The night is ours. Maria Spotlight

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The night is ours - Maria Spotlight

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your father was.“

      “Oh, really? I didn't know that.“

      “He was always very discreet about this. I also learned a lot from him about the great fire snakes, after all, he had studied them and passed on his knowledge to me.“

      She had to swallow, the thought of her father was probably stuck in her throat. The girl slept calmly, touching her mother's hands from time to time.

      “Forgive my little digression into old times. I just liked your father as well as your mother. I regret very much that they went into exile.“

      “I don‘t.“

      There was it again. The ice-cold, heartless personality in her. Sometimes I hated that woman for her arrogance. The opportunity came fittingly, I still had an open word to discuss with her anyway.

      “Ten moons ago, you came to me and wanted rain ferns juice from me. Why?"

      Her sudden nervousness betrayed her. Lucia moved back and forth in her bed, avoided eye contact with me.

      “Well, you know, chitchat. An old woman once told me that it would make me even more beautiful and then I just wanted to try it out.“

      I examined her, that she lied even a blind man could recognize.

      “Vampires don't age. They, therefore, don‘t become wrinkly and ugly. You wanted the juice for one reason only, to nip in the bud the child you delivered today before it could thrive.“

      “You can‘t know that. I didn't tell anyone about my pregnancy back then.“

      “I'm a witch, I know a lot of things. I saw the fruit in your body just as it was being implanted in you.“

      “But what matters is that I didn't do it. I knew you hadn't given me rain ferns juice, probably because you recognized the good in me and you knew I wasn't capable to do such a thing.“

      “Of course, I knew you didn't have the guts to do something like this. But at that moment you realized that you could fool them all. You even tried to fool me.“

      “I don't know what you mean“, she embarrassedly looked to the side.

      It was time to put the cards on the table. Sooner or later I would have confronted her anyway, so why not now?

      “I know of your transgression, of your betrayal to Ephraim, why else would a mother want to commit such an atrocity? Only when she's ashamed of the origin of her child.“

      Suddenly she realized what I meant. Panic went up in her.

      “Please, you can't tell Ephraim about this, not to anyone. Otherwise, the consequences will be terrible.“

      “I'm well aware of that, Lucia. The last thing I want is your demise. Maybe we could agree and even help each other out. I won‘t betray you if you promise me something.“

      “What do you want?"

      My gaze wandered to the girl in her arms. Lucia feared the worst.

      “No, no, you can't take her away from me, please.“

      “I thought you didn't want her.“

      “I'm sorry, I made a mistake, but I love her. You can't do this to me, please, Emily.“

      “Calm down, I don't want to take her away from you. All I want is your permission to teach her.“

      “What do you want to teach her?" Lucia, in tears, held on to her daughter. Now she was in a quandary, she just had to give me what I insisted on.

      “In everything, but primarily in the great art of witchcraft. Yeah, you heard right. Your daughter's not just two creatures, but three. She unites the three bloodlines of the three tribes. I can train her to be a witch. Everything else will come of its own accord, for it has been placed in her cradle. And with me as her mentor, she will become exceedingly powerful.“

      She thought tense, although she knew she had no choice. Her face gradually relaxed, her decision had been made.

      “I had to endure so much pain to bring her into the world. So I now can see that there's nothing I can do to change her fate. Take her into your care, Emily. Teach her whatever you want to teach her and make me be proud of her.“

      “Then it‘s decided. Get some rest now. Your husband will soon return from the hunt and wants to see your daughter.“

      I got up and was about to leave the room when Lucia's voice approached me again from behind.

      “Emily, you have the gift of looking to the future. What can you tell me about my daughter?"

      I had once read the fate of the girl in the flames, I couldn‘t tell the mother everything, anyway the future was in constant motion. One thing I could say to her with a clear conscience.

      “She will grow into a powerful being. Strong, invincible. And she will accomplish great things.“


      I hadn't really blackmailed Lucia, I had only given her to think and in the end it had taken me one step further; the girl's education had been granted to me. Ephraim liked that thought very much. It was only in my own circle that I encountered a contradiction. It wouldn't be possible to teach a vampire the great art of witchcraft. I'd soon teach them better. But until then, I simply observed my future protégée. Almost every day I visited her and her mother and although I initially had my difficulties with Lucia, I quickly noticed that her daughter changed Lucia's character. She wasn't as arrogant as she used to be. The development of the girl proceeded at a rapid pace. After only one month she was able to hold her head independently, she started crawling at the age of four months, went seamlessly into sitting and was able to walk after another eight weeks. Vampire kids are amazing. They remained in the womb for a whole year, but later developed much faster than human children, which is why they should never be brought together. And before you knew it, they were adults.

      When the girl, who by the way was christened Larissa, which means the Invincible, was one year old, I came to her again. She had grown into a sweet thing, with hair as dark as ebony, a pale complexion, a radiant, innocent smile and those unmistakable blue eyes. Lucia was in the garden with her children; Tim and his sister were busy catching butterflies. It was autumn again, but the butterflies still romped around in the courtyard garden and shone in the richest colours. Watching the two children push themselves off the ground lightly, jump up to get to the butterflies above, was like magic itself.

      I went to Lucia, who was sitting on a bench near her children. She hadn't noticed me. All the greater was her joy when she saw me.

      “Emily, good to see you. Please have a seat. I've missed you, you haven't been there in a while, what happened?"

      “I had some matters to settle“, while I was pronouncing, I sat next to her.

      “I've been thinking about the tribal fathers a lot lately. I'm sure they would have loved it, that you already have two children.“

      “Yes, I often think of them too, especially of the day they left. Just like that, without an explanation. When I‘m lonely, I often go down to the big halls where a monument has been erected in their honour, kneel down, talk to them and ask them where they are. And then I ask them to forgive me for what I did.“

      “There’s nothing to forgive, Lucia. Your daughter is who she is. If you hadn't been her mother, someone else would have. But your will was too weak at that moment.“

      She swallowed, stared into the distance. The mistake she once made had come to life and was just romping around in front of her nose. Yet she loved her daughter idolatrously and would never wish her sorrow.

      “I never asked you that, but why couldn't you say no? Why did you fall into his arms? You had everything you wanted. Wealth, power, a loving husband, wasn't that enough?"

      She looked at me with cold eyes, but behind this cold lay a certain restrained anger.


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