Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories. Джек Лондон

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Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories - Джек Лондон

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благополучия; content – содержание; удовлетворенность, довольство), and undisturbed by rumors of far wars (не тревожимый отзвуками далеких войн; to disturb – беспокоить, тревожить; rumor – слухи, молва).


 The motion of all things was a drifting in the heart of the canyon. Sunshine and butterflies drifted in and out among the trees. The hum of the bees and the whisper of the stream were a drifting of sound. And the drifting sound and drifting color seemed to weave together in the making of a delicate and intangible fabric which was the spirit of the place. It was a spirit of peace that was not of death, but of smooth-pulsing life, of quietude that was not silence, of movement that was not action, of repose that was quick with existence without being violent with struggle and travail. The spirit of the place was the spirit of the peace of the living, somnolent with the easement and content of prosperity, and undisturbed by rumors of far wars.

      The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place (красношерстный рогатый олень, признавал власть духа этого места; to acknowledge – признавать) and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool (и дремал по колено в прохладной, затененной заводи; shade – тень). There seemed no flies to vex him (казалось, не было мух, чтобы досаждать ему) and he was languid with rest (и он был разомлевшим от покоя; languid – вялый, ослабевший). Sometimes his ears moved when the stream awoke and whispered (иногда его уши двигались, когда ручей пробуждался и шептал; to awake – пробуждаться); but they moved lazily (но они двигались лениво), with foreknowledge that it was merely the stream grown garrulous at discovery that it had slept (с предвидением, что это был просто усилившееся журчание ручья при открытии/обнаружении, что он спал; garrulous – болтливый, многословный; журчащий /о ручье/).

 The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool. There seemed no flies to vex him and he was languid with rest. Sometimes his ears moved when the stream awoke and whispered; but they moved lazily, with foreknowledge that it was merely the stream grown garrulous at discovery that it had slept.

      But there came a time when the buck’s ears lifted and tensed with swift eagerness for sound (но наступил момент, когда уши оленя поднялись и напряглись в спешном желании /уловить/ звук; to tense – напрягать). His head was turned down the canyon (его голова была повернута вниз к каньону). His sensitive, quivering nostrils scented the air (его чувствительные, дрожащие ноздри нюхали воздух; to quiver – дрожать; to scent – обонять, чувствовать запах). His eyes could not pierce the green screen (его глаза не смогли проникнуть /сквозь/ зеленую завесу; to pierce – прокалывать; проникать; screen – экран; завеса) through which the stream rippled away (через которую вытекал ручей), but to his ears came the voice of a man (но его ушей достиг голос человека). It was a steady (это был ровный), monotonous (монотонный), singsong voice (однообразный голос; singsong – монотонный, однообразный). Once the buck heard the harsh clash of metal upon rock (вдруг олень услышал резкий звук метала по камню; clash – звук, производимый обычно при соприкосновении металлических предметов). At the sound he snorted with a sudden start (услышав этот звук: «при этом звуке» он фыркнул, внезапно вздрогнув: «с внезапным вздрагиванием»; start – вздрагивание, толчок) that jerked him through the air from water to meadow (которое «вытолкнуло» его по воздуху от воды до луга), and his feet sank into the young velvet (и его копыта утонули в молодом бархате /травы/), while he pricked his ears and again scented the air (в то время как он навострил уши и снова понюхал воздух; to prick /up/ ears – навострить уши). Then he stole across the tiny meadow (затем он прокрался через маленький луг), pausing once and again to listen (останавливаясь изредка, чтобы прислушаться), and faded away out of the canyon like a wraith (и исчез из каньона, как видение; wraith – дух /кого-либо/, являющийся незадолго до смерти или вскоре после нее; видение), soft-footed and without sound (легко ступая: «мягконогий» и без звука).

 But there came a time when the buck’s ears lifted and tensed with swift eagerness for sound. His head was turned down the canyon. His sensitive, quivering nostrils scented the air. His eyes could not pierce the green screen through which the stream rippled away, but to his ears came the voice of a man. It was a steady, monotonous, singsong voice. Once the buck heard the harsh clash of metal upon rock. At the sound he snorted with a sudden start that jerked him through the air from water to meadow, and his feet sank into the young velvet, while he pricked his ears and again scented the air. Then he stole across the tiny meadow, pausing once and again to listen, and faded away out of the canyon like a wraith, soft-footed and without sound.

      The clash of steel-shod soles against the rocks began to be heard (стук подбитых сталью подошв о камни «начинал слышаться»), and the man’s voice grew louder

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