The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer

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The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems - Homer

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off he fell, and could sustain no more.

       ‭ Quite under water fell he; and, past fate,

       ‭ Hapless Ulysses there had lost the state

       ‭ He held in life, if, still the grey-eyed Maid

       ‭ His wisdom prompting, he had not assay’d

       ‭ Another course, and ceas’d t’ attempt that shore,

       ‭ Swimming, and casting round his eye t’ explore

       ‭ Some other shelter. Then the mouth he found

       ‭ Of fair Callicoe’s flood, whose shores were crown’d

       ‭ With most apt succours: rocks so smooth they seem’d

       ‭ Polish’d of purpose; land that quite redeem’d

       ‭ With breathless coverts th’ others’ blasted shores.

       ‭ The flood he knew, and thus in heart implores:

       ‭ “King of this river, hear! Whatever name

       ‭ Makes thee invok’d, to thee I humbly frame

       ‭ My flight from Neptune’s furies. Rev’rend is

       ‭ To all the ever-living Deities

       ‭ What erring man soever seeks their aid.

       ‭ To thy both flood and knees a man dismay’d

       ‭ With varied suff’rance sues. Yield then some rest

       ‭ To him that is thy suppliant profest.”

       ‭ This, though but spoke in thought, the Godhead heard,

       ‭ Her current straight stay’d, and her thick waves clear’d

       ‭ Before him, smooth’d her waters, and, just where

       ‭ He pray’d half-drown’d, entirely sav’d him there.

       ‭ Then forth he came, his both knees falt’ring, both

       ‭ His strong hands hanging down, and all with froth

       ‭ His cheeks and nosthrils flowing, voice and breath

       ‭ Spent to all use, and down he sunk to death.

       ‭ The sea had soak’d his heart through; all his veins

       ‭ His toils had rack’d t’ a labouring woman’s pains. [5]

       ‭ Dead weary was he. But when breath did find

       ‭ A pass reciprocal, and in his mind

       ‭ His spirit was recollected, up he rose,

       ‭ And from his neck did th’ amulet unloose,

       ‭ That Ino gave him; which he hurl’d from him

       ‭ To sea. It sounding fell, and back did swim

       ‭ With th’ ebbing waters, till it straight arriv’d

       ‭ Where Ino’s fair hand it again receiv’d.

       ‭ Then kiss’d he th’ humble earth; and on he goes,

       ‭ Till bulrushes show’d place for his repose,

       ‭ Where laid, he sigh’d, and thus said to his soul:

       ‭ “O me, what strange perplexities control

       ‭ The whole skill of thy pow’rs in this event!

       ‭ What feel I? If till care-nurse night be spent

       ‭ I watch amidst the flood, the sea’s chill breath,

       ‭ And vegetant dews, I fear will be my death,

       ‭ So low brought with my labours. Towards day

       ‭ A passing sharp air ever breathes at sea.

       ‭ If I the pitch of this next mountain scale,

       ‭ And shady wood, and in some thicket fall

       ‭ Into the hands of Sleep, though there the cold

       ‭ May well be check’d, and healthful slumbers hold

       ‭ Her sweet hand on my pow’rs, all care allay’d,

       ‭ Yet there will beasts devour me. Best appaid

       ‭ Doth that course make me yet; for there, some strife,

       ‭ Strength, and my spirit, may make me make for life;

       ‭ Which, though impair’d, may yet be fresh applied,

       ‭ Where peril possible of escape is tried.

       ‭ But he that fights with heav’n, or with the sea,

       ‭ To indiscretion adds impiety.”

       ‭ Thus to the woods he hasted; which he found

       ‭ Not far from sea, but on far-seeing ground,

       ‭ Where two twin underwoods he enter’d on,

       ‭ With olive-trees and oil-trees overgrown;

       ‭ Through which the moist force of the loud-voic’d wind

       ‭ Did never beat, nor ever Phœbus shin’d,

       ‭ Nor show’r beat through, they grew so one in one,

       ‭ And had, by turns, their pow’r t’ exclude the sun.

       ‭ Here enter’d our Ulysses; and a bed

       ‭ Of leaves huge, and of huge abundance, spread

       ‭ With all his speed. Large he made it, for there

       ‭ For two or three men ample cov’rings were,

       ‭ Such as might shield them from the winter’s worst,

       ‭ Though steel it breathed, and blew as it would burst. [6]

       ‭ Patient Ulysses joy’d, that ever day

       ‭ Show’d such a shelter. In the midst he lay,

       ‭ Store of leaves heaping high on ev’ry side.

       ‭ And as in some out-field a man doth hide

       ‭ A kindled brand, to keep the seed of fire,

       ‭ No neighbour dwelling near, and his desire

       ‭ Serv’d with self store, he else would ask of none,

       ‭ But of his fore-spent sparks rakes th’ ashes on;

       ‭ So this out-place Ulysses thus receives,

       ‭ And thus nak’d virtue’s seed lies hid in leaves.

       ‭ Yet Pallas made him sleep as soon as men

       ‭ Whom delicacies all their flatt’ries deign,

       ‭ And all that all his labours could comprise

       ‭ Quickly concluded in his closed eyes.


      ‭[1] ᾽Επἱ σχεδἰης πογυδἐσμον, in rate multis vinculis ligatus.

      ‭[2] The piner—Hunger.

      ‭[3] This four day days’ work (you will say) is too much for one man: ‭and Pliny affirms, that Hiero (a king of Sicily) in five-and forty ‭days built two hundred and twenty ships, rigged them, and put to ‭sea with them.

      ‭[4] Συναγεἰρω—Mendicando colligo.

      ‭[5] Ὤιδεε of ὠδἰνω ἁ partu doleo.

      ‭[6] A metaphorical hyperbole, expressing the winter’s extremity of ‭sharpness.


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