Lucy Maud Montgomery's Holiday Classics (Tales of Christmas & New Year). Lucy Maud Montgomery

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Lucy Maud Montgomery's Holiday Classics (Tales of Christmas & New Year) - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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and her manner to Josie assumed a tinge of coldness. Josie quickly noticed and resented it, and the breach between the two girls widened almost insensibly, until they barely spoke when they met. Each blamed the other and cherished bitterness in her heart.

      When Stephen came home from the post office he looked excited.

      “Were there any letters?” asked Alexina.

      “Well, rather! One from Uncle James!”

      “Uncle James,” exclaimed Alexina, incredulously.

      “Yes, beloved sis. Oh, you needn’t try to look as surprised as I did. And I ordered the turkey after all. Uncle James has invited himself here to dinner on Christmas Day. You’ll have a chance to show your culinary skill, for you know we’ve always been told that Uncle James was a gourmand.”

      Alexina read the letter in a maze. It was a brief epistle, stating that the writer wished to make the acquaintance of his niece and nephew, and would visit them on Christmas Day. That was all. But Alexina instantly saw a future of rosy possibilities. For Uncle James, who lived in the city and was really a great-uncle, had never taken the slightest notice of their family since his quarrel with their father twenty years ago; but this looked as if Uncle James were disposed to hold out the olive branch.

      “Oh, Stephen, if he likes you, and if he offers to educate you!” breathed Alexina. “Perhaps he will if he is favourably impressed. But we’ll have to be so careful, he is so whimsical and odd, at least everybody has always said so. A little thing may turn the scale either way. Anyway, we must have a good dinner for him. I’ll have plum pudding and mince pie.”

      For the next thirty-six hours Alexina lived in a whirl. There was so much to do. The little house was put in apple pie order from top to bottom, and Stephen was set to stoning raisins and chopping meat and beating eggs. Alexina was perfectly reckless; no matter how big a hole it made in their finances Uncle James must have a proper Christmas dinner. A favourable impression must be made. Stephen’s whole future — Alexina did not think about her own at all just then — might depend on it.

      Christmas morning came, fine and bright and warm. It was more like a morning in early spring than in December, for there was no snow or frost, and the air was moist and balmy. Alexina was up at daybreak, cleaning and decorating at a furious rate. By eleven o’clock everything was finished or going forward briskly. The plum pudding was bubbling in the pot, the turkey — Burton’s plumpest — was sizzling in the oven. The shelf in the pantry bore two mince pies upon which Alexina was willing to stake her culinary reputation. And Stephen had gone to the train to meet Uncle James.

      From her kitchen window Alexina could see brisk preparations going on in the Tracy kitchen. She knew Josie and Duncan were all alone; their parents had gone to spend Christmas with friends in Lessing. In spite of her hurry and excitement Alexina found time to sigh. Last Christmas Josie and Duncan had come over and eaten their dinner with them. But now last Christmas seemed very far away. And Josie had behaved horridly. Alexina was quite clear on that point.

      Then Stephen came with Uncle James. Uncle James was a rather pompous, fussy old man with red cheeks and bushy eyebrows. “H’m! Smells nice in here,” was his salutation to Alexina. “I hope it will taste as good as it smells. I’m hungry.”

      Alexina soon left Uncle James and Stephen talking in the parlour and betook herself anxiously to the kitchen. She set the table in the little dining room, now and then pausing to listen with a delighted nod to the murmur of voices and laughter in the parlour. She felt sure that Stephen was making a favourable impression. She lifted the plum pudding and put it on a plate on the kitchen table; then she took out the turkey, beautifully done, and put it on a platter; finally, she popped the two mince pies into the oven. Just at this moment Stephen stuck his head in at the hall door.

      “Lexy, do you know where that letter of Governor Howland’s to Father is? Uncle James wants to see it.”

      Alexina, not waiting to shut the oven door — for delay might impress Uncle James unfavourably — rushed upstairs to get the letter. She was ten minutes finding it. Then, remembering her pies, she flew back to the kitchen. In the middle of the floor she stopped as if transfixed, staring at the table. The turkey was gone. And the plum pudding was gone! And the mince pies were gone! Nothing was left but the platters! For a moment Alexina refused to believe her eyes. Then she saw a trail of greasy drops on the floor to the open door, out over the doorstep, and along the boards of the walk to the back fence.

      Alexina did not make a fuss. Even at that horrible moment she remembered the importance of making a favourable impression. But she could not quite keep the alarm and excitement out of her voice as she called Stephen, and Stephen knew that something had gone wrong as he came quickly through the hall. “Is the turkey burned, Lexy?” he cried.

      “Burned! No, it’s ten times worse,” gasped Alexina. “It’s gone — gone, Stephen. And the pudding and the mince pies, too. Oh, what shall we do? Who can have taken them?”

      It may be stated right here and now that the Falsoms never really knew anything more about the disappearance of their Christmas dinner than they did at that moment. But the only reasonable explanation of the mystery was that a tramp had entered the kitchen and made off with the good things. The Falsom house was right at the end of the street. The narrow backyard opened on a lonely road. Across the road was a stretch of pine woods. There was no house very near except the Tracy one.

      Stephen reached this conclusion with a bound. He ran out to the yard gate followed by the distracted Alexina. The only person visible was a man some distance down the road. Stephen leaped over the gate and tore down the road in pursuit of him. Alexina went back to the doorstep, sat down upon it, and began to cry. She couldn’t help it. Her hopes were all in ruins around her. There was no dinner for Uncle James.

      Josephine Tracy saw her crying. Now, Josie honestly thought that she had a grievance against Alexina. But an Alexina walking unconcernedly by with a cool little nod and her head held high was a very different person from an Alexina sitting on a back doorstep, on Christmas morning, crying. For a moment Josie hesitated. Then she slowly went out and across the yard to the fence. “What is the trouble?” she asked.

      Alexina forgot that there was such a thing as dignity to be kept up; or, if she remembered it, she was past caring for such a trifle. “Our dinner is gone,” she sobbed. “And there is nothing to give Uncle James to eat except vegetables — and I do so want to make a favourable impression!”

      This was not particularly lucid, but Josie, with a flying mental leap, arrived at the conclusion that it was very important that Uncle James, whoever he was, should have a dinner, and she knew where one was to be had. But before she could speak Stephen returned, looking rueful. “No use, Lexy. That man was only old Mr. Byers, and he had seen no signs of a tramp. There is a trail of grease right across the road. The tramp must have taken directly to the woods. We’ll simply have to do without our Christmas dinner.”

      “By no means,” said Josie quickly, with a little red spot on either cheek. “Our dinner is all ready — turkey, pudding and all. Let us lend it to you. Don’t say a word to your uncle about the accident.”

      Alexina flushed and hesitated. “It’s very kind of you,” she stammered, “but I’m afraid — it would be too much—”

      “Not a bit of it,” Josie interrupted warmly. “Didn’t Duncan and I have Christmas dinner at your house last year? Just come and help us carry it over.”

      “If you lend us your dinner you and Duncan must come and help us eat it,” said Alexina, resolutely.

      “I’ll come of course,” said Josie, “and I think that Duncan will too if — if—” She looked at Stephen, the scarlet spots deepening. Stephen coloured too.

      “Duncan must come,” he said quietly. “I’ll go and ask him.”

      Two minutes later a peculiar procession marched out of the Tracy kitchen door, across the two yards, and into the Falsom house. Josie headed it, carrying a turkey on a platter. Alexina came next with a plum pudding. Stephen and Duncan followed with a

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