Where do the problems of humanity come from, or a brief instruction manual for a planet like “Earth”. Oleg Neprin

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Where do the problems of humanity come from, or a brief instruction manual for a planet like “Earth” - Oleg Neprin

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o the problems of humanity come from, or a brief instruction manual for a planet like “Earth”

      Oleg Neprin

      © Oleg Neprin, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-6447-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Dedicated to Presidents, officials, businessmen, ordinary people and everyone else!

      What this small brochure says is not written for the amusement or financial enrichment of the author. This information is vital for everyone and everyone living now, and those who will live in the future. The life of both the author and any other person depends on the perception or on the rejection of this information, regardless of rank and status.

      It is recommended for reading and taking into account, as well as the widespread distribution among all social strata of society in order to prevent an impending catastrophe provoked exclusively by incompetence and the fallacy of determining priority tasks in human society.

      This will not be about someone or something alien and distant for you, but about what is happening here, now with you!

      If we are puzzled by the search for information from the meteorological observations of the 20th and early 21st centuries, we will find one feature that is an obvious example of climate destabilization. In particular, we are talking about “nonexistent global warming.” But looking at the weather meteorological records in Moscow, you can see that the temperature in July 2017 reached a maximum of +32ºС, a minimum of +12ºС, and in July, say 1950, these values were +26.2ºС at the maximum and +7.5ºС at a minimum (data taken from open sources on the Internet, which you can easily find yourself). To changes in temperature indicators add frequent hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters, which are often a DEATH HAZARD TO PEOPLE. Do you know why this happens? All this is a consequence of the fact that carbon dioxide, which in the amount of thousands of (!) Tons not measured by anyone, is emitted into the atmosphere by our cars and industry, has a slightly lower thermal conductivity (1.79 times) than air. The resulting accumulations of air masses with a high content of CO2 differ in their properties from the masses of ordinary clean air, which leads to destabilization of climatic conditions throughout the planet. And the fault of all this ugliness is the world corporations making their money on the sale of hydrocarbons, industrial giants that pollute and poison our habitat with their emissions, production waste and other by-products, and then, in the person of top managers and the rest of the corporate plankton, super-profited on football teams, yachts, and other empty nonsense, instead of preoccupying with the search and development of renewable energy sources and non-waste technologies. These gentlemen are not given to understand that the planet’s biosystem can one day be brought to a collapse (moreover, this day can happen much earlier than many hope) and then neither football clubs, nor expensive cars and yachts, no money stored on accounts, nor heavy-duty bunkers packed with everything necessary for decades will not help anyone, because if this happens, the planet will cease to be comfortable for human habitation for hundreds, and possibly thousands of years! And not only corporations will be to blame for this. Each of us will be to blame for this! Because instead of trying to comprehend what is happening, most of us are concerned about how to buy a larger TV, a brand new laptop, a smartphone of the latest model and whatever else, it doesn’t matter if you just get another new toy and show everyone – “Look, they say, I, too,” do not bast “”. But in fact, the result of our aspirations and achievements is always the same – huge rotten garbage dumps and violent, senseless death, death of all, and everything around us, death, organized by ourselves. These are wild animals shot down by our cars without any purpose and meaning, people killed in car accidents, sometimes young, healthy and full of energy, death from obesity that happened due to laziness to perform translational movements “with your own two” instead of rolling a person in a car with his body fat. Death in stupid military conflicts that have never solved and will not solve problems. Any such conflict does not solve the problem, but CREATES THEM! We lost the meaning of our existence and replaced it with some foul-smelling chimera. And it’s okay if this chimera concerned only us adults who came up with it instead of common sense. This chimera will bear the main burden on the shoulders of those who today carefreely play with their friends in their still harmless and careless games, not suspecting what kind of “gift” their mothers, fathers, uncles and aunts prepared for them. I am talking about our children. Stop people! It’s time for us to rethink our goals and views on this world! Very TIME!!!

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