Soyer's Culinary Campaign: Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War. Soyer Alexis
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I had not waited ten minutes before Lord Panmure came in alone.
“Ah, Mr. Soyer, what have you there?”
“The model of a stove I wish to submit to your lordship. It is one which will, I believe, suit admirably for cooking both in and out of doors.”
After closely examining it, and listening to the details I had previously given to the Duke of Cambridge, Lord Panmure approved of it, and requested me to have another made, which he might keep by him for inspection.
He then inquired how many cooks I should take with me.
“Only a few from Paris,” I replied, “as I wish to make a trial before engaging many people; besides, I hope to be able, in a very short time, to instruct the soldiers, who, being under discipline, might prove as useful as any cooks.”
Lord Panmure seemed pleased at my anxiety to instruct the soldiers; and, as he very justly remarked—“We want them to learn how to cook their rations to the best advantage, and that your instructions should remain for ever among them. Well, I have settled all you wished me to do; and my secretary, Mr. Ramsay, will remit you all the letters you require. When do you think of starting?”
“By the next mail.”
“Well!” said his lordship, shaking me heartily by the hand, “Good-bye, if I do not see you again before your departure.”
“It would only be troubling you; I therefore beg to take this opportunity of thanking your lordship for the kind reception and encouragement I have received, and, still more, for the confidence with which you have honoured me. I assure you that it will cause me to be most careful and economical, and it will be my pride to improve the diet without increasing the expense to Government. This may not be effected at first; but when the system is once introduced, and fairly established, I will answer for both a great amelioration as well as a saving.”
“I am confident, Soyer, that you will do your best.”
“Your lordship may depend upon me for that, were it only for my own sake.”
“Well, write as soon as you arrive, and let us know how you get on.”
Upon leaving, I met Mr. Ramsay, and related to him verbatim what had passed between Lord Panmure and myself. I then showed him the model, which he understood perfectly well, and gave me the engineer, Mr. Brunel’s, address. I called upon that gentleman, and had the pleasure of an interview. He at once gave his full and entire approval of the principle, saying, “You really come at a most propitious time; Dr. Mayne and myself are actually busily engaged discussing a plan for establishing kitchens in the Smyrna hospital. Yours will answer very well, and assist us materially, as it is always a tedious department to construct in order to be effective, and work properly. No doubt they will be applicable to every public institution; besides, what a small quantity of fuel they must consume.”
“Very little, indeed; and with this simple regulator you may manage the ebullition to a nicety, even in the open air. I shall also beg to remark, that they will be made of a beautiful metal, that will never require tinning; and the whole, though light in weight, will be extremely strong, and will last several years without needing repairs, or, at least, very trifling ones, that will not interfere with their use for a single day. They will take up but little room, and may be easily kept clean. No bricks are required, no chimney to be swept, and they can be as easily removed as any piece of furniture in your room.”
“You are perfectly right; and I give you my candid opinion, they are the very stoves required for the purpose. I should like Dr. Mayne to see it; if you can, call as you go to the War Office, and show him the model. I can then speak with him upon the subject.”
“With the greatest of pleasure.”
As Dr. Mayne had not arrived when I called, I went and fetched a passport for myself, and one for my secretary. Upon my return, the doctor had examined the model, and seemed much pleased, saying—“It will answer very well.” I left the address of the manufacturers with him, and then retired. They were immediately adopted both at Smyrna, and later at Rankioi.
A gentleman present, who seemed to have taken a great deal of interest in our descriptive conversation, followed me to the door, and, in a low voice, asked if I had taken out a patent.
“No, I have not; but I shall put my name and label upon them.”
“Well, if you were to take out a patent, you would make a fortune.”
“You may be right; but upon such an occasion I should fancy myself wrong. I will therefore give it, pro bono publico. I am well aware that by making it more complete I could take out either registration or patent, but I would not do that for the world; as it would be immediately reported that I expected to be repaid for my services by the profits of the patent of the stove, and upon these grounds I decline any such proceeding.”
As it was then about three o’clock, I went, by appointment, to Sir Benjamin Hawes’ office to bid that gentleman adieu, and to receive his final orders, showing him at the same time the model, which he seemed to appreciate thoroughly. He gave me the best advice, and promised me his powerful support throughout my culinary campaign. In return, I engaged to communicate all my movements, and retired.
At noon, next day, I again called at Stafford House, “not by appointment.” On being informed of my visit, the Duchess at once favoured me with an audience. “I am come,” said I, “to announce my departure. I wish, ere I leave to-morrow, to thank your Grace, and to show you the model of my new stove which I mean to introduce into the hospital kitchens.”
“Ah!” exclaimed her Grace, “I must go and fetch the Duke. He will be highly pleased with it, and he wished very much to see you before your departure.”
The Duke soon entered the great hall, with a large party, to whom I explained the principle, as I had before done to the Duke of Cambridge. I also stated that the day previous I had had the honour of showing it to Lord Panmure, and Mr. Brunel, the celebrated engineer, all of whom were much pleased with its efficacy, simplicity, and economy; more especially Mr. Brunel, who so highly appreciated the principle of its construction, that he at once adopted it, and applied it to the hospital kitchens at Smyrna and Rankioi, which he was there about to fit up.
The Duke made many remarks respecting the simplicity of its construction and the immense economy of fuel; “the transport of which,” I observed, “was so extremely difficult and costly.” I also remarked that one stove might be placed in a tent or hut containing fifty or sixty men; and they could cook there without the smallest inconvenience or difficulty, while it would throw out sufficient heat, “being in use nearly all day, viz., for breakfast, dinner, and tea,” to warm the hut in winter, while in summer it might be turned out of doors.
Having been complimented by all present, I was about to retire, when the Duchess observed that she had written several letters of introduction for me. “Among the number,” said her Grace, “you will find one for Miss Nightingale.”
I returned my sincere thanks to all present, and in particular to the Duke and Duchess. I assured them that the kindness and great encouragement I had received from them would be for ever engraved in my memory. The Duke remarked that he was very glad to see me in such high spirits. I acknowledged this with a bow.
“But, Mr. Soyer, suppose you should be taken ill?” said the Duchess.
“Well, your Grace—cela est à la volonté de Dieu—at present I am happy to say I have not any fears on that head, and am quite resigned to whatever Providence may dictate. Once more I beg to reiterate my feelings of gratitude, and bid your Grace and your illustrious family adieu.”
As it was nearly one o’clock, I called upon Mr. Ramsay, who had all my letters ready. He did me the honour to introduce me to General Vivian, of the Turkish Contingent, and his brother, Captain Ramsay, the general’s aide-de-camp. Anticipating the pleasure of meeting those gentlemen in the East, I departed with the