creates confidence in tuning into your psychic powers. It won’t work, however, if you decide that you want to create a sacred moment when your children are screaming, or if it makes you late for the office. It is better to dedicate only an hour a week to your psychic practice, if during that time you can be serene and enjoy connecting, than to try to greet the day with a full ceremonial ritual when you’re pushed for time.

      Day Time

      During the day the energy of the sun is predominant. It is strong, active and expanding. Sunshine ‘draws you out’ and empowers energy; it makes you want to explore and try new things, it gives you courage, and helps communication, business and commerce. It is the Yang (male) energy of Chinese philosophy.

      Day time furthers psychic powers that involve relating to others, expanding in the world, and gaining strength and power. Work and money are dealt with best during the day, as are matters of travel and the blossoming stages of a love affair.

      Night Time

      During the night the moon is queen. Her energy is cool and soft, receptive, introspective and mysterious. Night time furthers meditation and silence, and creative inspiration in pursuits such as poetry and art. It is the Yin (female) energy of Chinese philosophy.

      Rituals aimed at discovering some hidden truth within ourselves should be conducted at night, as should absent healing, astral travel and any psychic communication with another who is far away. Divination is usually performed during these hours and supernatural experiences are at their most potent. Fertility and creativity are for the night, while prosperity and focus are day-time magic.

      Sunrise and Sunset

      When night and day meet, at sunrise and sunset, is when miracles can happen. These times should be treasured for making rituals and ceremonies, powerful meditations with the chakras and healing energy.

      Have you ever stayed awake all night and watched the darkness retreat into misty forms and colours, and the first rays of the sun break through bursting everything into subtle life? You cannot fail to notice the magical quality of these elemental moments. Such moments help you realize your connection with the night and the powers that you have within you; powers that can be unlocked through this

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