Do It Yourself Psychic Power: Practical Tools and Techniques for Awakening Your Natural Gifts using Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Chakra Healing, Space Clearing and Aura Reading. Natalia O’Sullivan
Читать онлайн книгу.• You phone a friend on impulse, feeling that there is something wrong and they confirm that there had been a disaster at work, in their love life or a family crisis.
• Sometimes your dreams are so vivid that you feel they are real, then the next day you find that your dream comes true.
• You suddenly think of someone you have not seen or heard from in years and the next day you receive a letter, e-mail or call from them.
• You waken seconds before your baby, despite the fact they are in another room and have no regular sleeping patterns.
• You book into a hotel and find that there is a bad atmosphere, you cannot sleep and you sense that it could be haunted. When you check it out with the hotel they confirm that the place has been known to be haunted.
• You have a mother or grandmother who is psychic (psychic abilities run in the family).
• You have seen lights around people’s heads – perhaps since you were a child and were surprised that other people did not.
• You have heard voices of dead people or sense someone standing behind you when there is no one there.
• You can make things happen with thought or intent.
• You have always been very sympathetic to other people and feel other’s pain and suffering.
• You possess the ability to make people feel better and can detect a warmth coming from your hands when extending affection or wanting to soothe another’s pain.
• You sense dangerous moments before they happen or have disaster dreams that come true.
If you recognize four or more of these experiences then your psychic powers are already well tuned. Even if you only relate to one or two of these statements, your psychic abilities are still present. Maybe your natural psychic abilities were present in your childhood but were not encouraged, so you relied on your five physical senses and logic alone.
Being able to connect to your psychic potential enables you to use your intuitive and psychic senses as if they were as natural and normal as using your mind to create ideas and make decisions. To see beyond the reality that you are living gives you the opportunity to be one step ahead. This can allow you to feel comfortable in your own skin – often for the first time. Many people who have been psychic since childhood have been unable to acknowledge the feelings or sensations they experienced as a child or teenager for fear of alarming others.
Being a Psychic
Some of us are using our psychic gifts without even realizing we are doing it. We are aware of the information that we receive through an ‘inner’ sense but do not talk about it – often fearing that other people will not understand.
There is a common misunderstanding that psychic power is something that some people possess and others do not. The reality is more complicated: we all have the ability to be psychic, but some people are just more awake to their powers than others. Everyone has the potential and each individual’s potential is unique.
Awakening these gifts and utilizing them to support your personal and spiritual life is a journey that takes time, support from good teachers and mentors, and discipline. It is your choice whether or not you develop your latent psychic gifts. This is similar to learning how to play an instrument: you must have both the passion and the patience to learn before you can become a talented player.
Opening Up to Your Psychic Gift
Some people are fascinated by human psychological and emotional characteristics, and often their psychic gift will be an ability to tune into a person’s personality and see their weaknesses and strengths. Other people have the gift of vision – of seeing into the past and future of individuals, a place or a situation. We could call them fortune tellers or diviners. They will have a natural vision which will come to them in dreams whilst they are asleep, through daydreaming thoughts and inspirations, or from just having a knowing feeling that something good or bad may happen. Other people see visions: for instance, a place or circumstance causes a deja vu experience that brings forward an inner sight of a situation or circumstance which may have happened or is going to happen.
One of the most accessible methods of psychic development is psychometry – the ability to see psychically by using touch. Many people find it a good first step in encouraging their psychic gifts to open up. In the majority of cases strong psychic abilities tend to be hereditary. They do, however, commonly skip a generation so parents are often uninterested in spiritual or psychic matters and find it strange that a child of theirs should be drawn to study these traditions. Such children learn to be quiet about their ‘strange’ feelings and it is often only when they begin to uncover their gifts that they also discover that a grandparent or great-grandparent was psychic.
Psychic abilities can be separated into nine main categories:
TELEPATHY is the ability to tune in to the thoughts of others and to be able to project your own thoughts into another person’s mind.
PRECOGNITION is a knowledge of events before they take place – enabling you to make predictions about the future.
DIVINATION is the ability to see into the future by using psychic tools such as crystal balls, tarot cards and tea leaves.
PSYCHOMETRY is seeing without eyes – the ability to ‘tune’ into objects to be able to read a person’s character and even tell their past or future.
DREAMING is the ability to tune into psychic frequencies while sleeping and bring the information back into everyday life by interpreting the symbols and images seen in dreams.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATION is the ability to communicate with spirits either by being overshadowed by a spirit’s presence or through direct communication. It is also called channelling or mediumship.
CLAIRSENTIENCE is to be able to smell and sense what is unseen.
CLAIRVOYANCE is being able to see mentally what is happening in a dimension that is unseen or out of sight. It is a term that means exceptional sight.
CLAIRAUDIENCE is the faculty to hear what is beyond the normal range of hearing.
I hear so many stories from people who have had psychic encounters without recognizing them. For example, knowing if a family member or close friend is in trouble without speaking to them first, or averting disaster by listening to their intuition about road traffic. These are simple intuitive responses to your day-to-day life but when you take these innate skills a step further, you will enhance your ability to see through people, hear and feel spirits, see auras and colours in the atmosphere and divine the future.
Connecting With Our Psychic Energy
Mankind is an ancient being and evolution’s long memory is locked away within each of us. Our DNA has encoded within it ancient patterns of behaviour that once helped us survive in a harsh environment. In today’s modern world, most of our inherited behaviour patterns are obsolete and no longer necessary for survival. Yet they still lie dormant in the unconscious, ready to re-animate should they be needed again.
Below the thin layer of brain called the cerebral cortex, where the rational mind functions, lies the 90 per cent of our being that we are unaware of–the primitive, reptilian brain. Within this aspect of the mind lies our subconscious connection with our ancestors and their ancient knowledge. When we are able to access this memory or connection, we are able to draw from the powers within our subconscious mind and this is where that aspect of our spirit talks to us about who we are and what we want from our lives.
Let’s look in more detail at the varying kinds of psychic ability.