Notes from the Underground & Other Tales – 7 Titles in One Edition. Федор Достоевский

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Notes from the Underground & Other Tales – 7 Titles in One Edition - Федор Достоевский

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how to say things,” she added in a voice that quivered with some hidden feeling, while she tried to smile; “but I only wanted to tell you that I am grateful, that I feel it all too…. Oh, may God give you happiness for it! What you told me about your dreamer is quite untrue now—that is, I mean, it’s not true of you. You are recovering, you are quite a different man from what you described. If you ever fall in love with some one, God give you happiness with her! I won’t wish anything for her, for she will be happy with you. I know, I am a woman myself, so you must believe me when I tell you so.”

      She ceased speaking, and pressed my hand warmly. I too could not speak without emotion. Some minutes passed.

      “Yes, it’s clear he won’t come to-night,” she said at last raising her head. “It’s late.”

      “He will come to-morrow,” I said in the most firm and convincing tone.

      “Yes,” she added with no sign of her former depression. “I see for myself now that he could not come till to-morrow. Well, good-bye, till to-morrow. If it rains perhaps I shall not come. But the day after to-morrow, I shall come. I shall come for certain, whatever happens; be sure to be here, I want to see you, I will tell you everything.”

      And then when we parted she gave me her hand and said, looking at me candidly: “We shall always be together, shan’t we?”

      Oh, Nastenka, Nastenka! If only you knew how lonely I am now!

      As soon as it struck nine o’clock I could not stay indoors, but put on my things, and went out in spite of the weather. I was there, sitting on our seat. I went to her street, but I felt ashamed, and turned back without looking at their windows, when I was two steps from her door. I went home more depressed than I had ever been before. What a damp, dreary day! If it had been fine I should have walked about all night….

      But to-morrow, to-morrow! To-morrow she will tell me everything. The letter has not come to-day, however. But that was to be expected. They are together by now….


      My God, how it has all ended! What it has all ended in! I arrived at nine o’clock. She was already there. I noticed her a good way off; she was standing as she had been that first time, with her elbows on the railing, and she did not hear me coming up to her.

      “Nastenka!” I called to her, suppressing my agitation with an effort.

      She turned to me quickly.

      “Well?” she said. “Well? Make haste!”

      I looked at her in perplexity.

      “Well, where is the letter? Have you brought the letter?” she repeated clutching at the railing.

      “No, there is no letter,” I said at last. “Hasn’t he been to you yet?” She turned fearfully pale and looked at me for a long time without moving. I had shattered her last hope.

      “Well, God be with him,” she said at last in a breaking voice; “God be with him if he leaves me like that.”

      She dropped her eyes, then tried to look at me and could not. For several minutes she was struggling with her emotion. All at once she turned away, leaning her elbows against the railing and burst into tears.

      “Oh don’t, don’t!” I began; but looking at her I had not the heart to go on, and what was I to say to her?

      “Don’t try and comfort me,” she said; “don’t talk about him; don’t tell me that he will come, that he has not cast me off so cruelly and so inhumanly as he has. What for—what for? Can there have been something in my letter, that unlucky letter?”

      At that point sobs stifled her voice; my heart was torn as I looked at her.

      “Oh, how inhumanly cruel it is!” she began again. “And not a line, not a line! He might at least have written that he does not want me, that he rejects me—but not a line for three days! How easy it is for him to wound, to insult a poor, defenceless girl, whose only fault is that she loves him! Oh, what I’ve suffered during these three days! Oh, dear! When I think that I was the first to go to him, that I humbled myself before him, cried, that I begged of him a little love!… and after that! Listen,” she said, turning to me, and her black eyes flashed, “it isn’t so! It can’t be so; it isn’t natural. Either you are mistaken or I; perhaps he has not received the letter? Perhaps he still knows nothing about it? How could any one—judge for yourself, tell me, for goodness’ sake explain it to me, I can’t understand it—how could any one behave with such barbarous coarseness as he has behaved to me? Not one word! Why, the lowest creature on earth is treated more compassionately. Perhaps he has heard something, perhaps some one has told him something about me,” she cried, turning to me inquiringly: “What do you think?”

      “Listen, Nastenka, I shall go to him to-morrow in your name.”


      “I will question him about everything; I will tell him everything.”

      “Yes, yes?”

      “You write a letter. Don’t say no, Nastenka, don’t say no! I will make him respect your action, he shall hear all about it, and if——”

      “No, my friend, no,” she interrupted. “Enough! Not another word, not another line from me—enough! I don’t know him; I don’t love him any more. I will … forget him.”

      She could not go on.

      “Calm yourself, calm yourself! Sit here, Nastenka,” I said, making her sit down on the seat.

      “I am calm. Don’t trouble. It’s nothing! It’s only tears, they will soon dry. Why, do you imagine I shall do away with myself, that I shall throw myself into the river?”

      My heart was full: I tried to speak, but I could not.

      “Listen,” she said taking my hand. “Tell me: you wouldn’t have behaved like this, would you? You would not have abandoned a girl who had come to you of herself, you would not have thrown into her face a shameless taunt at her weak foolish heart? You would have taken care of her? You would have realized that she was alone, that she did not know how to look after herself, that she could not guard herself from loving you, that it was not her fault, not her fault—that she had done nothing…. Oh dear, oh dear!”

      “Nastenka!” I cried at last, unable to control my emotion. “Nastenka, you torture me! You wound my heart, you are killing me, Nastenka! I cannot be silent! I must speak at last, give utterance to what is surging in my heart!”

      As I said this I got up from the seat. She took my hand and looked at me in surprise.

      “What is the matter with you?” she said at last.

      “Listen,” I said resolutely. “Listen to me, Nastenka! What I am going to say to you now is all nonsense, all impossible, all stupid! I know that this can never be, but I cannot be silent. For the sake of what you are suffering now, I beg you beforehand to forgive me!”

      “What is it? What is it?” she said drying her tears and looking at me intently, while a strange curiosity gleamed in her astonished eyes. “What is the matter?”

      “It’s impossible, but I love you, Nastenka! There it is! Now everything is told,” I said with a wave of my hand. “Now you will see whether you can go on talking to me as you did just now, whether you can listen to what I am going to say to you.”…

      “Well, what then?” Nastenka interrupted me. “What of it? I knew you loved me long ago, only I always thought that you simply liked me very much…. Oh dear, oh dear!”

      “At first it was simply liking, Nastenka, but now, now! I am just in the same position as you were when you went to him with your bundle. In a worse position than you, Nastenka, because he cared for no one else as you do.”

      “What are you saying to me! I don’t understand

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