Fifty Years In The Northwest. William H. C. Folsom

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Fifty Years In The Northwest - William H. C. Folsom

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Cyrus G. Bradley 140 W. Hale 141 Edgar C. Treadwell 141 St. Croix Falls 141 St. Croix Falls Village 141 West Sweden 142 Sterling 142 Dr. Samuel Deneen 143 William W. Trimmer 143 Arnold Densmore 143 CHAPTER VI. ST. CROIX COUNTY. Organization, 1840

      144 Division, 1848 144 County Seat Located at Buena Vista 145 First Election 145 Division of the County, 1853 146 Present Limits 146 General Description 146 Monument Rock 147 Towns and Date of Organization 148 St. Croix County Agricultural Society 148 Pomona Grange 148 Agricultural Statistics 148 Manufactures 149 St. Croix Poor Farm 149 First Tax Roll of County, 1848 149 Hudson City 152 Original Claimants 153 First Survey, etc. 153 First Deed Recorded 154 City Government 155 Mayors of the City 155 City Schools 155 Military Institute 156 Mills and Manufactories 156 Banks 156 Oliver Wendell Holmes Hospital 157 Water Works 158 Hotels, the Great Fire, 1866 158 Social and Benevolent Organizations 159 Biographies. Louis Massey 159 Peter Bouchea 160 William Steets 160 Capt. John B. Page 160 Dr. Philip Aldrich 160 The Nobles Family 161 James Purinton 161 Ammah Andrews 162 James Walstow 162 James Sanders 162 J. W. Stone 162 Joseph Bowron 163 Moses Perin 163 John O. Henning 163 Moses S. Gibson 164 Col. James Hughes 164 Daniel Anderson 165 Alfred Day 165 Dr. Otis Hoyt 165 S. S. N. Fuller 166 Miles H. Van Meter 166 Philip B. Jewell 166 John Tobin 166 Horace A. Taylor 167 Jeremiah Whaley 167 Simon Hunt 167 John S. Moffatt 167 James H. Childs 168 William Dwelley 168 James M. Fulton 168 Marcus A. Fulton 168 David C. Fulton 168 N. S. Holden 168 William H. Semmes 169 Sterling Jones 169 D. R. Bailey 169 Henry C. Baker 169 Mert Herrick 169 D. A. Baldwin 170 John Comstock 170 Lucius P. Wetherby 170 John C. Spooner 170 Thomas Porter 171 Herman L. Humphrey 171 Theodore Cogswell 172 Frank P. Catlin 172 Charles Y. Denniston 173 A. E. Jefferson 173 Samuel C. Symonds 173 John E. Glover 173 Lemuel North 173 Edgar Nye 173 William T. Price 173 E. B. Bundy 174 Towns and Biographies. Baldwin 174 Baldwin Village 174 Woodville Village 175 Cady 175 Cylon 175 Eau Galle 176 Emerald 176 Erin Prairie 176 Forest 177 Glenwood 177 Hammond 177 Hammond Village 178 John Thayer 178 Rev. William Egbert 178 Hudson 178 James Kelly 178 Daniel Coit 179 James Virtue 179 Theodore M. Bradley 179 William Dailey 179 Robert and Wm. McDiarmid 179 William Martin 179 Paschal Aldrich 180 Kinnikinic 180 Duncan McGregor 180 W. B. and James A. Mapes 181 Pleasant Valley 182 Richmond 182 Boardman Village 183 Gridley Village 183 New Richmond Village 183 New Richmond City 183 Bank, High School 184 Benjamin B.C. Foster 184 Robert Philbrick 185 Linden Coombs 185 Eben Quinby 185 Lewis Oaks 185 Henry Russell 185 Joseph D. Johnson 185 Joel Bartlett 185 Francis W. Bartlett 186 George C. Hough 186 Silas Staples 186 Dr. Henry Murdock 187 Steven N. Hawkins 187 Rush River 188 Somerset 188 Somerset Village 189 Gen. Samuel Harriman 189 St. Joseph 190 Houlton Village 191 Burkhardt Village 191 Springfield 191 Hersey Village 191 Wilson Village 192 Stanton 192 Star Prairie 192 Huntington Village 192 Star Prairie Village 192 Hon. R. K. Fay 192 Troy 193 James Chinnock 193 William L. Perrin 193 Warren 194 James Hill 194 Village Plats 195 CHAPTER VII PIERCE COUNTY. Descriptive 196 History, First Events 197 County Seat Changed to Ellsworth 198 Railroads 