The Essential Works of George Rawlinson: Egypt, The Kings of Israel and Judah, Phoenicia, Parthia, Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Babylon, Persia, Sasanian Empire & Herodotus' Histories. George Rawlinson

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The Essential Works of George Rawlinson: Egypt, The Kings of Israel and Judah, Phoenicia, Parthia, Chaldea, Assyria, Media, Babylon, Persia, Sasanian Empire & Herodotus' Histories - George Rawlinson

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quite possible that the joint fleet went further than Ophir proper, and obtained the “almug-wood” from the east coast of Africa, or from India. The Somauli country might have been as easily reached as South-eastern Arabia, and if India is considerably more remote, yet there was nothing to prevent the Phoenicians from finding their way to it.9122 We have, however, no direct evidence that their commerce in the Indian Ocean ever took them further than the Arabian coast, about E. Long. 55º.

      Chapter X—Mining

       Table of Contents

      Surface gathering of metals, anterior to mining—Earliest known mining operations—Earliest Phoenician mining in Phoenicia Proper—Mines of Cyprus—Phoenician mining in Thasos and Thrace—in Sardinia—in Spain—Extent of the metallic treasures there—Phoenician methods not unlike those of the present day—Use of shafts, adits, and galleries—Roof of mines propped or arched—Ores crushed, pounded, and washed—Use of quicksilver unknown—Mines worked by slave labour.

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