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unreality of the body; if we could only hold the thought that we are a part of the creative intelligence of the universe, copartners with God in our work here on the earth, how much more we could accomplish, how much higher we could climb, how much happier we should be.

      When man realizes the tremendous significance of the reality of the unseen; when he grasps the truth of his unity with his Maker, the unity of life, the oneness of the source of all things in the universe, and that all is a manifestation of Divine Mind, he will come into possession of the illimitable power the Creator has implanted in every one of us.

      When Christ emphasized the fact that the kingdom of heaven is within us, he meant that this kingdom within is identical with the Divine Mind, and that it is there man taps the source of all power, of all supply.

      The kingdom within is the kingdom of power, where all man's creative work is started. It is there he connects with the universal substance, the great creative energy; and thought is the invisible tool with which he fashions his creations.

      Acting upon the hidden, mysterious substance from which everything in the universe is evolved, the thought tool directs, controls, creates according to his desires. It finds its material in the unseen world, and in proportion as the mind grasps the reality of the unseen, the power and the possibilities are there.

      It is in the unseen world that man, animated and inspired by the consciousness of his partnership with Divinity, is beginning to find some of the secrets of the universe—lifting the race from animalism and drudgery, changing the face of the world, pushing civilization up to new and more glorious heights.

      Your prosperity, your health, your happiness, your success, the fruition of your ambitions, all are in the great formless creative energy, ready to come into form when your thought does its part in starting the creative processes.

      Limitless wealth, inexhaustible supply to meet our needs, inventions, great productions of art and literature, music and drama, marvels in every field of human endeavor, are in the great cosmic intelligence waiting the instruction of our thought to come into visible form on our earth.

      All the powers in the great cosmic intelligence are constantly working on the thoughts and desires of men. There is no favoritism in the unseen realities.

      The thoughts of the meanest man on earth are treated in precisely the same way as those of the noblest.

      Just as the sun and the rain, the wind and the dew give their potencies to the poor farmer and the good one alike, so the thief, the criminal, the murderer, and the failure have the same material to work in as the just man, the nobly successful, the great architects and artists, the great engineers, inventors, merchants, the great men and women in every field who are uplifting the race and making the world a better place to live in.

      In other words, the creative force of thought puts an invincible power into man's hands, makes him a creator, the molder of his life, his destiny, his fortunes.

      We cannot think without creating, for every thought is a seed planted in the universal substance; it will produce something like itself. You and I can sow in the invisible, constructive thoughts, beautiful thoughts, thoughts of love, of good will, of health, of prosperity, of happiness, of success in our chosen work; or we can sow destructive thoughts, ugly thoughts, thoughts of hatred and ill-will, of disease, of discord, of failure, of poverty, of all sorts of misery, and, one thing is certain, whatever we sow we shall reap.

      That is the law, and there is no escape from it.

      Most of the poverty, disease, failure and unhappiness in the world come from ignorance of the law. These things do not fit God's plan for his children.

      The Father never intended that we should be subject to disease, that we should wear ourselves out in drudgery, in unhappiness, in failure, in poverty, in constant anxiety, fearing all sorts of trouble and misery.

      The specter of disease and the wolf at the door are our own creations. They exist only in our minds; but as long as we visualize them, think on them, fear them, they will become real for us and manifest themselves in our lives.

      Health, abundance, success, happiness, a glorious, joyful living — these are the things the Creator intended for all his children.

      But most of us drive them from us by our false, pessimistic thinking, and then whine and complain about "fate" and "hard luck," when just the reverse is true; when the invisible world about us is packed with infinite possibilities, awaiting our thought seed, our desire seed, our ambition seed, our aspiration seed, our prosperity and success seed, backed by our effort on the material plane, to make them manifest in the forms upon which we concentrate.

      If you are poor, ailing and unsuccessful, you are working against the law, and until you come to a realization of the truth about the unseen forces at your command and work with the law you will continue to be poor, ailing, and unsuccessful.

      Why not begin now to make the unseen forces your friends? Instead of making them your enemies, why not turn about face mentally and work with the law by simply holding the right thought?

      Why not turn your back on disease and poverty and failure by continually holding the health and abundance thought, saying to yourself: "I am the child of the Author of health, joy, and abundance; I am the child of the All-Supply.

      Health and success continually flow to me from the All-Supply, which is the Source of my being. Nothing but myself can cut me off from this Source; nothing but my own wrong thinking can cut off my supply, — the health, success, and happiness that are my birthright.

      I claim my inheritance from my Father now. I am health; I am success; I am happiness; I am free now and forever from all that would hinder my development, from everything that would hinder the realization of the ambitions the Father himself has implanted in me.

      This is my appointed work, the task he has given me to do here on this earth — to carry out the details of his plan for me is to realize my ambitions. I am working in partnership with Him and I cannot fail. I am one with Him; I again make my affirmation: I am health; I am success; I am happiness; I am abundance. My future is secure. I will go straight on, fearing nothing, for there is nothing to fear when I know that God is all, and that I am one with Him.”

      No matter what your present circumstances and environment, if you hold fast to this mental attitude, to a firm belief in the reality of the unseen, where your supply is, and work in harmony with the law, you can, through the creative power of thought, acting on the invisible universal substance, fashion and draw out of the unseen realms of supply whatever you will — knowledge, wisdom, power, health, wealth, happiness, success, — the realization of all your hopes and visions.

      Chapter VI.

       If You Can Finance Yourself

       Table of Contents

      Beware of little extravagances. A small leak will sink a big ship.

      —Benjamin Franklin

      Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into it, but hard enough to get out.


      "The improvident man is a liability to the concern in which he is employed, the community in which he lives, his family and himself."

      A little money in the bank is a great friend both in time of need and in time of opportunity.

      Many people completely fail in life or are forced to live in mortifying poverty, to struggle along perhaps under the curse of debt, miserable, and handicapped all their lives because they never learned how to finance themselves.

      There is nothing more important to a human being than to be able not only to earn his living, but also to know how to use his money to the best advantage, for on this depends his power to make himself independent and consequently to do his best work in the world.

      The money sense, if not inherited, should be cultivated.

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