The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus

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The Letters of Cassiodorus - Senator Cassiodorus

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damage by troops 175 9. " Faustus. Allowance to retired charioteer 175 10. " Speciosus. Abduction of Agapita 175 11. " Provinus (Probinus?). Gift unduly obtained from Agapita 176 12. " the Count of the Siliquatarii, and the Harbour Master (of Portus?). Prohibition of export of lard 177 13. " Fruinarith. Dishonest conduct of Venantius 177 14. " Symmachus. Romulus the parricide 178 15. " Venantius. Appointment as Comes Domesticorum 178 16. " Senate. Same subject. Panegyric on Liberius, father of Venantius 179 17. " Possessors, Defensors, and Curials of Tridentum (Trient). Immunity from Tertiae enjoyed by lands granted by the King 180 18. " Bishop Gudila. Ecclesiastics as Curiales 181 19. " Goths and Romans, and Keepers of Harbours and Mountain Fortresses. Domestic treachery and murder 181 20. " Uniligis (or Wiligis). Order for provision ships 182 21. " Joannes. Drainage-concession too timidly acted upon 182 22. " Festus. Ecdicius to be buried by his sons 183 23. " Ampelius, Despotius, and Theodulus. Protection for owners of potteries 183 24. " Senate. Arrears of taxation due from Senators 183 25. " Senate. An Edict. Evasion of taxes by the rich 184 26. " Faustus. Regulations for corn-traffic 185 27. " Jews living in Genoa. Rebuilding of Synagogue 185 28. " Stephanus. Honours bestowed on retirement 186 29. " Adila. Protection to dependents of the Church 186 30. " Faustus. Privileges granted to Church of Milan 187 31. " the Dromonarii [Rowers in Express-boats]. State Galleys on the Po 187 32. " Senate. Drainage of marshes of Decennonium 188 33. " Decius. Same subject 189 34. " Artemidorus. Embezzlement of City building funds 189 35. " Tancila. Theft of statue at Como 190 36. Edict. Same subject 190 37. To Faustus. Largesse to citizens of Spoleto 190 38. " To Faustus. Immunity from taxation 191 39. " Aloisius. Hot springs of Aponum 191 40. " Boetius. Harper for King of the Franks 193 41. " Luduin [Clovis]. Victories over the Alamanni 194

       BOOK III.


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1. To Alaric. Dissuades from war with the Franks 196
2. " Gundibad. Dissuades from war 197
3. " the Kings of the Heruli, Warni (Guarni), and Thuringians.Attempt to form a Teutonic coalition 198
4. " Luduin (Ludwig, or Clovis). To desist from war on Alaric. 198
5. " Importunus. Promotion to the Patriciate 199
6. " Senate. Same subject