Collins Complete Dog Manual. Collins Dictionaries
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Fact File
Group: Terrier
Country of Origin: England
28 cm (11 in)
Slightly smaller.
Coat: There are two distinct types: the smooth variety and the rough coat.
Life Expectancy: 12–16 years
Guarding Instinct: A good, alert guard.
Temperament & Grooming
Temperament: Playful, mischievous, happy.
Grooming: It needs stripping and shaping every three months and combing daily.
Exercise & Feeding
Exercise: Twice-daily walks are essential and the Westie needs the freedom to run and play-hunt in a garden with the family.
Feeding: There are no special feeding requirements.
Health Problems
Some eye problems are under investigation; a type of eczema and fairly rare Perthe’s disease.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
(© Jean-Michel Labat)
The loyal Staffie is fearless, people-friendly and intelligent but must be disciplined and trained. This dog is relatively easy to train providing patience is asserted. Despite its bloody history, it is now one of the most faithful and affectionate, family-loving pets. A Staffie will fiercely guard babies and is good with older children when they show respect.
The Duke of Hamilton, a sporting rake who lived around 1770, developed a lighter fighter (the big Bulldogs not being fast enough), which is claimed to be the forerunner of the breed today. At the end of the eighteenth century, they were the best fighting dogs in existence. Later on, they also proved themselves in rat-pits where a dog, Billy, killed 100 rats in seven minutes thirty seconds. However, it was not until the 1930s that a Breed Standard was created and the Staffie became a showdog and companion.
A chunky, well-muscled, medium-small dog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier has a wide head, a pump-handle tail and walks with a jaunty air. The Staffie has a wide, deep chest and straight forelegs. Even though it is very muscular, the Staffie is an agile dog. Affectionate and loyal, these dogs make good pets – a wonderful family dog but not for the novice owner.
Fact File
Group: Terrier
Country of Origin: England
Male and Female:
35.5–40.5 cm (14–16 in)
Note: Height is related to weight.
Coat: The smooth coat is red, fawn, white, black or blue.
Life Expectancy: 12–14 years
Guarding Instinct: A forceful deterrent. An outstanding house guard.
Temperament & Grooming
Temperament: Easy-going, happy clown.
Grooming: Grooming is minimal; all that is needed is a brush and polish weekly to get rid of dead hairs; use a hound glove to polish.
Exercise & Feeding
Exercise: Staffies need both physical and mental stimulation, with plenty of exercise including free running and play.
Feeding: There are no special feeding requirements.
Health Problems
Generally a healthy breed but buy from eye-tested parents and have your puppy tested.
(Dmitrijs Dmitrijevs)
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
(© Jean Michel Labat)
The modern Cavalier King Charles was almost certainly developed from the land spaniels of the fourteenth century, which may have come from Spain. The Stuarts were besotted with them and named them ‘King Charles’. An ideal family companion. With its friendly character, this dog is a joy to own.
Although the breed started as a Gundog and companion, it became a showdog and pet when dog shows started in the mid-1800s. A fashion developed for short-nosed dogs and the original breed began to decline again. An American, Roswell Eldridge, then offered handsome prizes to anyone who could reverse the trend and, gradually, by selective breeding, today’s type of longer-nosed Cavalier King Charles evolved, and it has become the most popular of the Toy Spaniels.
An elegant, refined small dog with a kind expression and outgoing, perky character displaying a free action when moving. A silky coat with colours that are vivid and clearly delineated. These lively little dogs come in a range of colours, including ruby, traditional Blenheim and tricolour, as well as black and tan. Docile, gentle and intelligent, the Cavalier King Charles quickly learns the ways of its human family. Confident and gently assertive, it loves to play with children but doesn’t like roughness.
Fact File
Group: Toy
Country of Origin: Spain
Male and Female:
30–33 cm (12–13 in)
Coat: Silky coat in a range of colours from ruby to black and tan.
Life Expectancy: 9–14 years
Guarding Instinct: Will warn but with no aggression.
Temperament & Grooming
Temperament: Kind and gentle.
Grooming: The silky coat needs weekly combing; pay strict attention to ears and feathering – look for any tangles after walks.
Exercise & Feeding