History, Manners & Customs of Indian Nations (Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States). John Heckewelder

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History, Manners & Customs of Indian Nations (Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States) - John Heckewelder

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       John Heckewelder & William C. Reichel

      History, Manners & Customs of Indian Nations

      (Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States)

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

       [email protected]

      2018 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-4545-1

       Introduction by the Editor



       Part I. History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations, Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighbouring States

       Chapter I. Historical Traditions of the Indians

       Chapter II. Indian Account of the First Arrival of the Dutch at New York Island

       Chapter III. Indian Relations of the Conduct of the Europeans Towards Them

       Chapter IV. Subsequent Fate of the Lenape and Their Kindred Tribes

       Chapter V. The Iroquois

       Chapter VI. General Character of the Indians

       Chapter VII. Government

       Chapter VIII. Education

       Chapter IX. Languages

       Chapter X. Signs and Hieroglyphics

       Chapter XI. Oratory

       Chapter XII. Metaphorical Expressions

       Chapter XIII. Indian Names

       Chapter XIV. Intercourse with Each Other

       Chapter XV. Political Manœuvres

       Chapter XVI. Marriage and Treatment of Their Wives

       Chapter XVII. Respect for the Aged

       Chapter XVIII. Pride and Greatness of Mind

       Chapter XIX. Wars and the Causes which Lead to Them

       Chapter XX. Manner of Surprising Their Enemies

       Chapter XXI. Peace Messengers

       Chapter XXII. Treaties

       Chapter XXIII. General Observations of the Indians on the White People

       Chapter XXIV. Food and Cookery

       Chapter XXV. Dress, and Ornamenting of Their Persons

       Chapter XXVI. Dances, Songs, and Sacrifices

       Chapter XXVII. Scalping—Whoops or Yells—Prisoners

       Chapter XXVIII. Bodily Constitution and Diseases

       Chapter XXIX. Remedies

       Chapter XXX. Physicians and Surgeons

       Chapter XXXI. Doctors or Jugglers

       Chapter XXXII. Superstition

       Chapter XXXIII. Initiation of Boys

       Chapter XXXIV. Indian Mythology

       Chapter XXXV. Insanity—Suicide

       Chapter XXXVI. Drunkenness

       Chapter XXXVII. Funerals

       Chapter XXXVIII. Friendship

       Chapter XXXIX. Preachers and Prophets

       Chapter XL. Short Notice of the Indian Cheifs, Tamanend and Tadeuskund

       Chapter XLI. Computation of Time—Astromical and Geographical Knowledge

       Chapter XLII. General Observations and Anecdotes

       Chapter XLIII. Advice to Travellers

       Chapter XLIV.

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