God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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God’s Code - Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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little time is spent within normalcy in Philliphe's solitary life between work, social activities, home life, weekends, and leisure. Completing exactly six months and twenty days after the tragedy, coming from work, he is notified by neighbors that there is something for him waiting to be picked up at the couriers of the Caribbean Village.

      Immediately, he will see what it's like walking out of his place. On the short route, it crosses the highway, and climbs on the 1.5 km (one kilometer and a half full of curves) path that separates it from the aforementioned urban agglomeration.

      Along the way, in addition to finding several acquaintances and greeting them, he has the opportunity to reflect, analyze and ponder the possibilities. What was waiting for him at the post office? Was it a letter from distant relatives from the South who had not heard for some time? A charge? Or even an unexpected declaration of love? These and other hypotheses filled his mind at that moment.

      Enough! Says Philliphe inwardly. Gathering a force never before seen, he recovers the lost tranquility and cleanses his disturbed mind. He decides to hurry up, crosses the last bend, and approaches the first houses. His anxiety was about to end.

      With a further three hundred meters, he enters the main street, turns right and over five houses, arrives at the building where the post office worked. Full of education, he excused himself as he entered the room and contacted the official in charge, his Xavier, an old man of about 60 years, white, unshaven, broad-bellied, broad back, black hair drained, wrinkled cheeks, thick and firm arms, green eyes, upright posture, wearing yellow cotton shirt, dark sunglasses, cap, watch bound, jeans, leather belt, black social shoe and brown underwear that showed a little, being very well known in the region. The dialogue is then initiated:

      — Good afternoon, Xavier, do you have any correspondence for me?

      —Good afternoon, Philliphe. You have an order from São Paulo sent by a publisher. It's a book?

      —Oh, I know. It's a book. Let's see.

      Philliphe walks closer, signs a two-way form, picks up the package and begins to unwrap it. Despite his poor ability, he loses little time in the operation. Having removed all the paper that involves the merchandise, he does a quick analysis of the product and presents it to the interested party.

      —This title book "The Dark Night of the Soul" interested me a lot. Therefore, the synopsis presents a little of the period in which we turn off from God, living in sin and teaches the forms of recovery. I want to learn from him and who knows overcome my bad moment. (Philliphe)

      — I understand. Very interesting. Who is the author?

      — Aldivan Teixeira Torres, common seer or son of God.

      —Can I take a look?

      —You can. Make yourself comfortable.

      Philliphe handed the book over to Xavier, who examined it quickly. At the end he returned and commented:

      —Very good choice. I also want to buy. How can I get it?

      —In the internet, on the website of the publisher you saw. A register is made and a ticket is printed. It's worth it!

      — Got it. Thank you.

      —You're welcome. Now I have to go.

      — See you.

      — Up until.

      Quietly, Philliphe left the post office and returned the same way. Facing a little sun and dust, he overcame the same obstacles as before. With thirty minutes of effort, he completes the total journey, he enters the house, he passes through the room and corridor and he arrives at the room.

      He sits on a chair by a small table and patiently begins to leaf through the book, which has more than three hundred pages long. For two hours, he has the opportunity to travel a little and get out of the hard routine and loneliness that life imposed on you. He likes very much and at the end the guard and promises to resume the reading the other day at about the same time.

      Afterwards, he prepares his dinner, feeds himself, goes to watch TV, listens to music, surfs a little on the internet and when he gets tired, he finally goes to sleep. The next few days promised.

      Another week passes with Philliphe fulfilling all his obligations involving work in the public sector, on the site, household chores, professional and personal relationships, and leisure activities. His life had been agitated and lonely since losing loved ones in the tragedy.

      With the arrival of the weekend, he had more time to complete the pending work and complete the reading of the book that increasingly instigated him. On Sunday he came to an end and concluded that it was very worthwhile to buy it. With it he had learned a little of the light-Dark duality, the deadly sins of the dense part of the dark night, struggles, failures, and conquests of the main characters, the value of forgiveness and the possibility of recovery, and especially was astonished by the sensitivity of the author. How he wanted to meet him and learn from him!

      He handles the book with more care and in one of the notes acquires the contact of Renato, companion of adventures of the author of the book. Without thinking much, he decides inwardly to look for him because it was not so far, the Serra do Ororubá in Mimoso-Brazil. The objective was to ask him for help, to know the seer and who knows to get rid of the weights he had always carried and which were aggravated by the tragedy that had occurred.

      He was decided! He calls his boss, tells him that he is traveling, and do not know when he'll be back. In response, he has all his understanding and he is released for 15 days. Afterwards, he immediately begins to pack his trousers, shorts, briefs, sandals, shoes, shirts, socks, caps, sunglasses, watches, toiletries and his inseparable photo album. At the end, he takes care of the other details, warns the neighbors that he will leave and asks them to look a little at his place in his absence, he closes the house and the garage and he goes to the edge of the highway Br 232 to get the first stocking course to Pesqueira.

      As he lived nearby, he quickly reached the point, he waited about forty minutes, and finally managed to drive. From there it's only eight minutes and the driver kindly leaves him in the center, near the town square. He comes down, pays for the ticket, thanks the driver and says goodbye. He begins to walk.

      When he approaches the first person, he asks for guidance on how to get to the Ororubá mountain, specifically in Renato's house. Cordially, the young man who approaches Bernardo gives all the necessary information for the first and even offers to accompany him. Not wanting to abuse his goodwill, Philliphe dismisses it, he shakes hands, and thanks effusively. He preferred to go alone.

      Following his directions, he goes ahead a few meters, turns right, crosses the bridge of the canal, walks a little more, entering a particular terrain. He can already see the famous mountain range that many considered sacred. Now it was only to move on to the foot and up its steep paths.

      In fifteen minutes, he gets to the bottom and as he was not used, he makes a stop. At the time, the expectation, anxiety and restlessness took gigantic proportions with him distracted all the time shrouded in questions. Some of them were: What awaited him? What would Renato be like? And the guardian? Does he really existed? These and other issues would only be healed with time and it was no use getting hurt.

      He decides to resume the walk. He begins to climb the dangerous slopes and at every step he feels more determined and prepared for everything. Towards the future! He thinks. Although his chances of finding them were small, it would be interesting to have an experience with Renato and the author of the book "The Dark Night of the Soul."

      A little further on, he completes one third of the ascent, then he stops for five minutes, returning soon to walk with more vigor. At this moment, everything began to weigh a little more, including the suitcase which required a greater effort. Keep going always! He repeats it mentally in order to cheer himself up. The strategy works because at least he feels psychologically calmer. He moves forward more.

      Exactly ten minutes later, he completes

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