Daughters of the Revolution. Charles Carleton Coffin

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Daughters of the Revolution - Charles Carleton  Coffin

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and those in middle life — whose nerves are so unstrung that I am obliged to dose them with opium occasionally, to enable them to sleep.”

      “Do you think we can induce the ladies to quit drinking it?” Mr. Molineux asked.

      “I am quite sure Mrs. Warren will cheerfully give it up, as will Mrs. Molineux if her husband should set the example,” Doctor Warren replied.

      Mr. Molineux said he was ready to banish the teapot from his table.

      “I believe,” continued the doctor, “that the women of America will be ready to give up the gratification of their appetites to maintain a great principle. They will sacrifice all personal considerations to secure the rights of the Colonies. Parliament proposes to tax this country without our having a voice in the matter. It is a seductive and insidious proposition — this export duty. I suppose they think we are simpletons, and will be caught in the trap they are setting. They think we are so fond of tea we shall continue to purchase it, but the time has come when we must let them know there is nothing so precious to us as our rights and liberties; that we can be resolute in little as well as in great things. I dare say that some of you, like myself, have invitations to Mrs. Newville’s garden party to-morrow afternoon. I expect to attend, but it will be the last tea-party for me, if the bill before Parliament becomes a law. Mrs. Newville is an estimable lady, a hospitable hostess; having accepted an invitation to be present, it would be discourteous for me to inform her I could not drink a cup of tea from her hand, but I have made up my mind henceforth to stand resolutely for maintaining the principle underlying it all, — a great fundamental, political principle, — our freedom.”

      The room rang with applause.

      “Sometimes, as some of you know, I try my hand at verse-making. I will read a few lines.”


      That seat of Science, Athens,

       And earth’s proud mistress, Rome:

       Where now are all their glories?

       We scarce can find their tomb.

       Then guard your rights, Americans,

       Nor stoop to lawless sway;

       Oppose, oppose, oppose,

       For North America.

       We led fair Freedom hither,

       And lo, the desert smiled,

       A paradise of pleasure

       Was opened in the wild.

       Your harvest, bold Americans,

       No power shall snatch away.

       Huzza, huzza, huzza,

       For free America.

       Some future day shall crown us

       The masters of the main;

       Our fleets shall speak in thunder

       To England, France, and Spain.

       And nations over ocean spread

       Shall tremble and obey

       The sons, the sons, the sons,

       Of brave America.

      Captain Mackintosh sang it, and the hall rang with cheers.

      “It is pitiable,” said Mr. Rowe, “that the people of England do not understand us better, but what can we expect when a member of Parliament makes a speech like that delivered by Mr. Stanley just before the last ship sailed. Hear it.”

      Mr. Rowe, taking a candle in one hand and snuffing it with his thumb and finger, read an extract from the speech: “What will become of that insolent town, Boston, when we deprive the inhabitants of the power of sending their molasses to the coast of Africa? The people of that town must be treated as aliens, and the charters of towns in Massachusetts must be changed so as to give the king the appointment of the councilors, and give the sheriffs the sole power of returning juries.”

      “The ignoramus,” continued Mr. Rowe, “does not know that no molasses is made in these Colonies. He confounds this and the other Colonies with Jamaica. One would suppose Lord North would not be quite so bitter, but he said in a recent speech that America must be made to fear the king; that he should go on with the king’s plan until we were prostrate at his feet.”

      “Not much will we get down on our knees to him,” said Peter Bushwick. “Since the war with France, to carry on which the Colonies contributed their full share, the throne isn’t feared quite as much as it was. Americans are not in the habit of prostrating themselves.”

      Captain Mackintosh once more broke into a song.

      “Come join hand in hand, Americans all;

       By uniting we stand, dividing we fall.

       To die we can bear, but to serve we disdain,

       For shame is to freedom more dreadful than pain.

       In freedom we’re born, in freedom we’ll live.

       Our purses are ready: steady, boys, steady,

       Not as slaves but as freemen our money we’ll give.”

      The Sons again clapped their hands and resolved that they would drink no more tea. The formal business of the evening being ended, they broke into groups, helped themselves to crackers and cheese, and lighted their pipes.

      A young man about Robert’s age came and shook hands with him.

      “Did I understand correctly that you are Robert Walden from Rumford?” he asked.

      “That is my name, and I am from Rumford.”

      “Then we are cousins; I am Tom Brandon.”

      “I was intending to call upon you to-morrow.”

      “You must go with me to-night. Father and mother never would forgive me if I did not take you along, especially when I tell them how you rubbed it into the king’s lobsters.”

      The bells were ringing for nine o’clock — the hour when everybody in Boston made preparations for going to bed. All the Sons of Liberty came and shook hands with Robert.

      “It is the most wholesome lesson the villains have had since they landed at Long Wharf,” said Doctor Warren, who hoped to have the pleasure of seeing more of Mr. Walden.

      “We must rely upon such as you in the struggle which we are yet to have to maintain our liberties,” said Mr. Molineux.

      Tom Brandon took Robert with him to his home on Copp’s Hill. Robert could see by the light of the moon that it was a large wooden house with a hipped roof, surmounted by a balustrade, fronting the burial ground and overlooking the harbor and a wide reach of surrounding country.

      “Why, Robert Walden! where did you come from?” Mr. Brandon exclaimed as Tom ushered him into the sitting-room.

      “What! stopping at the Green Dragon! Why didn’t you come right here, you naughty boy?”

      He tinkled a bell and a negro entered the room.

      “Mark Antony, go up to the Green Dragon and get this gentleman’s trunk. Tell the landlord I sent you. Hold on a moment: it is after nine o’clock, and the watchman may overhaul you and want to know what you are doing. You must have an order.”

      Mr. Brandon stepped to a writing-desk and wrote an order, receiving which Mark Antony bowed and took his departure.

      Mr. Brandon was in the prime of life, hale, hearty, vigorous, a former ship captain, who had been to London many times, also through the Straits of Gibraltar, to Madeira, Jamaica, and round Cape of Good Hope to China. He had seen enough of ocean life and had become a builder of ships. He was accustomed to give orders, manage men, and was quick to act. He had accumulated wealth, and was living in a spacious mansion on the summit of the hill. On calm summer evenings he smoked his pipe upon the platform on the roof of his house, looking through a telescope at vessels making the harbor, reading the signals flying at the masthead, and saying to himself and friends that the approaching

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