199 Miscellaneous Statistics 199 Village Plats 199 Organization of Towns 200 Clifton 200 George W. McMurphy 201 Osborne Strahl 201 Charles B. Cox 201 Ephraim Harnsberger 201 Diamond Bluff 202 Capt. John Paine 202 John Day 202 Sarah A. Vance 203 Allen R. Wilson 203 E. S. Coulter 203 James Bamber 203 Jacob Mead 203 Charles Walbridge 203 Charles F. Hoyt 203 Enoch Quinby 203 The First Settler 203 El Paso 204 Ellsworth 205 Ellsworth Village 205 Anthony Huddleston 206 Perry D. Pierce 206 Hans B. Warner 207 Gilman 207 Hartland 208 Isabelle 208 Maiden Rock 209 Christopher L. Taylor 209 Martell 209 Oak Grove 210 Lewis M. Harnsberger 210 Prescott City 210 History 211 Platted in 1857 212 First Official Board 212 Statistics, First Events 212 Churches 212 Fair Grounds 213 Cemetery 213 Destructive Fires 213 Philander Prescott 214 George Schaser 214 William S. Lockwood 215 James Monroe Bailey 215 Adolph Werkman 215 Joseph Manese 215 Hilton Doe 215 Lute A. Taylor 215 John Huitt 216 John M. Rice 216 An Indian Battle 216 River Falls 217 First Happenings 217 Water Powers 217 Schools at River Falls 218 River Falls Academy 218 Churches 219 Associations 219 Bank, Railroad 220 Fires 220 River Falls City, Organization 220 Falls of Kinnikinic 220 The Cave Cabin 221 The Fourth State Normal School 221 Joel Foster 224 Jesse B. Thayer 224 A. D. Andrews 224 Joseph A. Short 225 Prof. Allen H. Weld 225 Allen P. Weld 225 George W. Nichols 225 W. D. Parker 226 William Powell 226 Lyman Powell 226 Nathaniel N. Powell 226 Oliver S. Powell 226 Nils P. Haugen 227 H. L. Wadsworth 227 Rock Elm 227 Salem 227 Spring Lake 228 Trenton 228 Trimbelle 229 M. B. Williams 229 Union 229 CHAPTER VIII. BURNETT, WASHBURN, SAWYER AND BARRON COUNTIES. Burnett County. Location and Description 230 Organization 231 Pine Barrens 231 Murders 232 Old Geezhic 233 The First Mission 234 The Chippewas of Wood Lake 236 Grantsburg 237 Canute Anderson 237 The Hickerson Family 238 The Anderson Family 238 Robert A. Doty 238 The Cranberry Marshes 239 Washburn County. Description, Town Organization 240 First Events 240 Shell Lake, Summit Lake 241 First Board of County Officers 241 Shell Lake Lumber Company 241 Sawyer Creek 242 Spooner Station 242 Veazie Village 242 Sawyer County. Organization, Description 242 County Indebtedness 243 Town of Hayward 243 Village of Hayward 243 First Events, Schools, Churches, etc. 244 Bank, Lumber Company 244 Malcomb Dobie 245 Milton V. Stratton 245 Barron County. Description, Organization 245 Turtle Lake, Town and Village 245 Barron, Perley Village 246 Cumberland Village 246 Sprague 246 Comstock and Barronett Villages 247 Charles Simeon Taylor 247 CHAPTER IX. ASHLAND, BAYFIELD AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES. Ashland County. History, Location, Description 248 Isles of the Apostles 248 Claude Allouez at Madeline Island 249 Early History of La Pointe 249 Remarkable Epitaph 249 La Pointe County Election 249 John W. Bell 250 Ashland 250 History, First Events 250 Asaph Whittlesey 251 J. P. T. Haskell 251 G. S. Vaughn 251 Dr. Edwin Ellis 252 Martin Beaser 252 Hon. Sam S. Fifield 252 Bayfield County. Location and History 253 Bayfield Village 253 Washburn, Drummond, etc. 254 Douglas County. Description and History 254 First Election 254 Superior City 255 History 255 Early Speculation 256 Period of Depression 257 West Superior 258 The Bardon Brothers 258 William H. Newton 258 Judge Solon H. Clough 258 Vincent Roy 259 D. George Morrison 259 August Zachau 259 CHAPTER X. PINE COUNTY. History 260

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