Semicolon: How a misunderstood punctuation mark can improve your writing, enrich your reading and even change your life. Cecelia Watson

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Semicolon: How a misunderstood punctuation mark can improve your writing, enrich your reading and even change your life - Cecelia Watson

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The technique was punch-cutting, and its practitioner a punch-cutter.

       In those days, it was usually a ‘him’, although there were of course exceptions.

       The Science of Semicolons

      English Grammar Wars

      Shakespeare and Milton, both very improper!

      * You will notice an odd typographical quirk in Lowth’s text: the ‘Medial S’, which looks to the modern eye like an f but is to be read as an s. The Medial S can lead to some unintentionally seedy reading in books that are reprinted in facsimile edition, like Antoine Lavoisier’s Elements of Chemistry, which contains a long section in which the author describes sucking air through a tube for an experiment.

      As a grammarian, Kirkham claims to be second only to Lindley Murray; and says, ‘Since the days of Lowth, no other work on grammar, Murray’s only excepted, has been so favorably received by the publick as his own. As a proof of this, he would mention, that within the last six years it has passed through fifty editions.’ – Preface to Elocution, p. 12. And, at the same time, and in the same preface, he complains, that, ‘Of all the labors done under the sun, the labors of the pen meet with the poorest reward.’ – Ibid., p. 5. This too clearly favours the report, that his books were not written by himself, but by others whom he hired. Possibly, the anonymous helper may here have penned, not his employer’s feeling, but a line of his own experience. But I choose to ascribe the passage to the professed author, and to hold him answerable for the inconsistency.

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