Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying. The Doctor Barefoot
Читать онлайн книгу.but because it ideally involves the willing cooperation of another person (or persons, if you’re greedy that way), it naturally tends to be a tricky thing to negotiate at times. So gird your loins and without indulging in sentimentality or masturbatory fantasy (for now) visualize yourself enjoying a magnificent, multiorgasmic, healthy (disease-free and hangup-free) sex life without shame, guilt or fear. And don’t just see it – smell it, taste it, hear it and feel it – feel it move through you like a vapour of personal sexiness right now, you sexy beast.
empathetic company
(human warmth)
Without this, unless you’ve achieved ultimate mastery of self and are able to meditate for months on end in the unquestionable rarified bliss of solitude, which is pretty unlikely, you soon wither, go insane and die. So see yourself now, surrounded and supported by a network of compassionate people, including lovers, partners, family, friends and associates, with whom you have total empathy, and feel the warmth it generates in your heart and soul. See yourself wandering along the Great Thoroughfare of Life attracting empathetic, kind and loving company wherever you go.
visualize yourself enjoying a magnificent, multiorgasmic, healthy (disease-free and hangup-free) sex life without shame, guilt or fear.
freedom of ideas
No one enjoys having their thoughts restricted by having a limited model of reality. No one wants their imagination to be fettered by negativity. Everyone wants to be creative, in their thoughts at least. Freedom to use your imagination fully to conceive any old idea you like is a great treasure and one you can access immediately now by visualizing yourself as being like Einstein, with full freedom of imagination and full access to all the creativity in the universe. Imagine the top of your head wide open and downloading data even as we speak.
freedom of choice
This is a big one. If you lived in a police state, your freedom of choice would be far more limited, far more underground than it is now. But even in liberal societies, we have a habit of restricting our own range of choices by refusing to use our imaginations properly. This in turn limits the range of experience at our disposal, which is a major cause of the endemic scourge of depression afflicting our society these days – ironic at a time when it would appear the range of experiences on offer has never been so great. Visualize yourself now as someone who knows they have absolute freedom of choice – see how it sits on your features, how it animates your body and gives timbre to your voice. See yourself with the whole world at your feet here and now.
visualize yourself as being like einstein, with full freedom of imagination and full access to all the creativity in the universe.
freedom of expression
Everyone loves a good natter. Everyone loves to get their view across. Again, this is something we take for granted but which is, in fact, a rare treasure. Opposition not only comes potentially from without, but also from within through lack of confidence or communication skills. So see yourself here and now with absolute freedom of expression, conveying your message through all appropriate means (verbally, musically, visually and so forth), with ease, clarity and grace, and see yourself being willingly received and understood.
If you were feeling sentimental or in a particularly retro-Beatles frame of mind, you’d stick this at the top of the list even before pure air, because without a doubt, the need to both give and receive love (to and from everyone) is the subtext of all our interactions with others – not that I’d say it’s all you need, because without clean air, something to slake your thirst, a bit of grub in your stomach, a roof over your head, freedom from pain and illness, strength and all the rest of it, you won’t be feeling very loving; and without some nice threads and a bit of a wash every now and then you won’t be very appealing in the loveability stakes anyway. But once the basics are taken care of or transcended, it’s love you want, not just carnal or romantic love but the unconditional, universal variety, as well as general day-to-day bonhomie. So visualize yourself now, chest completely relaxed, heart open, with love not only pouring forth from you, but pouring forth into you from six billion people worldwide including partners, lovers, family, friends, acquaintances and strangers, and don’t just see it, but feel yourself veritably glowing with it now.
Pretty much all the trouble and strife, the rage, the violence and the war comes about because someone feels someone else doesn’t respect them in some way or other. Everyone wants respect – it’s almost crucial to psychological survival – and to get it, as you know, you have to give it, not just to others, but most importantly to yourself. But what does it look like? I don’t know – you’ll have to make up your own picture – but do it now. Visualize yourself fully worthy of respect, respected and respectful, like an oriental master (or mistress) of some ancient, arcane art, with that air of respect hanging lightly but unquestionably around your person – and feel how it subtly alters your demeanour now.
visualize yourself now, chest completely relaxed, heart open, with love not only pouring forth from you, but pouring forth into you from six billion people worldwide.
everyone wants respect – it’s almost crucial to psychological survival – and to get it you have to give it, not just to others, but most importantly to yourself.
gainful, fulfilling employment
Though you may well think it would be nice to lay around in bed all day (especially if you wake up tired in the morning), you’d probably find it a tad tedious after a few days, as anyone unfortunate enough to be bedridden will tell you. No, it’s a fact, people like to be employed, and need to be – not just for obvious reasons of survival, for even those blessed or cursed with large inheritances crave a purpose in life, and purpose generally tends to be intimately tied up with gainful, fulfilling employment. Indeed, from my own perspective, I’d say it’s one of the best drugs around, and seeing as you generally have to spend such a large slice of your available time doing it, it would be just as well to enjoy what you’re doing. So visualize yourself now, doing exactly (or even approximately) the kind of work you imagine bringing you both the money you need and the fulfilment you crave, and if you already have that, visualize yourself refining it, so you earn even more and enjoy it even more profoundly. And don’t just see it, but smell it, hear it and feel it too as a vapour of utter satisfaction pervading your person from head to toe.
social status
There’s no need to point out how important social status is to everyone, even if they don’t admit it. Our entire social structure, whether we like it or not, is organized around hierarchies of social importance, based on criteria of merit, wealth, power and influence (including the ability to provide connections through marriage or association). Were it not so, everyone would drive around in identical cars and