Beyond Temptation. Lisette Ashton

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Beyond Temptation - Lisette  Ashton

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His eyes shone with hungry expectation as she placed the rubber over his cock.

      ‘They’re not particularly sexy things, are they?’ he observed.

      Robyn frowned and shook her head.

      ‘Quite the contrary. I find them very stimulating.’

      To prove her point, she rubbed the unfurled condom against the head of his cock and drew it softly over the swollen dome.

      He drew a shuddering breath and balled his hands into fists.

      Smiling, Robyn began to roll the gaudy prophylactic over his length. Her hand was curled into a loose fist, allowing her to repeatedly smooth the condom down his stiff shaft. She continued to stroke his cock long after the sheath was securely in place. The tight band of rubber at its base bit into his flesh but Dominic didn’t complain.

      With a critical eye, she examined her handiwork.

      His balls, coated with a layer of short, curly hairs, were a tight sac. She moved her face forward and gently nuzzled against him. The scent of his arousal was only distant but she found the aroma to be maddeningly exciting. Unable to stop herself, she pushed her tongue against the base of his cock. She allowed the tip to touch just beneath the tight band of rubber at the base of his condom and she could taste the clean flavour of his sweat. Shivering eagerly she lifted her head and studied his face, trying to discern if he had found the stimulation as pleasurable and intense as she had.

      ‘Do you still think condoms aren’t particularly sexy?’ she asked.

      ‘You may have changed my mind,’ he allowed.

      ‘I’m sure you didn’t think that lacked excitement,’ she said with a grin. Her finger stroked the wet patch of flesh her tongue had left at the base of his shaft. ‘And I doubt you’ll say that this lacks excitement either.’ Still holding the base of his cock, she placed her lips over the head of his sheathed length and took him into her mouth.

      Dominic drew another shuddering sigh.

      His balled fists unfurled and he snaked his fingers into her hair. Rather than holding her against him, he seemed content to simply tease the locks between his fingers while she sucked.

      Robyn worked her mouth around his shaft, ignoring the synthetic strawberry flavour. She traced her tongue over the flesh through the subtle layer of rubber, teasing each pulsing vein that throbbed between her lips.

      His groans built to a slow crescendo.

      She sensed he was already close to the point of climax. The thought filled her with a vague moment’s sadness but she banished that emotion very quickly. She doubted anyone would have noticed their absence from the dinner party just yet and that meant she might have the chance to use the contents of the black packet. The thought brought a dark excitement to her arousal and she quickly shifted position on the bed. Placing her pussy over his face, she continued to suck him as she lowered her sex to his mouth.

      Dominic caressed the mounds of her buttocks before holding her tight against himself. As though he was following her on the lewd path that her thoughts had taken, he drew his tongue against the rim of her anus. A shiver tickled through her and she stopped sucking him for a moment. Holding her backside still she allowed him to push his tongue into the tight, forbidden hole.

      A groan of ecstasy was torn from her lips.

      At that moment she was oblivious to the guests downstairs.

      * * *

      The guests milled around in small, happy clusters, talking animatedly as they drank and joked together. Gayle stared up the steps towards Robyn’s bedroom door.

      The angry frown continued to furrow her brow.

      She held a half-full wine glass in one hand as she stood alone, bored and unhappy. Everyone else seemed to have found their own clique to join but she had been left alone since Robyn disappeared with Dominic.

      Catching sight of Sheridan’s distinctive hair, Gayle made her way over to the woman. The secretary was standing by a door with her back to Gayle, her ludicrously short skirt displaying her long, shapely legs, while the cropped top that revealed so much of her cleavage also exposed her slender waist. From the front Gayle knew she would have been treated to the sight of the woman’s bare midriff and her pierced belly button. In one casually outstretched hand, Sheridan waved a half-filled wine glass. The rim was decorated with smears of lipstick.

      Sheridan had already developed a reputation in the office for being a cockteaser and a bitch but Gayle wasn’t one to rely on other people’s opinions. She had thought the woman seemed pleasant enough on the couple of occasions when they had spoken. Now she could see an opportunity to talk to Sheridan socially, which would give her the perfect chance to form her own opinion.

      Before Gayle could make her presence known, she realised Sheridan was already engaged in a conversation. Her head was nodding solemnly, creating subtle movement through the colourful peacock feathers of her hair. Her garish lips were thin with an expression of anger or impatience as she said, ‘Never. You can’t be serious. Go on. What happened then?’

      Her partner in the conversation was in the other room and hidden from Gayle’s line of vision.

      Gayle was about to walk away when she heard something that stopped her. It wasn’t her intention to eavesdrop but Sheridan’s exclamation sounded so intriguing that Gayle strained to hear more.

      ‘For fuck’s sake! You shouldn’t let her treat you like that. You should divorce her.’

      Gayle heard a man’s voice respond. She recognised Harold’s gruff Yorkshire accent.

      ‘I don’t intend for it to carry on,’ he said brusquely. ‘This is the last time she’s going to embarrass me.’

      ‘You said you were going to divorce her the last time,’ Sheridan pointed out. ‘You keep saying you’re going to divorce her, but you never do.’

      Gayle swallowed nervously. She was desperate to hear Harold’s response. If Harold and Robyn separated, that would mean a major shake-up at the magazine. If such a thing happened, she doubted Robyn would continue to work with her husband. Gayle knew that could mean the end of her employment as the woman’s PA.

      The thought was chilling.

      She felt small and more than a little selfish for worrying about her own interests in the face of such an upheaval in Robyn’s life. A job was far less important than a marriage. But she was pragmatic enough to know that her own security counted for something. And she had spent most of the evening trying to prevent Harold being confronted with more examples of Robyn’s indiscretions.

      With panic quickening her heartbeat, and her spirits sinking fast, she realised she was listening to a conversation that could dictate the future of her career.

      ‘You promised me that you’d divorce her if she did it again,’ Sheridan reminded him. Her voice had taken on a petulant whine that was ugly and unappealing. ‘You told me that you weren’t going to allow it to happen again. Don’t you remember making these promises, Harold?’

      Gayle took a tentative step closer, wishing she could see Harold’s face or hear what he was about to say. She lifted her wine glass to her lips and drained its contents. All the time she was listening for Harold’s response.

      ‘It’s Gayle, isn’t it?’

      As the words were spoken, Gayle felt a masculine hand fall heavily on her shoulder. Reluctantly, she turned to face the person talking to her.

      * * *

      Robyn placed the tip of his sheathed cock against herself and suppressed a tremor of elation. On her bedside cabinet she could see the spent red rubber resting on its brightly coloured packet. It shone wetly beneath the bright bedroom lights. Beside the rubber and its packet was the torn orange packet that had housed the condom they now used.

      She held herself above him, determined to savour every moment of the intimacy. His naked body was

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