Match Pointe. Indigo Bloome

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Match Pointe - Indigo  Bloome

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on her face that eventually made him reluctantly stub it out. Next, in one swift move, he grabbed her, dangling her upper body over the water while keeping a grip on her thighs and legs, a giant grin on his face all the while.

      ‘No, Noah, don’t …!’ she shrieked, for the first time not thinking about who was around or what people might think.

      ‘Have you or not?’ he insisted, threatening to cleanse her of her prim and proper attitude, completely ignoring her shrieks as her mass of loose hair dangled precariously close to the murky water.

      ‘Noah, please – you could drop me!’ she panted as he gave in and hauled her back up.

      ‘I promise you, I would never, ever drop you, Elle.’

      Instead of letting her be, he carried her into the cabin, tossing her easily onto the bed and pinning her arms by her sides as he straddled her body. He tickled her mercilessly until she couldn’t hold back any longer, her hysteria eventually replacing any trace of nervousness as she begged him to stop. She had never been treated that way, not having grown up with any siblings or cousins of her own.

      They stared into each other’s eyes as they both took a moment to catch their breath.

      ‘I’d give anything to kiss you right now.’ He lowered his face towards her, and just as his soft lips touched hers she reluctantly turned away. He guided her face back to meet his questioning gaze.

      ‘I’m sorry, I just can’t … It might go too far …’

      Their attraction to each other had been all too obvious since their first night out, but until this point had remained unspoken. Although Eloise’s desire had been supercharged since meeting up with Noah again, she had done her best to bury it. She had never made the first move in the few relationships she’d had – it just wasn’t her style and the potential for rejection caused her no end of fear – but this time she knew she couldn’t have even if she’d wanted to. Being well aware that nothing would ever happen with Ivan anyway, she would have given anything to say yes to Noah, right here, right now, and take their relationship to the next level. But heaven forbid the wrath of Caesar, not to mention the thought of kissing her future financial freedom goodbye. The clause in her contract about sexual relations with anyone other than her Number One was abundantly clear and always top of her mind; it just wasn’t worth the risk.

      With a sigh, Noah collapsed beside her on the bed, placed his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling, suddenly deep in thought.

      ‘You’ve gone all quiet on me.’ Eloise didn’t know what to say, but wanted some kind of response from him at least.

      He turned onto his side, facing her, and started playing with her hair, their bodies almost touching but not quite, though their feet comfortably rubbed against each other.

      ‘I’m not quite sure what to say. I thought …’

      ‘Noah, it’s not you. I’d love to – honestly. It’s just … so complicated.’ She couldn’t help but tense at the words.

      ‘Let me guess: complicated in a way you can’t explain.’ He couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice, and it upset her deeply.

      ‘I’d give anything for my situation to be different, but it is what it is and I have to honour the agreement I’ve made.’

      ‘Are you with Ivan? Is it more than just ballet?’

      ‘No. I only dance for him, but …’ She was at a loss as to how to explain it to him without disclosing the details. Details she was not at liberty to discuss.

      ‘I’ve never met anyone like you before. You’re so beautiful, vivacious, graceful, oh so incredibly hot, and – what’s the word I’m looking for? – oh yeah, pure at the same time. How could I forget that? It’s a lethal mix for any guy.’ His shook his head in dismay.

      ‘Noah, I think the same about you, but I just can’t do anything about it at the moment. I promise you, I would if I could.’

      ‘Honestly?’ His eyes were hopeful and his mischievous grin returned when he added, ‘You think I’m pure?’

      She laughed, punching him lightly on the arm, and he pretended to roll over injured.

      ‘Very funny!’ she responded. ‘No, I’m not as pure as you think I am, just because I’ve never smoked – and by the way, as an athlete you should never smoke, ever! Particularly not if you want to be Number One.’

      ‘All I do know is that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, ever!’

      He made sure he emphasised the word in the same way as she had. Neither of them could hide their smiles. ‘Anyway, what gives you the impression I want to be Number One?’

      ‘Why do you play if you don’t want to be the best?’

      ‘I’m young, I happen to be good at tennis – which is lucky because I love playing. I get to travel the world – which I also love. I have great friends on the circuit. So life’s good, much better than I ever expected. Until playing against Ivan I suppose I’ve never really believed I could make it into the top ten and now that might occur.’ He shook his head in disbelief and looked directly into her eyes. ‘Why, do you think I should take it more seriously?’

      ‘It sounds as if you haven’t really had to work too hard to get to this position.’

      ‘Don’t get me wrong, I love winning and I work hard when I need to but I suppose I haven’t had the desire to take it too seriously. There is a lot of losing involved in tennis you know!’

      ‘I just can’t imagine not wanting to be the top of your field.’

      ‘Well, maybe you are the motivation I’ve been lacking until now, Miss Lawrance.’

      ‘And maybe you are what I need to relax and enjoy life a little more, not take things so seriously …’ she reflected.

      ‘See, we could be a match made in heaven if only you would give us a chance.’ He laughed before he tenderly tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. ‘So are you going to tell me how you feel or are you avoiding the topic?’

      ‘Even if I did, what good would it do? It wouldn’t change anything …’ She sighed, disheartened by this turn of events. Her heart and body were yearning for his touch but her mind was resolute.

      She tried to sit up but he held on tight to her hand, ensuring she stayed lying next to him on the bed.

      ‘Let me ask a different way, then. If you didn’t have this “complication”, would you want to be with me?’

      Eloise looked away. She honestly didn’t know what to say. Of course she wanted to be with him, she was attracted to him in every way. It felt like forever since she’d been with a man. And now, before her very eyes, within her grasp but beyond her reach, was the unimaginable oasis of Noah. He was like milk chocolate and sunshine morphed into one delectable package – and the most fun-loving, easygoing, playful, warm-hearted guy she had ever met. His body was as sculpted and toned as that of any male ballet dancer, and she couldn’t deny that the thought of being intimate with him was exciting beyond her wildest dreams. He was everything she’d ever hoped for and more. She yearned to say yes, but Caesar’s rules were abundantly clear, and what if he found out? She’d be left with no contract and no ballet. She couldn’t decide whether to answer with her head or her heart, and was ultimately afraid of being betrayed by both. Telling him the truth just wasn’t an option and the last thing she wanted to do was to hurt Noah.


      She stroked his cheek with her hand, letting her fingertips rest on his delectable lips, which proved frustrating for both of them that she couldn’t take things further. ‘Believe me, I would love to be with you, Noah, but only when the time was right.’ Heart then head felt like the right answer.


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