THE ESSENTIAL JULES VERNE (5 Must Read Classics in One Edition). Jules Verne

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THE ESSENTIAL JULES VERNE (5 Must Read Classics in One Edition) - Jules Verne

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‘mm’ and I have replaced it accordingly, since our typography does not allow such a character.

      [4] In the cipher, audax is written avdas, and quod and quem, hod and ken. (Tr.)

      [5] The degrees of temperature are given by Jules Verne according to the centigrade system, for which we will in each case substitute the Fahrenheit measurement. (Tr.)

      [6] Recherche was sent out in 1835 by Admiral Duperré to learn the fate of the lost expedition of M. de Blosseville in the Lilloise which has never been heard of.

      [9]The name given by Sir Roderick Murchison to a vast series of fossiliferous strata, which lies between the non-fossiliferous slaty schists below and the old red sandstone above. The system is well developed in the region of Shropshire, etc., once inhabited by the Silures under Caractacus, or Caradoc. (Tr.)

      He rose and took the lamp. I followed him. He moved towards the wall. I looked on. He applied his ear against the dry stone, and moved it slowly to and fro, listening intently. I perceived at once that he was examining to find the exact place where the torrent could be heard the loudest. He met with that point on the left side of the tunnel, at three feet from the ground.

      I was stirred up with excitement. I hardly dared guess what the hunter was about to do. But I could not but understand, and applaud and cheer him on, when I saw him lay hold of the pickaxe to make an attack upon the rock.

      “We are saved!” I cried.

      “Yes,” cried my uncle, almost frantic with excitement. “Hans is right. Capital fellow! Who but he would have thought of it?”

      Yes; who but he? Such an expedient, however simple, would never have entered into our minds. True, it seemed most hazardous to strike a blow of the hammer in this part of the earth’s structure. Suppose some displacement should occur and crush us all! Suppose the torrent, bursting through, should drown us in a sudden flood! There was nothing vain in these fancies. But still no fears of falling rocks or rushing floods could stay us now; and our thirst was so intense that, to satisfy it, we would have dared the waves of the north Atlantic.

      Hans set about the task which my uncle and I together could not have accomplished. If our impatience had armed our hands with power, we should have shattered the rock into a thousand fragments. Not so Hans. Full of self possession, he calmly wore his way through the rock with a steady succession of light and skilful strokes, working through an aperture six inches wide at the outside. I could hear a louder noise of flowing waters, and I fancied I could feel the delicious fluid refreshing my parched lips.

      The pick had soon penetrated two feet into the granite partition, and our man had worked for above an hour. I was in an agony of impatience. My uncle wanted to employ stronger measures, and I had some difficulty in dissuading him; still he had just taken a pickaxe in his hand, when a sudden hissing was heard, and a jet of water spurted out with violence against the opposite wall.

      Hans, almost thrown off his feet by the violence of the shock, uttered a cry of grief and disappointment, of which I soon under-. stood the cause, when plunging my hands into the spouting torrent, I withdrew them in haste, for the water was scalding hot.

      “The water is at the boiling point,” I cried.

      “Well, never mind, let it cool,” my uncle replied.

      The tunnel was filling with steam, whilst a stream was forming, which by degrees wandered away into subterranean windings, and soon we had the satisfaction of swallowing our first draught.

      Could anything be more delicious than the sensation that our burning intolerable thirst was passing away, and leaving us to enjoy comfort and pleasure? But where was this water from? No matter. It was water; and though still warm, it brought life back to the dying. I kept drinking without stopping, and almost without tasting.

      At last after a most delightful time of reviving energy, I cried, “Why, this is a chalybeate spring!”

      “Nothing could be better for the digestion,” said my uncle. “It is highly impregnated with iron. It will be as good for us as going to the Spa, or to Töplitz.”

      “Well, it is delicious!”

      “Of course it is, water should be, found six miles underground. It has an inky flavour, which is not at all unpleasant. What a capital source of strength Hans has found for us here. We will call it after his name.”

      “Agreed,” I cried.

      And Hansbach it was from that moment.

      Hans was none the prouder. After a moderate draught, he went quietly into a corner to rest.

      “Now,” I said, “we must not lose this water.”

      “What is the use of troubling ourselves?” my uncle, replied. “I fancy it will never fail.”

      “Never mind, we cannot be sure; let us fill the water bottle and our flasks, and then stop up the opening.”

      My advice was followed so far as getting in a supply; but the stopping up of the hole was not so easy to accomplish. It was in vain that we took up fragments of granite, and stuffed them in with tow, we only scalded our hands without succeeding. The pressure was too great, and our efforts were fruitless.

      “It is quite plain,” said I, “that the higher body of this water is at a considerable elevation. The force of the jet shows that.”

      “No doubt,” answered my uncle. “If this column of water is 32,000 feet high - that is, from the surface of the earth, it is equal to the weight of a thousand atmospheres. But I have got an idea.”


      “Why should we trouble ourselves to stop the stream from coming out at all?”

      “Because —” Well, I could not assign a reason.

      “When our flasks are empty, where shall we fill them again? Can we tell that?”

      No; there was no certainty.

      “Well, let us allow the water to run on. It will flow down, and will both guide and refresh us.”

      “That is well planned,” I cried. “With this stream for our guide, there is no reason why we should not succeed in our undertaking.”

      “Ah, my boy! you agree with me now,” cried the Professor, laughing.

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