Their One-Night Christmas Gift. Karin Baine

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Their One-Night Christmas Gift - Karin  Baine

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chocolates or a bottle of wine from a grateful patient and she didn’t bother making an elaborate Christmas dinner just for one. She preferred to work whenever she could, this year’s exception giving her the chance to make the journey here.

      ‘I guess. I’m sure she’d have made you one too if we’d known you were coming.’

      Harriet could tell he was curious about what had brought her here when they’d severed all contact after that unforgettable night in his hotel room.

      She cleared her throat. ‘I came because there’s something we need to discuss.’

      ‘In that case, we should go somewhere quiet. We’re winding down from our Christmas party and there are still a few people here.’

      ‘That would be better.’ She didn’t want an audience for what was a very private matter.

      ‘What are you two still doing, standing in the hall? Charles, bring Harriet in so she can have her hot chocolate by the fire.’ Esme tutted as she chivvied them towards the lounge, but Charles resisted leaving the hallway.

      ‘I think Harriet would prefer somewhere more peaceful after her long journey.’

      She saw the disappointment on Esme’s face and didn’t want to hurt her feelings when she’d been so welcoming. ‘I can always make time for a hot chocolate first.’

      Charles seemed to understand what had brought on her change of heart and stood back to let them enter the living room in front of him.

      There were a few couples engaged in conversation by the table of food along the back wall and a ruggedly handsome man, who got to his feet when he saw them, sitting by the fire.

      ‘Harriet, this is Dr Max Kirkpatrick. Max, this is Harriet Bell, an orthopaedic surgeon visiting from London.’

      Charles made the introductions, giving little detail away, but Harriet realised it would be impolite for him to say she was the fiancée he’d dumped on inheriting the family silver. Introducing her as ‘an ex I hooked up with recently at a medical conference’ wouldn’t have been the ideal ice-breaker either. The extra bodies in the room, however, did mean she was forced to delay her news a bit longer.

      ‘Nice to meet you.’ She shook hands with the man, who couldn’t keep his eyes off Esme, and Harriet detected a reciprocal attraction between them. He wasn’t the last man she remembered Esme being head over heels about, but she knew better than most that love didn’t last for ever. These two still had that glow of new romance about them, which suggested they were in that phase when they found it hard to keep their hands off each other.

      ‘You too. Esme, didn’t you say you needed a hand with something in the kitchen?’ Max wasn’t very subtle about wanting some alone time with Esme, but Harriet didn’t begrudge them their privacy. You had to take the good times when you could find them.

      ‘Yes, I think I did.’ Esme set the hot chocolate on the table and hurried out with him, giggling down the hall.

      Harriet couldn’t help but glance in Charles’s direction, when they’d been as keen to spend time together not long ago. To find he was looking at her with that same longing was unravelling all the tension that had set in on the drive until her limbs felt more like spaghetti. One word and she just knew they’d both agree to another no-strings tryst. Except that word wouldn’t be ‘baby’. It was going to change the way he looked and felt about her, and probably not for the better.

      ‘I should probably let you meet some of our staff here.’ Charles led her over to the source of the chatter she’d heard from outside.

      ‘Harriet Bell.’ She shook hands with the group and introduced herself.

      ‘Cassandra Bellow.’ The pretty American set down the plate of canapés in her hand to greet her.

      ‘Cassandra is one of our past patients and this is Lyle Sinclair, our medical director.’ Charles didn’t have to tell her these two were a couple either when they were glued to each other’s sides.

      ‘I’m Aksel Olson. I work with Esme.’ The large hand pumping hers up and down next belonged to a bear of a man who couldn’t fail to make an impression. The muscular build and Scandinavian accent coupled with the long air gave him a definite Viking vibe.

      ‘Nice to meet you,’ she said, before Charles moved her swiftly on to the woman standing next to him.

      ‘Flora. I’m a physio at the clinic.’

      ‘Hi.’ She was definitely the gooseberry here but, then, so was Charles, who didn’t seem to have a significant other in the mix. Something that hadn’t gone unnoticed and brought her a sense of relief she hadn’t known she needed. It hadn’t entered her head that he might have met someone in the weeks since they’d last seen each other. Certainly, it hadn’t been part of the deal that they couldn’t date anyone else. They weren’t supposed to see each other again. Thankfully, things wouldn’t get any more complicated than they already were.

      ‘And you’ve already met Esme and Max.’ Charles didn’t attempt to hide his disapproval as they reappeared with huge smiles on their faces.

      ‘Are you staying in Cluchlochry?’ Charles asked, as she attempted to drink her hot chocolate through the cream and marshmallow topping. It tasted as over-indulgent as it looked, and she just knew she was wearing a cream moustache as a result. As confirmed by Charles’s smirk when she lifted her head to reply.

      She did her best to wipe away all traces with the back of her hand. ‘Probably. I didn’t really think that far ahead.’

      It would be suicidal to attempt a return trip tonight when she was ready for bed. There was bound to be a B&B in the village where she could put her head down for the night.

      Charles frowned. ‘Not everywhere would be willing to take guests in on Christmas night and those that do will be booked out. We get a lot of people who come for the Christmas market and stay on for Christmas itself.’

      ‘You must stay with us, Harri. There’s plenty of room.’ It was Esme who offered her refuge, not her brother. Although Harriet wanted to protest, she couldn’t face getting back into her car again so soon.

      ‘Esme, I really wish you wouldn’t invite every waif and stray into Heatherglen as though it’s your personal rescue centre. We converted the stables for your pet projects.’

      ‘No offence taken,’ Harriet muttered.

      ‘Sorry. That was directed at someone else.’ He nodded towards the furry bundle currently rolling around at his feet.

      ‘Oh, he’s gorgeous. What’s his name?’ She knelt down to stroke the curious-looking puppy with tiger-striped brown fur, which was wearing its own ugly little sweater.

      ‘Dougal. He was half-starved when we found him, but Aksel nursed him back to health. Esme’s trying to find him a home now.’

      It was Flora who filled her in on his sad background, which just made him even more adorable.

      ‘My sister has issues about turning anyone away.’ Charles muttered.

      ‘Harriet is neither a waif nor a stray. She’s a friend who’s very welcome to stay.’ Esme overruled her older brother, using Harriet as a pawn in their sibling rivalry.

      ‘I didn’t say she wasn’t. I was simply making a point, Esme.’

      Harriet set down her cup. ‘It would probably be easier if I look for somewhere in town to stay.’

      This wasn’t what she had planned at all. By this stage she’d expected to be on her way home, with Charles thanking his lucky stars for escaping the parent trap.

      ‘No!’ Both Ross-Wyldes expressed their indignation at the suggestion.

      ‘I thought you said you wanted to talk to me about something?’

      ‘We have so much catching up to do, Harri.’


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