The Valley of the Moon. Джек Лондон

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The Valley of the Moon - Джек Лондон

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you don't know who I am,” he bullied.

      “Yep, I do,” Billy answered airily. “You're a record-breaker at rough-housin'.” (Here Long's face showed pleasure.) “You ought to have the Police Gazette diamond belt for rough-housin' baby buggies'. I guess there ain't a one you're afraid to tackle.”

      “Leave 'm alone, Charley,” advised one of the young men who had crowded about them. “He's Bill Roberts, the fighter. You know'm. Big Bill.”

      “I don't care if he's Jim Jeffries. He can't butt in on me this way.”

      Nevertheless it was noticeable, even to Saxon, that the fire had gone out of his fierceness. Billy's name seemed to have a quieting effect on obstreperous males.

      “Do you know him?” Billy asked her.

      She signified yes with her eyes, though it seemed she must cry out a thousand things against this man who so steadfastly persecuted her. Billy turned to the blacksmith.

      “Look here, sport, you don't want trouble with me. I've got your number. Besides, what do we want to fight for? Hasn't she got a say so in the matter?”

      “No, she hasn't. This is my affair an' yourn.”

      Billy shook his head slowly. “No; you're in wrong. I think she has a say in the matter.”

      “Well, say it then,” Long snarled at Saxon, “who're you goin' to go with?—me or him? Let's get it settled.”

      For reply, Saxon reached her free hand over to the hand that rested on Billy's arm.

      “Nuff said,” was Billy's remark.

      Long glared at Saxon, then transferred the glare to her protector.

      “I've a good mind to mix it with you anyway,” Long gritted through his teeth.

      Saxon was elated as they started to move away. Lily Sanderson's fate had not been hers, and her wonderful man-boy, without the threat of a blow, slow of speech and imperturbable, had conquered the big blacksmith.

      “He's forced himself upon me all the time,” she whispered to Billy. “He's tried to run me, and beaten up every man that came near me. I never want to see him again.”

      Billy halted immediately. Long, who was reluctantly moving to get out of the way, also halted.

      “She says she don't want anything more to do with you,” Billy said to him. “An' what she says goes. If I get a whisper any time that you've been botherin' her, I'll attend to your case. D'ye get that?”

      Long glowered and remained silent.

      “D'ye get that?” Billy repeated, more imperatively.

      A growl of assent came from the blacksmith

      “All right, then. See you remember it. An' now get outa the way or I'll walk over you.”

      Long slunk back, muttering inarticulate threats, and Saxon moved on as in a dream. Charley Long had taken water. He had been afraid of this smooth-skinned, blue-eyed boy. She was quit of him—something no other man had dared attempt for her. And Billy had liked her better than Lily Sanderson.

      Twice Saxon tried to tell Billy the details of her acquaintance with Long, but each time was put off.

      “I don't care a rap about it,” Billy said the second time. “You're here, ain't you?”

      But she insisted, and when, worked up and angry by the recital, she had finished, he patted her hand soothingly.

      “It's all right, Saxon,” he said. “He's just a big stiff. I took his measure as soon as I looked at him. He won't bother you again. I know his kind. He's a dog. Roughhouse? He couldn't rough-house a milk wagon.”

      “But how do you do it?” she asked breathlessly. “Why are men so afraid of you? You're just wonderful.”

      He smiled in an embarrassed way and changed the subject.

      “Say,” he said, “I like your teeth. They're so white an' regular, an' not big, an' not dinky little baby's teeth either. They're … they're just right, an' they fit you. I never seen such fine teeth on a girl yet. D'ye know, honest, they kind of make me hungry when I look at 'em. They're good enough to eat.”

      At midnight, leaving the insatiable Bert and Mary still dancing, Billy and Saxon started for home. It was on his suggestion that they left early, and he felt called upon to explain.

      “It's one thing the fightin' game's taught me,” he said. “To take care of myself. A fellow can't work all day and dance all night and keep in condition. It's the same way with drinkin'—an' not that I'm a little tin angel. I know what it is. I've been soused to the guards an' all the rest of it. I like my beer—big schooners of it; but I don't drink all I want of it. I've tried, but it don't pay. Take that big stiff to-night that butted in on us. He ought to had my number. He's a dog anyway, but besides he had beer bloat. I sized that up the first rattle, an' that's the difference about who takes the other fellow's number. Condition, that's what it is.”

      “But he is so big,” Saxon protested. “Why, his fists are twice as big as yours.”

      “That don't mean anything. What counts is what's behind the fists. He'd turn loose like a buckin' bronco. If I couldn't drop him at the start, all I'd do is to keep away, smother up, an' wait. An' all of a sudden he'd blow up—go all to pieces, you know, wind, heart, everything, and then I'd have him where I wanted him. And the point is he knows it, too.”

      “You're the first prizefighter I ever knew,” Saxon said, after a pause.

      “I'm not any more,” he disclaimed hastily. “That's one thing the fightin' game taught me—to leave it alone. It don't pay. A fellow trains as fine as silk—till he's all silk, his skin, everything, and he's fit to live for a hundred years; an' then he climbs through the ropes for a hard twenty rounds with some tough customer that's just as good as he is, and in those twenty rounds he frazzles out all his silk an' blows in a year of his life. Yes, sometimes he blows in five years of it, or cuts it in half, or uses up all of it. I've watched 'em. I've seen fellows strong as bulls fight a hard battle and die inside the year of consumption, or kidney disease, or anything else. Now what's the good of it? Money can't buy what they throw away. That's why I quit the game and went back to drivin' team. I got my silk, an' I'm goin' to keep it, that's all.”

      “It must make you feel proud to know you are the master of other men,” she said softly, aware herself of pride in the strength and skill of him.

      “It does,” he admitted frankly. “I'm glad I went into the game—just as glad as I am that I pulled out of it. … Yep, it's taught me a lot—to keep my eyes open an' my head cool. Oh, I've got a temper, a peach of a temper. I get scared of myself sometimes. I used to be always breakin' loose. But the fightin' taught me to keep down the steam an' not do things I'd be sorry for afterward.”

      “Why, you're the sweetest, easiest tempered man I know,” she interjected.

      “Don't you believe it. Just watch me, and sometime you'll see me break out that bad that I won't know what I'm doin' myself. Oh, I'm a holy terror when I get started!”

      This tacit promise of continued acquaintance gave Saxon a little joy-thrill.

      “Say,” he said, as they neared her neighborhood, “what are you doin' next Sunday?”

      “Nothing. No plans at all.”

      “Well, suppose you an' me go buggy-riding all day out in the hills?”

      She did not answer immediately, and for the moment she was seeing the nightmare vision of her last buggy-ride; of her fear and her leap from the buggy; and of the long miles and the stumbling through the darkness in thin-soled shoes that bruised her feet on every rock. And then it came to her with a great swell of joy that this man beside her was not such a man.

      “I love horses,” she said.

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