The True Story of Salem: Book 1-7. Charles Wentworth Upham

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The True Story of Salem: Book 1-7 - Charles Wentworth Upham

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State House, and another of the same in the court-files of the county. This gives one fixed and known point, Hadlock's Bridge, from which, following the lines by points of compass and distances, as indicated on the plot and described in the Colonial Records, all the sides of the grant are laid out with accuracy, and its place on the map determined with absolute certainty. A very perfect and scientifically executed plan of a part of the boundary between Salem and Reading in 1666 is in the State House; of which an exact tracing was kindly furnished by Mr. H.J. Coolidge, of the Secretary of State's office. It gives two of the sides of the Governor Bellingham grant, No. IV., in such a manner as to afford the means of projecting it with entire certainty, and fixing its locality. There are no other plots of original or early grants or farms on this territory; but, starting from the Bishop and Bellingham grants thus laid out in their respective places, by a collation of deeds of conveyance and partition on record, with the aid of portions of the primitive stone-walls still remaining, and measurements resting on permanent objects, the entire region has been reduced to a demarkation comprehending the whole area. The locations of then-existing roads have been obtained from the returns of laying-out committees, and other evidence in the records and files. The construction of the map, in all its details, is the result of the researches and labors of W.P. Upham.

      The death-warrant is a photograph by E.R. Perkins, of Salem. The original, among the papers on file in the office of the clerk of the courts of Essex County, having always been regarded as a great curiosity, has been subjected to constant handling, and become much obscured by dilapidation. The letters, and in some instances entire words, at the end of the lines, are worn off. To preserve it, if possible, from further injury, it has been pasted on cloth. Owing to this circumstance, and the yellowish hue to which the paper has faded, it does not take favorably by photograph; but the exactness of imitation, which can only thus be obtained with absolute certainty, is more important than any other consideration. Only so much as contains the body of the warrant, the sheriff's return, and the seal, are given. The tattered margins are avoided, as they reveal the cloth, and impair the antique aspect of the document. The original is slowly disintegrating and wasting away, notwithstanding the efforts to preserve it; and its appearance, as seen to-day, can only be perpetuated in photograph. The warrant is reduced about one-third, and the return one-half.

      The Townsend Bishop house and the outlines of Witch Hill are from sketches by O.W.H. Upham. The English house is from a drawing made on the spot by J.R. Penniman of Boston, in 1822, a few years before its demolition, for the use of which I am indebted to James Kimball, Esq., of Salem. The view of Salem Village and of the Jacobs' house are reduced, by O.W.H. Upham, from photographs by E.R. Perkins.

      The map and other engravings, including the autographs, were all delineated by O.W.H. Upham.

       Map of Salem Village.


      Index to the Map

       Table of Contents

      DWELLINGS IN 1692

      [The Map shows all the houses standing in 1692 within the bounds of Salem Village; some others in the vicinity are also given. The houses are numbered on the Map with Arabic numerals, 1, 2, 3, &c., beginning at the top, and proceeding from left to right. In the following list, against each number, is given the name of the occupant in 1692, and, in some cases, that of the recent occupant or owner of the locality is added in parenthesis.]


      s. The same house believed to be still standing.

      s.m. The same house standing within the memory of persons now living.

      t.r. Traces of the house remain.

      c. The site given is conjectural.

      1. John Willard. c.

      2. Isaac Easty.

      3. Francis Peabody. c.

      4. Joseph Porter. (John Bradstreet.)

      5. William Hobbs. t.r.

      6. John Robinson.

      7. William Nichols. t.r.

      8. Bray Wilkins. c.

      9. Aaron Way. (A. Batchelder.)

      10. Thomas Bailey.

      11. Thomas Fuller, Sr. (Abijah Fuller.)

      12. William Way.

      13. Francis Elliot. c.

      14. Jonathan Knight. c.

      15. Thomas Cave. (Jonathan Berry.)

      16. Philip Knight. (J.D. Andrews.)

      17. Isaac Burton.

      18. John Nichols, Jr. (Jonathan Perry and Aaron Jenkins.) s.

      19. Humphrey Case. t.r.

      20. Thomas Fuller, Jr. (J.A. Esty.) s.

      21. Jacob Fuller.

      22. Benjamin Fuller.

      23. Deacon Edward Putnam. s.m.

      24. Sergeant Thomas Putnam. (Moses Perkins.) s.

      25. Peter Prescot. (Daniel Towne.)

      26. Ezekiel Cheever. (Chas. P. Preston.) s.m.

      27. Eleazer Putnam. (John Preston.) s.m.

      28. Henry Kenny.

      29. John Martin. (Edward Wyatt.)

      30. John Dale. (Philip H. Wentworth.)

      31. Joseph Prince. (Philip H. Wentworth.)

      32. Joseph Putnam. (S. Clark.) s.

      33. John Putnam 3d.

      34. Benjamin Putnam.

      35. Daniel Andrew. (Joel Wilkins.)

      36. John Leach, Jr. c.

      37. John Putnam, Jr. (Charles Peabody.)

      38. Joshua Rea. (Francis Dodge.) s.

      39. Mary, wid. of Thos. Putnam. (William R. Putnam.) s.

      [Birthplace of Gen. Israel Putnam. Gen. Putnam also lived in a house, the cellar and well of which are still visible, about one hundred rods north of this, and just west of the present dwelling of Andrew Nichols.]

      40. Alexander Osburn and James Prince. (Stephen Driver.) s.

      41. Jonathan Putnam. (Nath. Boardman.) s.

      42. George Jacobs, Jr.

      43. Peter Cloyse. t.r.

      44. William Small. s.m.

      45. John Darling. (George Peabody.) s.m.

      46. James Putnam. (Wm. A. Lander.) s.m.

      47. Capt. John Putnam. (Wm. A. Lander.)

      48. Daniel Rea. (Augustus Fowler.) s.

      49. Henry Brown.

      50. John Hutchinson. (George Peabody.) t.r.

      51. Joseph Whipple. s.m.

      52. Benjamin Porter. (Joseph S. Cabot.)

      53. Joseph Herrick. (R.P. Waters.)

      54. John Phelps. c.

      55. George Flint. c.

      56. Ruth Sibley. s.m.

      57. John Buxton.

      58. William Allin.

      59. Samuel Brabrook. c.

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