Pictures Every Child Should Know. Mary Schell Hoke Bacon

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Pictures Every Child Should Know - Mary Schell Hoke  Bacon

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first opened to him the art world, for he was conscious even then of the educational advantages to be found somewhere, although there seemed to be few of them in the United States.

      After the Centennial arose a taste for the painting of "plaques," upon which were the heads of ladies with strange-coloured hair; of leather-covered flatirons bearing flowers of unnatural colour, or of shovels decorated with "snow scenes." The whole nation began to revel in "art." It was a low variety, yet it started toward a goal which left the chromo at the rear end of the course, and it was a better effort than the mottoes worked in worsted, which had till then been the chief decoration in most homes. If the "buckeye" was hand-painting, this was "single-hand" painting, and it did not take a generation to bring the change about, only a season. After the Philadelphia exhibition the daughter of the household "painted a little" just as she played the piano "a little." To-day, much less than a man's lifetime since then, there is in America a universal love for refined art and a fair technical appreciation of pictures, while already the nation has worthily contributed to the world of artists. Sir Benjamin West, Sully, and Sargent are ours: Inness, Inman, and Trumbull.

      The curator of the Metropolitan Museum in New York has declared that portrait-painting must be the means which shall save the modern artists from their sins. To quote him: "An artist may paint a bright green cow, if he is so minded: the cow has no redress, the cow must suffer and be silent; but human beings who sit for portraits seem to lean toward portraits in which they can recognise their own features when they have commissioned an artist to paint them. A man will insist upon even the most brilliant artist painting him in trousers, for instance, instead of in petticoats, however the artist-whim may direct otherwise; and a woman is likely to insist that the artist who paints her portrait shall maintain some recognised shade of brown or blue or gray when he paints her eye, instead of indulging in a burnt orange or maybe pink! These personal preferences certainly put a limit to an artist's genius and keep him from writing himself down a madman. Thus, in portrait-painting, with the exactions of truth upon it, lies the hope of art-lovers!"

      It is the same authority who calls attention to the danger that lies in extremes; either in finding no value in art outside the "old masters," or in admiring pictures so impressionistic that the objects in them need to be labelled before they can be recognised.

      The true art-lover has a catholic taste, is interested in all forms of art; but he finds beauty where it truly exists and does not allow the nightmare of imagination to mislead him. That which is not beautiful from one point of view or another is not art, but decadence. That which is technical to the exclusion of other elements remains technique pure and simple, workmanship--the bare bones of art. A thing is not art simply because it is fantastic. It may be interesting as showing to what degree some imaginations can become diseased, but it is not pleasing nor is it art. There are fully a thousand pictures that every child should know, since he can hardly know too much of a good thing; but there is room in this volume only to acquaint him with forty-eight and possibly inspire him with the wish to look up the neglected nine hundred and fifty-two.

       Table of Contents




The Avenue, Middleharnis, Holland--Hobbema


Madonna of the Sack--Andrea del Sarto

       Daniel--Michael Angelo (Buonarroti)

       The Isle of the Dead--Arnold Böcklin

       The Horse Fair--Rosa Bonheur

       Spring--Alessandro Botticelli

       The Hay Wain--John Constable

       A Family Picture--John Singleton Copley

       The Holy Night--Correggio (Antonio Allegri)

       Dance of the Nymphs--Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

       The Virgin as Consoler--Wm. Adolphe Bouguereau

       The Love Song--Sir Edward Burne-Jones

       The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine--Correggio

       Moses Breaking the Tablets of the Law--Paul Gustave Doré

       The Nativity--Albrecht Dürer

       The Spanish Marriage--Mariana Fortuny

       Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan--Thomas Gainsborough

       The Sword Dance--Jean Léon Gérôme

       Portrait of Giovanna degli Albizi--Ghirlandajo (Domenico Bigordi)

       The Nurse and the Child--Franz Hals

       The Meeting of St. John and St. Anna at Jerusalem--Giotto (Di Bordone)

       The Avenue--Meyndert Hobbema

       The Marriage Contract--Wm. Hogarth

       The Light of the World--William Holman Hunt

       Robert Cheseman with his Falcon--Hans Holbein, the Younger

       The Berkshire Hills--George Inness

       The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner--Sir Edwin Henry Landseer

       The Artist's Portrait--Tommaso Masaccio

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