Wonders of Life. Andrew Cohen

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Wonders of Life - Andrew  Cohen

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carry with them the privilege of a longer life and the responsibility of carrying their genes through to the following year. As autumn begins in the forests, fields and meadows of the north, preparation starts for travel. The fading of the northern Sun, a result of Earth’s journey around the Sun coupled with the 23-degree tilt of its axis, causes temperatures to fall and food to become scarce. By early September, the young butterflies sense the shortening days and begin to gorge themselves on nectar, laying down extra layers of fat to increase their resilience. When the temperature approaches the very limits of their tolerance, they take flight. This is no random journey south. Covering up to 100 km a day, half a billion monarchs head towards a very specific location. None of them has travelled the route before, yet their destination has remained the same for thousands of years.

      Of the many possible solutions to this annual challenge, the monarch butterflies have evolved into skilled navigators, using time and a star as their guide. From their starting point east of the Rocky Mountains, they journey across the great plains of the central United States into the damp humidity of the south. Along the way they face the same dangers as all long-distance travellers; illness and infection, bad weather and storms are a constant danger, and predatory birds will pick off thousands before they come close to completing their annual voyage.

      But every year, despite the daunting distance and difficulties, millions of monarchs arrive in a single small area of evergreen forest in the heart of central Mexico. Populations of monarchs that were living west of the Rockies will have made a similar, though shorter, voyage to safety in southern California.

      USING SPECTRAL GRADIENTS TO FIND THE POSITION OF THE SUN: Long wavelengths (green light) dominate the solar hemisphere, and shorter wavelengths (violet) dominate the anti-solar hemisphere.


      The monarchs navigate like eighteenth-century explorers, using the position of the Sun in the sky and an internal clock to guide them. Taking a southerly bearing using the Sun is simple if you know the time. At noon in the northern hemisphere, the Sun will always be due south. This can be taken as a definition of noon. You can take a southerly bearing at other times of day if you have a watch. Point the hour hand at the Sun, and the line halfway between the hour hand and the 12 o’clock mark will point due south. The monarchs use a sophisticated version of this technique – known as a time-compensated Sun compass – to maintain their southerly orientation during their migration.


      This magnified image of the head of a butterfly clearly shows its long, segmented antennae, its two segmented eyes, and its tightly coiled proboscis – the three most important sensory organs.

      The butterflies measure the position of the Sun using their sophisticated eyes, which can detect the polarisation of sunlight, enabling them to ‘see’ the position of the Sun, even through cloud. They are also thought to use ‘spectral gradients’, whereby the precise mixture of colours in any given patch of sky depends on how close it is to the Sun. This is due to the way that different wavelengths of sunlight scatter in the atmosphere, an effect that is most familiar in the reddening of the sky at sunset and sunrise.

      The nature of the monarch’s clock is more elusive. Biological clocks are ubiquitous in nature and thought to be a very ancient evolutionary invention. Circadian rhythms, which require the beating of an internal biological clock, are found in every corner of the biosphere, from the most complex of mammals to the simplest of bacteria. It is possible that biological clocks could have emerged as a form of protection against the destructive effects of the Sun’s radiation. An organism’s DNA is most exposed to damage at the point of replication, so restricting cell division to the hours of darkness would have been advantageous. This requires a clock that is synchronised to the rotation of the Earth.

      Until recently it was assumed that, in common with other animals, the monarch’s clock must reside in the brain. But an experiment conducted by neurobiologists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2009 revealed that it is instead located in the delicate structure of the antennae. The reason for this unusual location is not known. Timing information from the antenna clock is combined with information on solar position from the eyes in dedicated regions deep within the butterflies’ tiny brains, and this allows them to maintain a southerly bearing on their journey to central Mexico.

      For the next five months, a handful of Mexican valleys are home to a billion butterflies, clustering on the firs in such numbers that the forests are painted with a magnificent orange glow. The monarch migration is a powerful example of the way that an organism’s home is not a fixed place, but rather a set of conditions that enable it to survive. If those conditions change, it may be necessary to move.

      The monarch is an evocative example of a deep truth in biology. The form and function of an animal cannot be understood in isolation. The monarch’s behaviour and biochemistry are intimately connected with its habitat, the behaviour of countless other animals and plants, and the constantly shifting seasons driven by the dynamics of the Solar System. I find it simultaneously trivial and wonderful to observe that there would be no monarch butterflies as we know them if our planet’s spin axis were not tilted; there would be no seasons, and no evolutionary imperative for migrations. The reason for the tilt is undoubtedly pure chance – a relic of our planet’s formation and history stretching back over 4.5 billion years. Jupiter and Mercury have virtually no tilt, while Uranus rotates on its side.

      This poses a series of interesting questions: What are the factors that make Earth a home to such a bewilderingly rich and complex ecosystem? What is the minimal set of ingredients necessary for life to evolve, and how widespread are these ingredients in the Universe beyond Earth? Is the emergence of complex living things such as monarch butterflies, fir trees and human beings an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, or does it rely on a home whose existence is so improbable that Earth and its living ecosystem is a rare, even unique, corner of the Milky Way galaxy, itself one of billions of galaxies in the observable Universe? image


      The behaviour and biochemistry of monarch butterflies cannot be understood in isolation either from their habitat or from the shifting seasons.

      It is difficult to do justice in a few short paragraphs to Mexico – or, as it is more correctly known, the United Mexican States. An intense and colourful country of contradictions, it is both welcoming yet occasionally frightening, peaceful yet troubled. It has a striking veneer of colonial architecture and customs, but the magnificent architecture of its great indigenous civilisations is intact and imposing, and their ancient mythology makes a vibrant contribution to twenty-first-century global culture. What schoolchild isn’t fascinated by the Aztecs, and which New Age conspiracy theorist doesn’t read infinitely too much into the Mayans’ fascination with the creation of complex and far-reaching calendars?

      Physically, Mexico covers almost 2 million sq km and is home to 112 million people. Bordering the United States of America to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the south and west, the Gulf of Mexico to the east, and Guatemala, Belize and the Caribbean Sea to the southeast, it is a land of tremendous geological and climatic variation – from lowland rainforests to pine savannahs; from fertile grasslands to high volcanic mountain ranges. Its position – straddling the Tropic of Cancer and bounded by two of the world’s great oceans – also makes it one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth. Even though it covers only 1 per cent of the land area of our planet, it is home to over 200,000 different species – at the last count, 10 per cent of Earth’s bank of life. There are 707 species of reptiles, 438 species of mammals, 290 species of amphibians and over 26,000 species of flora. This is why we chose Mexico to tell the story of the ingredients that make our world such a comfortable home for life.


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