JANE OF LANTERN HILL (Children's Book). Lucy Maud Montgomery

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JANE OF LANTERN HILL (Children's Book) - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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people get unmarried?" gasped Jane to whom it was an entirely new idea.

      "Of course they can, silly. Mother says your mother ought to go to the States and get a divorce but father says it wouldn't be legal in Canada and anyway the Kennedys don't believe in it. Father says grandmother wouldn't allow it either, for fear Aunt Robin would just go and marry somebody else."

      "If . . . if mother got a divorce does that mean that he wouldn't be my father any more?" querried Jane hopefully.

      Phyllis looked dubious.

      "I shouldn't suppose it would make any difference that way. But whoever she married would be your stepfather."

      Jane did not want a stepfather any more than she wanted a father. But she said nothing again and Phyllis was annoyed.

      "How do you like the idea of going to P. E. Island, Victoria?"

      Jane was not going to expose her soul to the patronizing Phyllis.

      "I don't know anything about it," she said shortly.

      "I do," said Phyllis importantly. "We spent a summer there two years ago. We lived in a big hotel on the north shore. It's quite a pretty place. I daresay you'll like it for a change."

      Jane knew she would hate it. She tried to turn the conversation but Phyllis meant to thrash the subject out.

      "How do you suppose you'll get along with your father?"

      "I don't know."

      "He likes clever people, you know, and you're not very clever, are you, Victoria?"

      Jane did not like being made feel like a worm. Phyllis always made her feel like that . . . when she didn't make her feel like a shadow. And there was not a bit of use in getting mad with her. Phyllis never got mad. Phyllis, everybody said, was such a sweet child . . . had such a lovely disposition. She just went on condescending. Jane sometimes thought if they could have just one good fight she would like Phyllis better. Jane knew mother was a bit worried because she didn't make more friends among girls of her own age.

      "You know," went on Phyllis, "that was one of the things. . . . Aunt Robin thought she couldn't talk clever enough for him."

      The worm turned.

      "I am not going to talk any more about my mother . . . or him," said Jane distinctly.

      Phyllis sulked a little and the afternoon was a failure. Jane was more thankful than usual when Frank came to take her home.

      Little was being said at 60 Gay about Jane's going to the Island. How quickly the days flew by! Jane wished she could hold them back. Once, when she had been very small, she had said to mother, "Isn't there any way we can stop time, mummy?"

      Jane remembered that mother had sighed and said, "We can never stop time, darling."

      And now time just went stonily on . . . tick tock, tick tock . . . sunrise, sunset, ever and ever nearer to the day when she would be torn away from mother. It would be early in June . . . St Agatha's closed earlier than the other schools. Grandmother took Jane to Marlborough's late in May and got some very nice clothes for her . . . much nicer than she had ever had before. Under ordinary circumstances Jane would have loved her blue coat and the smart little blue hat with its tiny scarlet bow . . . and a certain lovely frock of white, eyelet-embroidered in red, with a smart red leather belt. Phyllis had nothing nicer than that. But now she had no interest in them.

      "I don't suppose she'll have much use for very fine clothes down there," mother had said.

      "She shall go fitted out properly," said grandmother. "He shall not need to buy clothes for her, of that I shall make sure. And Irene Fraser shall have no chance to comment. I suppose he has some kind of a hovel to live in or he would not have sent for her. Did any one ever tell you, Victoria, that it is not proper to butter your whole slice of bread at once? And do you think it would be possible, just for a change, to get through a meal without letting your napkin slip off your knee continually?"

      Jane dreaded meal-times more than ever. Her preoccupation made her awkward and grandmother pounced on everything. She wished she need never come to the table, but unluckily one cannot live without eating a little. Jane ate very little. She had no appetite and grew noticeably thinner. She could not put any heart into her studies and she barely made the Senior Third while Phyllis passed with honours.

      "As was to be expected," said grandmother.

      Jody tried to comfort her.

      "After all, it won't be so long. Only three months, Jane."

      Three months of absence from a beloved mother and three months' presence with a detested father seemed like an eternity to Jane.

      "You'll write me, Jane? And I'll write you if I can get any postage stamps. I've got ten cents now . . . that Mr Ransome gave me. That will pay for three stamps anyhow."

      Then Jane told Jody a heart-breaking thing.

      "I'll write you often, Jody. But I can write mother only once a month. And I'm never to mention him."

      "Did your mother tell you that?"

      "No, oh, no! It was grandmother. As if I'd want to mention him."

      "I hunted up P. E. Island on the map," said Jody, her dark velvet-brown eyes full of sympathy. "There's such an awful lot of water round it. Ain't you afraid of falling over the edge?"

      "I don't believe I'd mind if I did," said Jane dismally.


       Table of Contents

      Jane was to go to the Island with Mr and Mrs Stanley who were going down to visit a married daughter. Somehow Jane lived through the last days. She was determined she would not make any fuss because that would be hard on mother. There were no more good-night confidences and caressings . . . no more little tender loving words spoken at special moments. But Jane, somehow, knew the two reasons for this. Mother could not bear it, for one thing, and, for another, grandmother was resolved not to permit it. But on Jane's last night at 60 Gay mother did slip in when grandmother was occupied by callers below.

      "Mother . . . mother!"

      "Darling, be brave. After all, it is only three months and the Island is a lovely spot. You may . . . if I'd known . . . once I . . . oh, it doesn't matter now. Nothing matters. Darling, there's one thing I must ask you to promise. You are never to mention me to your father."

      "I won't," choked Jane. It was an easy promise. She couldn't imagine herself talking to him about mother.

      "He will like you better if . . . if . . . he thinks you don't love me too much," whispered mother. Down went her white lids over her blue eyes. But Jane had seen the look. She felt as if her heart was bursting.

      The sky at sunrise was blood-red but it soon darkened into sullen grey. At noon a drizzle set in. "I think the weather is sorry at your going away," said Jody. "Oh, Jane, I'll miss you so. And . . . I don't know if I'll be here when you come back. Miss West says she's going to put me in an orphanage, and I don't want to be put in an orphanage, Jane. Here's the pretty shell Miss Ames brought from the West Indies for me. It's the only pretty thing I have. I want you to have it because if I go to the orphanage I s'pose they'll take it away from me."

      The train left for Montreal at eleven that night and Frank took Jane and her mother to the station. She had kissed grandmother and Aunt Gertrude good-bye dutifully.

      "If you meet your Aunt Irene Fraser down on the Island remember me to her," said grandmother. There was an odd little tone of exultation in her voice. Jane felt that grandmother had got the better of Aunt Irene in some way, at some time, and wanted it rubbed in. It was as if she had said, "She will remember me." And who was Aunt Irene?

      60 Gay seemed to scowl at her as they drove away. She had never liked it and it had never liked her, but she felt drearily as if some gate of life

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