The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. Chris Morton

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The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls - Chris  Morton

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advanced civilization using thought. But it was all a little confusing, to say the least. I was about to ask why the crystal had been shaped into the form of a skull when the voice continued, in the same manner:

      ‘This receptacle is crystallized because you, within the third dimension, need to see, to hear and to touch… Its form makes it easier for mind to attach to mind, without what you call personality… But you respect the personality, the head, the enclosure of your brain … so this form of the receptacle has been guarded and guided for many an age… The Earth life of this receptacle is 17,000 years… It has been handed down from generation to generation, polished with sand and hair … and no harm will come to it.’

      So the reason the crystal had been made into the shape of a skull was so that it would be respected and cared for over the years. I was about to ask if there were any other crystal skulls, as the legend had said, but once more the voice spoke before I was even able to open my mouth:

       ‘You are seeking information as to the other receptacles of mind… There will be other receptacles found … for there are many … for no one man and no one mind were given all knowledge… Each of the receptacles contains the information of where the others are… ‘We would give you one where we left markings upon the Earth [some have since suggested this may be the area of the Nazca Lines of Peru, although there are obviously many other alternative possibilities] … and high in the mountains… There will be one of blue in the region you call “South America”… There will be another found when the lost civilization that you call “Atlantis” rises to you … and we would urge you to explore the ocean bed … we would urge you to explore the discoveries in the area you call “Bimini” … But we will direct you… we will show you that which you call a “temple”… This was an area of communication between the Earth and other systems… When all receptacles are placed together you will be keepers of wondrous knowledge… Light and sound will be the key, when the right vibration is produced you will have the information you require… But the time is not yet… There are still some that have not yet been given form … and others which remain safely under your ocean bed… But you shall not find them all, as you say “at this time”… It would be too dangerous for man to have this information … too early in his evolution … because mankind still seeks to better all the original destruction of our time.’

      I did not really understand all of this somewhat cryptic information, but I was curious as to why the crystal skulls had been made in the first place. Yet again, the voice anticipated my question:

       ‘The receptacle has been given this form to encourage the mind of oneness and to reduce your desire for separation… Your mind seeks separation… We sought to leave you with the concept of oneness, but your mind seeks only separation. As you say, ‘As you seek so shall ye find.” And already the process of separation has begun. You have already begun the separation but there will be more. You have a desire to separate that will lead to your own destruction… Separation causes annihilation and death. We can already feel the influence of this separation as violence… There is much violence occurring within your planet. Violence against men, violence against nature … violence against the Earth.’

      Again, I didn’t really understand these rather cryptic remarks and I was more interested in whether the crystal skull could tell us anything about mankind’s history. The answer came:

      ‘We understand that you come seeking in quest of the beginnings of man. We wish to tell you that your own origins were thought in form, and that you have to cast your eyes up and not down. There will be many discoveries pointing to this acknowledgement within the next 5, 10, 15 years… And the beginnings of what you call your civilization are over 15,000 years before the acknowledgement of that which you call Atlantis. For there is also much evidence of our civilization still beneath your oceans. Already there are discoveries near Bimini. But there will be many more discoveries over the next 5, 10, 15 years, which will point you towards the right direction… There will be more discoveries in South America, in Australia and in Egypt. In that which you call your deserts you will find much knowledge. But you will find traces of our civilization through most parts of your land masses and there is much beneath your seas, especially beneath the oceans which you call “the Atlantic,” “the Indian” and that which you call “the Dead Sea”. There, closest to your Earth’s surface, and soon to be discovered, are remnants of our civilization… These discoveries will confuse and cause much disharmony, but they will be needed to reduce the mind of separation.

      ‘But many of these discoveries will not be permitted at this time. We can only permit that which will not cause too much havoc for your minds. We came to your Earth from a different world. From other dimensions we came into this dimension. We came to experience, needing to experience density. That which we first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a “body”. The life on this Earth plane was primitive in form, but we took upon ourselves the physical form which is recognizable to you. We sought only to experience material density and to bring knowledge and enlightenment. But we did not confine ourselves to any one what you call “geographical location”. There were many, and many of our relics and of our teachings are still to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your sea masses.’

      I was keen to know exactly who these ‘we’ were that the voice of the skull seemed to be talking about when it continued:

       ‘But there are still many among you who seek to find where in your universe we are to be found. But still you cling to the idea that we are of the third dimension and you still cannot grasp the idea that we are of the other dimensions, beyond your rudimentary space-time relativity.’

      The voice then proceeded to divulge some rather cryptic information about space and time:

      ‘We would tell you that the essence of time is an illusion. Time has been created, in fact, by a higher intelligence as a form of control upon the brain and function of the body image. This is a safeguard against corruption of matter but, in essence, is non-existent. Thought exists independently of the body and brain, but time is the creation of matter. Thought is without time. Time, as a mechanism, was introduced to material and current mind only, not to thought or spirit, to keep you bound within the third dimension, and within the perimeters of the small planet you call “Earth”. We would urge you to explore with truth and understanding that which the mind is capable of understanding and not that which the brain is restricted to.

       ‘Time is related to you as numbers. We offer to you that number and time have no depth. These are merely programmed into the current mind as safeguards, to keep you in time and space. They are a function not really of mind, but of brain. And they are really a dysfunction of brain, to keep you tied to the physical dimensions of the three-dimensional world. The relativities you call “number,” “time” and “space” are a function of the brain related only to the third dimension. This current mind keeps you a prisoner in time and space, in the material, physical world you call reality. But the delusion of time must remain for a period. Do you understand?’

      I was not at all sure that I did. Instead I was still trying to work out whose voice this really was and why the crystal skulls had been created in the first place. The voice went on:

      ‘We have come now to warn you, because the separation has already begun. The destruction is already beginning to take place. The mind of separation has taken hold and some serious things have already taken place. For you, with your primitive knowledge, have already started something which now cannot be reversed. It was started through your scientists playing with and bending sound and light waves and that which you call “particles” into your atmosphere. You will have noticed that there are many destructive waves now hitting your planet. There will be more destruction brought about by atmosphere intervention, unusual weather patterns and rapid climatic change, and there will be movement of your land masses also.

      ‘We wish to tell you that your civilization has grossly misunderstood the use of light and sound and matter. That is why you have only uncovered that which is closest to you.

      ‘But, even now your scientists and your governments play with toys that they do not

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