THE ESSENTIAL JULES VERNE (5 Must Read Classics in One Edition). Jules Verne

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THE ESSENTIAL JULES VERNE (5 Must Read Classics in One Edition) - Jules Verne

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were tumbling everywhere from the projections in the rocks. I thought I recognised the bed of surturbrand, our faithful Hansbach, and the grotto in which I had recovered life and consciousness. Then a few paces farther on, the arrangement of the cliffs, the appearance of an unrecognised stream, or the strange outline of a rock, carne to throw me again into doubt.

      I communicated my doubts to my uncle. Like myself, he hesitated; he could recognise nothing again amidst this monotonous scene.

      “Evidently,” said I, “we have not landed again at our original starting point, but the storm has carried us a little higher, and if we follow the shore we shall find Port Gräuben.”

      “If that is the case it will be useless to continue our exploration, and we had better return to our raft. But, Axel, are you not mistaken?”

      “It is difficult to speak decidedly, uncle, for all these rocks are so very much alike. Yet I think I recognise the promontory at the foot of which Hans constructed our launch. We must be very near the little port, if indeed this is not it,” I added, examining a creek which I thought I recognised.

      “No, Axel, we should at least find our own traces and I see nothing -“

      “But I do see,” I cried, darting upon an object lying on the sand.

      And I showed my uncle a rusty dagger which I had just picked up.

      “Come,” said he, “had you this weapon with you?”

      “I! No, certainly! But you, perhaps -“

      “Not that I am aware,” said the Professor. “I have never had this object in my possession.”

      “Well, this is strange!”

      “No, Axel, it is very simple. The Icelanders often wear arms of this kind. This must have belonged to Hans, and he has lost it.”

      I shook my head. Hans had never had an object like this in his possession.

      “Did it not belong to some preadamite warrior?” I cried, “to some living man, contemporary with the huge cattle-driver? But no. This is not a relic of the stone age. It is not even of the iron age. This blade is steel -“

      My uncle stopped me abruptly on my way to a dissertation which would have taken me a long way, and said coolly:

      “Be calm, Axel, and reasonable. This dagger belongs to the sixteenth century; it is a poniard, such as gentlemen carried in their belts to give the coup de grace. Its origin is Spanish. It was never either yours, or mine, or the hunter’s, nor did it belong to any of those human beings who may or may not inhabit this inner world. See, it was never jagged like this by cutting men’s throats; its blade is coated with a rust neither a day, nor a year, nor a hundred years old.”

      The Professor was getting excited according to his wont, and was allowing his imagination to run away with him.

      “Axel, we are on the way towards the grand discovery. This blade has been left on the strand for from one to three hundred years, and has blunted its edge upon the rocks that fringe this subterranean sea!”

      “But it has not come alone. It has not twisted itself out of shape; some one has been here before us!

      “Yes - a man has.”

      “And who was that man?”

      “A man who has engraved his name somewhere with that dagger. That man wanted once more to mark the way to the centre of the earth. Let us look about: look about!”

      And, wonderfully interested, we peered all along the high wall, peeping into every fissure which might open out into a gallery.

      And so we arrived at a place where the shore was much narrowed. Here the sea came to lap the foot of the steep cliff, leaving a passage no wider than a couple of yards. Between two boldly projecting rocks appeared the mouth of a dark tunnel.

      There, upon a granite slab, appeared two mysterious graven letters, half eaten away by time. They were the initials of the bold and daring traveller:

      [Runic initials appear here]

      “A. S.,” shouted my uncle. “Arne Saknussemm! Arne Saknussemm everywhere!”


      Table of Contents

      Since the start upon this marvellous pilgrimage I had been through so many astonishments that I might well be excused for thinking myself well hardened against any further surprise. Yet at the sight of these two letters, engraved on this spot three hundred years ago, I stood aghast in dumb amazement. Not only were the initials of the learned alchemist visible upon the living rock, but there lay the iron point with which the letters had been engraved. I could no longer doubt of the existence of that wonderful traveller and of the fact of his unparalleled journey, without the most glaring incredulity.

      Whilst these reflections were occupying me, Professor Liedenbrock had launched into a somewhat rhapsodical eulogium, of which Arne Saknussemm was, of course, the hero.

      “Thou marvellous genius!” he cried, “thou hast not forgotten one indication which might serve to lay open to mortals the road through the terrestrial crust; and thy fellow-creatures may even now, after the lapse of three centuries, again trace thy footsteps through these deep and darksome ways. You reserved the contemplation of these wonders for other eyes besides your own. Your name, graven from stage to stage, leads the bold follower of your footsteps to the very centre of our planet’s core, and there again we shall find your own name written with your own hand. I too will inscribe my name upon this dark granite page. But for ever henceforth let this cape that advances into the sea discovered by yourself be known by your own illustrious name - Cape Saknussemm.”

      Such were the glowing words of panegyric which fell upon my attentive ear, and I could not resist the sentiment of enthusiasm with which I too was infected. The fire of zeal kindled afresh in me. I forgot everything. I dismissed from my mind the past perils of the journey, the future danger of our return. That which another had done I supposed we might also do, and nothing that was not superhuman appeared impossible to me.

      “Forward! forward!” I cried.

      I was already darting down the gloomy tunnel when the Professor stopped me; he, the man of impulse, counselled patience and coolness.

      “Let us first return to Hans,” he said, “and bring the raft to this spot.”

      I obeyed, not without dissatisfaction, and passed out rapidly among the rocks on the shore.

      I said: “Uncle, do you know it seems to me that circumstances have wonderfully befriended us hitherto?”

      “You think so, Axel?”

      “No doubt; even the tempest has put us on the right way. Blessings on that storm! It has brought us back to this coast from which fine weather would have carried us far away. Suppose we had touched with our prow (the prow of a rudder!) the southern shore of the Liedenbrock sea, what would have become of us? We should never have seen the name of Saknussemm, and we should at this moment be imprisoned on a rockbound, impassable coast.”

      “Yes, Axel, it is providential that whilst supposing we were steering south we should have just got back north at Cape Saknussemm. I must say that this is astonishing, and that I feel I have no way to explain it.”

      “What does that signify, uncle? Our business is not to explain facts, but to use them!”

      “Certainly; but -“

      “Well, uncle, we are going to resume the northern route, and to pass under the north countries of Europe - under Sweden, Russia, Siberia: who knows where?

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