A Comprehensive History of Norwich. A. D. Bayne

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A Comprehensive History of Norwich - A. D. Bayne

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Political History 635 Poor Law, New Act for Norwich 438 Poor Law Reform 410 Poor Law Removal Act 412 Population, &c., by Domesday Book 12, 13, 260 ,, at various periods 13, 315, 375, 408, 430, 435 Portrait of J. H. Gurney, Esq., in Museum 60 Portrait of Nelson by Beechey 56 Portraits and Pictures in St. Andrew’s Hall 57 Portraits in Corn Exchange (Earl of Leicester & J. Culley, Esq.) 59 Portraits in Shirehall (Lord Wodehouse, Earl of Leicester, and H. Dover, Esq.) 50 Post Office 62 Precedence, Questions of 213 Presbyterian (Scotch) Chapel 112 Presbyterians (Unitarians) History of 295 Prideaux, Dr., Inscription in memory of 34 Primitive Methodist Chapels 112 Prince Alfred in Norwich 443 Prince and Princess of Wales in Norwich 443 Prince’s Street Chapel 109 Priories—Benedictine and St. Leonard’s 136 Priory Yard Chapel 112, 253 Protestant Association Established 407 Provisions, high price of 286, 293 Public Dispensary Established 325 Public Library 59 Publishers, Manufacturing 615 Pull’s Ferry 44 Puritans, their doings and sufferings 219, 243, 244 Queen (see Royal Visits) Queen Caroline, Address to 350 Railway Communications 15, 16, 409 Rajah of Sarawak, Educated at Grammar School 45, 726 Read, Sir Peter, tomb of 65 Rebellion, Kett’s 198 Rebellion, Wat Tyler’s 178 Recorder of Norwich (Isaac Jenny) murdered 416 Recorders of Norwich, list of 704 Reed, Rev. Andrew 251 Reed, Rev. Andrew, on the Rise of Nonconformity in Norwich 247 Reformation, the 184, 206 Reform in Parliament, movements in favour of 284, 341, 380, 643, 648 Reformed Parliament—first election (1832) 650 Religious History of Norwich 722
Rifle Volunteers 433
Rigby, Edward, M.D. 311
Rise and Progress of the City 9, 11
River Wensum, rise and course of 16
River Yare 15
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