In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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hence our eyes are turned upwards, ‘beyond the crossbeam of the cross’. The philosophy of suffering is best understood when one becomes humble and aware of the frailty of life. One needs to prepare oneself for suffering without becoming immersed in suffering. To be a Christian and not to want to suffer is a blasphemy (Tertullian). Suffering brings us closer to God in a fuller, faster and firmer way. It is a condition of spiritual maturity.

      Petition to Mother Church to stand in suffering (Stabat Mater) and not to fall, and to maintain ‘Magnificat’.

      Adoration (thoughts on the fourth talk); (Anticipated) Matins; Holy Mass concelebrated in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Reading (afterwards)

      Eucharistic service (Primate: topics: for authentic priesthood at the Synod, consecration of the entire Church to the Mother of the Church, beatification of Fr Kolbe, collegial unity of the Bishops’ Conference)

      Holy Hour (evening); Compline

       3 September

      Holy Hour (morning); Rosary; Petitionary prayers; Lauds; Prime; Concelebrated Mass

      Talk: Episcopus – custos fidei – custos morum [Bishop – custodian of faith – custodian of morals]. A description of the situation in Poland and around the world (theocentrism – communocentrism – anthropocentrism – anthropotheism). Novelties, progressivism (effrenata novitas [unbridled striving for novelty]). The attitude to theologians – with a simultaneous sense of the bishop’s responsibility, his special responsibility for faith, ‘strengthen your brethren in faith’! (Gospel).9 To defend law and truth until death! (Bishop Fischer). At the same time, it is necessary to renew theology and kerygma, to change the language while maintaining the identity of the content.

      Contemporary man finds himself in a crisis which is directly proportional to the difficulty of issues he needs to solve and to the price he pays for his mistakes.

      The Church abides in divine truth by the power of Christ’s guarantee – this is the special mission and responsibility of the bishops.

      The question of preaching the word of God in a way that speaks to everyone (pateat [so that it becomes accessible], placeat [so that it pleases], moveat [so that it moves]). The danger of certain truths of faith being marginalised.

      Reflection: Am I to blame for anything in this area? Petition for light (opus fac evangelistae, ministerium tuum imple [do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry]).10

      The Little Hours; Writing a letter to the youth on Fr Maksymilian Kolbe

      Talk: Episcopus – vir orationis [Bishop – man of prayer].

      St Francis de Sales: The salvation of your neighbour is also your own salvation. The best means to achieving perfection is preaching the Gospel/(evangelical). Delectatio contemplationis [delight of contemplation] has to be accompanied by pastoral zeal:

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      Eucharistic and Marian piety. Enduring and faithful piety, despite many tasks and fatigue. To the latter two ‘non est applicandum totum cor’ [‘one cannot devote one’s whole heart’]. To draw energy for work, for tasks from prayer. To be Mary and Martha at the same time.

      (The prayer of Copernicus; the prayer of van Beethoven.)

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      The feeling of God’s closeness.

      One needs to promote the prayer of adoration, thanksgiving. To submit all in prayer. ‘Prayer is a dialogue with God, even though we often turn it into a monologue.’ Kierkegaard: To pray means to listen – the more internal prayer becomes, the less I want to say in it.

      Let us entrust our ability to pray to the Mother of the Church – the one who prayed with the apostles in the Upper Room.

      Spiritual reading (afterwards); The Way of the Cross along the defensive walls of the Jasna Góra Monastery (a different bishop led the prayer at each Station); Rosary (on the walls); Vespers

      Talk: Episcopus – vir predicationis [Bishop – man of preaching]. He always has to follow the truth in his use of the word, nulla acceptio personarum [regardless of the person]. At the same time, he should show understanding (humanism, moralism). But first and foremost, Christ has to be the central point of his life (re-evaluation).

      marriage ↔ celibacy

      horizontalism ↔ verticalism

      The proper vision of the human being and their happiness, the disappearance of inner life – the cardinal virtues. The principle of ‘the cult of man’ – in addition to that, propensity for inner life led in isolation from others. Meanwhile the true Christian is the one who has supernatural love for their neighbours.

      (what to preach on selectively?)

      Reflection: quando munus praedicationis adimpleam? [when do I fulfil the task of preaching?].

      Matins; Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; (Film about the Jasna Góra Monastery); The Jasna Góra Appeal; Litany of the Saints; Compline

       4 September

      Meditation on the Act of Consecration to the Mother of God: (The fact that Jesus Christ gives us His Mother for ours – this is an important element of the order of grace and the entire givenness.)

      Concelebrated Mass; Thanksgiving; Rosary; Petitionary prayers; Prayer to the Holy Spirit; Lauds; Prime

      Talk: (On liturgy; bishop – liturgy.) The bishop must be the preacher of truth in adverse times (love in opposition to hatred). One has to pay much attention to liturgy. The bishop should turn his face to everyone. The implementation of the Council: the putting into practice of mysterium salutis [the mystery of salvation], understood better than ever before. This all (even ecumenism and dialogue) takes place through the liturgy. ‘My task is to serve Christ the Lord’ – this is the basis of the liturgical attitude. The Church is never more true to itself than in the liturgy celebrated by bishops. The Mother of God, who looked after, took care of and revealed Jesus, is the role model.

      The Little Hours; Writing a note on sacred architecture

      Talk: (On striving for happiness.) The law of harmony; the law of struggle; the law of development – these three laws govern our striving for happiness. In all this, one has to constantly rely on God’s mercy, so that God’s grace in me is not fruitless. Ferrari (Italian mathematician) – one understands Christianity better while on one’s knees. Zeal and great devotion to the Mother of God. To trust especially in moments of sadness and dejection. (There is not and cannot be a bishop who is entirely calm about everything.) Mihi vivere Xristos est et mori lucrum [For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain].11 Through all these paths described here, the bishop wins salvation. He walks towards it, leading others to it.

      The only joy that can fill the human soul fully is God. Solus Deus [Only God]. Mary’s example comes from this.

      In the afternoon: Conclusion; Confession; Chapter 15 of St John; Reflection in the chapel; The Way of the Cross; Reading

      Ultimum autem officium coram SS. in capella BMV: ubi festivitas diei sequentis ferventer praeparata est [The last service before the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary: where tomorrow’s festivity was being fervently prepared]

      Vespers; Compline; Matins; Penitential psalms; Rosary

      On this last day I experienced a particular awareness of God in His personal transcendence in relation to the created world: the awareness of the Creator and Father, who is one God with the Son and the Holy Spirit. At the same time, an awareness of the extraordinary immanence of this God in the world, above all in humankind, by the power of redemption performed by the Son, from where sanctification in the Holy Spirit comes. The awareness of

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