The Earl's Inconvenient Wife. Julia Justiss

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The Earl's Inconvenient Wife - Julia Justiss

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accompanying her to social events?’

      ‘To every frippery Marriage Mart entertainment that attracts silly young girls and nodcock young gents on the lookout for rich brides? Certainly not! I shall accept only those invitations that interest me, just as I do now. But I will introduce Miss Lattimar before I turn her over to Angela and make sure it’s known that I will be watching to see how each member of society receives her.’

      ‘Very well, I’m reassured,’ Giff said, relaxing a bit.

      ‘Besides, it’s not me she needs to watch over her. In order to be truly protected, she’ll need a gentleman standing guard. You, Gifford.’

      Looking as alarmed as he felt, Temperance said, ‘Lady Sayleford, is that truly necessary? Surely having a chaperon by my side every minute will afford sufficient protection! I never meant to embroil Giff in a social round he surely doesn’t want—’

      ‘Don’t be argumentative, child,’ Lady Sayleford said, cutting her off. ‘It won’t hurt Gifford to attend a few society functions. How else is he to find the rich bride a rising politician needs? Cyprians are well and good for pleasuring-seeking, but a career in government requires adequate funds and a suitable hostess.’

      Her remarks were, of course, spot on, but that didn’t mean Giff appreciated them—especially not in front of Temperance, who had recently preached from the same sermon. Feeling colour warming his face, he said, ‘Thank you for the advice. But I’m not prepared to act upon it just yet, so don’t be getting any ideas.’

      Lady Sayleford smiled. ‘What else has an old woman to do, but get ideas? My dear,’ she continued, turning back to Temperance, ‘do you think your father will agree to have Angela chaperon you?’

      ‘If you approve of her, I don’t see why he would object.’

      ‘Just to make sure, I’ll pen him a note. Tell him I’m grateful he’s sparing my old bones as your sponsor by allowing my great-niece to act in my place. Vraux does like to keep things safe, even if he can’ for them like normal folk. In any event, I’ll sweeten the agreement by sending him a medieval mantelpiece Sayleford once outbid him for.’

      ‘Oh, no, ma’am!’ Temperance protested. ‘I wouldn’t want you to part with one of your husband’s treasures!’

      ‘Nonsense! I’ve been trying to dispose of the hideous thing for years. What better use to make of it than to dispatch it to someone who might actually appreciate it?’

      Temperance laughed. ‘My mother’s reputation might be based on falsehoods, but yours is not. You are wise, as well as all-knowing!’

      ‘There must be some benefit to growing old, other than the ability to interfere in other people’s lives with impunity. But since I’m so wise, let me offer you one more bit of advice. Don’t be blind, fixing yourself so narrowly on a single goal that you fail to see the alternatives that present themselves. As they always will. Now, I shall consult my calendar, but I think next week will do for an introductory tea. That will give me enough time to summon Angela. So drink up, Gifford. You’ve accomplished your purpose and it is time for me to rest.’

      With that, they finished their tea, then stood as his godmother made her majestic departure.

      Standing in the hall while the butler summoned their carriage, Temperance said, ‘Lady Sayleford is amazing! I’d like to be her one day.’ Then she shook her head, her expression rueful. ‘But then, I’d have to be respectable to begin with.’

      ‘You are less of a hoyden than you used to be,’ Giff observed. ‘I thought you displayed remarkable restraint today. I was initially afraid you might attack with nails and fists when she insulted your mother.’

      ‘She was taking my measure, I think. And I’m not as thoughtless and impulsive as you seem to believe. At least, not all the time. For instance, I intend to keep my chaperon close by whenever there are gentlemen about, so I really don’t think you need to attend social events to watch out for me. You’d probably be bored to flinders and hate every minute of it.’

      ‘I hope to sidestep that fate—not because it would bore me, but I would rather avoid eligible young ladies for a while longer, despite my godmother’s forceful advice.’

      Conversation halted as, his tiger having brought his curricle to the entrance, they exited the house and mounted the carriage.

      ‘If I thought you were going to be compelled to supervise me, I would never have asked for Lady Sayleford’s sponsorship,’ Temper continued after he’d set the horses moving.

      Giff shook his head. ‘Too late to withdraw now! If I know my godmother, by the time we reach Vraux House she will already have written to summon her great-niece.’

      ‘I shall be happy enough to proceed, as long as we can convince her not to drag you into the bargain. No point going to market when you aren’t ready to buy anything.’ She sighed. ‘I only wish I didn’t have to spend time in the Marriage Mart, but since I must, I’ll cheer myself with the hope that it might not be for long. With any luck, it will soon be evident that I attract only fortune hunters and fast young men looking to lure the “wanton” into the shrubbery.’

      Giff didn’t find that prospect very reassuring. Neither type of man was likely to respect Temper—and the latter could, as his godmother had pointed out, actually pose a danger to her.

      Maybe he ought to drop by a few of the entertainments she attended, just to make sure she was safe.

      ‘It pains me that society will try to paint you in that light. When we both know that neither you—nor your mother, it turns out—possess such a character.’

      ‘As I told your godmother, people will think what they want, regardless of the truth. But in this instance, I’m glad of it. It should require only a little push to have society confirm that I don’t respect its rules, ensuring that no respectable gentleman will pay me his addresses.’

      ‘Just as long as you are not targeted by the truly disreputable.’

      ‘As long as I have a chaperon clinging to my side, I hope I am! Everyone knows disreputable gentlemen are the most charming! Except for you, of course, Giff. You’re respectable and—alluring.’

      The change in her tone—from amusement to warmth of a different sort—pulled his gaze from the road to her. The yearning he read in her eyes fired his always-simmering attraction into full-on arousal.

      Fierce, intelligent—and so beautiful. He had an almost overwhelming urge to lean down and kiss her.

      The curricle hit a bump, jolting him back to the job of controlling the horses. But his palms were sweating and his breathing uneven when he pulled up his team in front of Vraux House.

      ‘You needn’t see me in,’ she said as his tiger jumped down and trotted over to help her out of the vehicle. ‘I shall try not to be too outrageous, so hopefully your kindness in intervening to help me won’t come back to haunt you.’

      He looked at her full in the face this time, struck anew by her beauty—and the softened lips and molten gaze that confirmed the strong current of desire coursing through him was unmistakably mutual. For a long moment, they simply stared at each other.

      She reached a hand out, as if to touch him, then drew it back again. ‘Thank you, Giff,’ she whispered, then turned away to let his tiger help her down.

      Ridiculous, to feel an instant bolt of envy because that skinny, pock-faced boy was touching her—as he wanted to so fiercely and mustn’t.

      Fists clenched on the reins, Giff watched her walk into Vraux House—both regretting and hopeful that his part in the launching of Miss Temperance Lattimar’s Season had just been completed.

       Chapter Five

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