Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659. Mustafa Naima

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Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659 - Mustafa Naima

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       Sárukjí Mustafa Páshá is murdered.—Súfí Sinán succeeds him.

       The emperor goes to hunt.—Sultán Osmán Khán is born.

       The grand vezír, Lálá Mohammed Páshá, returns to Constantinople.

       Continuation of the affairs in the East.

       EVENTS of the Year 1014, II.

       Osterghún set fire to.

       The city and fortress taken.

       Progress of Botchkai.

       Botchkai pays a visit to the commanding General.

       Peace is proposed by the Archduke Mathias.

       Concerning Jeghala Zádeh’s operations on the confines of Persia.

       A battle between Serkosh Ibrahím Páshá and the Croatians.

       Mohammed Páshá, the son of Sinán Páshá, killed.

       The emperor, whilst at Adrianople, hears further intelligence as to the state of the rebellion in Anatolia.

       An overture made to Túyel.

       The grand vezír, Mohammed Páshá, is recalled to Constantinople.

       A commotion among the Janissaries and Spáhís.

       The commander-in-chief arrives at Constantinople.

       Delí Hasan killed at Temisvar.

       Concerning the grand vezír, Lálá Mohammed Páshá.—His death.—Dervísh Páshá raised to the vezírship.

       EVENTS of the Year 1015, H.

       Dervísh Páshá is murdered.—Murád Páshá is made grand vezír.

       The cause of his death more particularly related.

       Peace concluded with Austria.

       Concerning Nesúh Páshá.

       Death of Botchkai.

       Other events of the current year.

       EVENTS of the Year 1016, H.

       The grand vezír, Murád Páshá, returns to court.

       Murád Páshá gains a victory over the rebels.

       Ebn Kalander goes to Ancora.

       Murád Páshá winters at Aleppo.—Troops are sent to Baghdád.

       Jánbulát Oghlí seeks refuge in Constantinople.—Kalander commits new depredations.

       Jánbulát Oghlí meets with a happy reverse of fortune.

       Some more particulars belonging to this year.

       An ambassador arrives from Poland.—A former treaty is renewed.

       EVENTS of the Year 1017, H.

       The commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, pursues Kalander Oghlí.

       His Excellency Murád Páshá hastens after the brother of Túyel Mahmúd.

       The commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, is recalled to court.

       Concerning Mohammed Páshá in Egypt.

       A great earthquake.

       EVENTS of the Year 1018, H.

       The grand vezír and commander-in-chief, Murád Páshá, is again sent to the East.

       Yúsuf Páshá arrives at Scutari.

       Mesli Chávush and Yúsuf Páshá are murdered.

       Treachery in some of the grand vezír’s domestics discovered.

       The arrival of Yúsuf Páshá’s and Mesli Chávush’s wealth.—A display of ill will and malevolence.

       Concerning the naval operations of the lord high admiral, Khalíl Páshá.—Karah Jehennem taken.


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