Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various
Читать онлайн книгу.By his mag'ties decree of the tenth of october 657, And Dispach of the counsell of the 8th of september 662. Itt Is Registred In the 22 Booke of the s[ecre]taria of Warr, fol. 72.
Wee, Charles de Bils, Captaine by the King our Lord, by virtue of my fore written Patent, Sealed with The great Seale and Signed by his mag'tie, Constitute and doe Constitute D. John Duglas for Commander of my shipp Called st. John In my name and as if I were Personally Presentt to make Warr With the Enimies of this Crowne of Portugall, Accordingly And in the same manner as it Is declared In my Patent, for Effectinge of W'ch I grant to the said my Constituted all the Powers to mee granted, for Confirmacion of w'ch I deliver him this my Patent signed with my hand and Sealed with the seale of my Armes. made In lisbone the twentieth of september one thousand Six hundred sixty two.
Charles de Bils.
Wee the under written doe testyfie that the Aboves'd and what is Conteyned on the other Side[2] is a true translation of a Comission Graunted by the Queene of Portugall and afterwards Confirmed by the King of that Country unto Charles de Bills and afterwards Assigned over by Sayd Charles de Bills unto Capt. John Duglas as witnes our hands
Aug't the 15th 1664.[3]
Edmund Downer.
William Tailer.
John Ford.
[1] Mass. Archives, vol. 60, p. 216.
[3] Old style, presumably.
16. Deposition of William Browne. June 24, 1664. [1]
The deposicion of William Browne, passenger with Mr. Robert Cooke, in the Blow Dove, and now prisoner aboard Capt. Jno. Dowglass:
That when hee was demaunded of the said Capt. John Dowglass where the said Shipp did belong unto, that the said William Browne did saye that hee heard the Mr. say severall times, that the said Shipp did belong unto Amsterdam, and that the said Shipp was bound for Amsterdam, and that most of the company[2] were Scotts:
2ly. That the said William Browne did see when a Jewe did shipp aboarde some goods,[3] and that a Jewe did marke it, and that a Jewe did dispose of the goods which the Shipp brought from Holland and that Jewes name was Isaac Cardozo, and that after the Shipp was taken it was the Mr.'s desire for to bee put ashoare, and his company likewise, for the Mr. of the said Shipp was wounded and the Capt., meeting with a vessell bound for Port Royall in Jameka, did graunt leave to the said Mr. and most of his company for to goe in her for the said Port: as witness my hand this 24. of June 1664:
Taken uppon Oath this 12. of July 1664 in Portsmouth, in Pascatayvay River, in Newe-England, in America; before mee
Brian Pendleton,[4] Comisioner.
[1] Mass. Archives, vol. 60, p. 218a.
[2] Crew.
[3] At Port Royal, Jamaica. The Blue Dove was taken between Jamaica and Hispaniola, while sailing for Amsterdam.
[4] Brian Pendleton was a selectman of Portsmouth, and one of its leading men.
17. Deposition of Marcus Claesz. June 24, 1664. [1]
The deposicion of Markus Claise of Rotterdam borne, passenger in the Blow Dove, when shee was taken, and now prisoner aboarde Capt. John Dowglass.
That when hee was demaunded of the said Capt. John Dowglass where the Shipp did belong unto, that hee the said Markus Claise did say that the said Shipp did belong unto Amsterdam, and that the Shipp was bound for Amsterdam when shee was taken, and that the Jewes were aboarde before wee set saile, and that most of the Company were Scotts, and after that the said Shipp was taken that the Mr., Robert Cooke, and most of his company did desire of the Capt. to goe ashoare uppon Jameka, and the Capt. meeting with a Barke bound for Port Royall in Jameka did graunt them leave, according to theire desire, to goe in her to the aforesaid Port at Jameka: as witnes my hand this 24. day of June 1664.
Taken uppon Oath this 12. of July 1664 in Pascatayvay River, in Newe-England, in America, before mee:
Brian Pendleton,
[1] Mass. Archives, vol. 60. p. 218.
18. Deposition of Bartholomew Martin. June 24, 1664. [1]
The deposicion of Bartholomewe Martin, Spaniard, passenger and now aboarde of Capt. John Dowglass:
That when hee was demaunded of the said Capt. John Dowglass whither hee knewe if the Shipp did belong unto the Jewes, hee answered that hee heard Isaac Cardozo a Jewe tell him privately that the Shipp did belong unto his father in Amsterdam, and that shee was Assigned unto him by his father from Amsterdam, and that the said Bartholomewe Martin did see the Jewes bring Quicksilver, and that hee knowes it is the same which was taken in the Blew Dove: as witness my hand this 24. day of June 1664.
Taken uppon Oath this 12. of July 1664 in Portsmouth, in Pascatayvay River, in Newe-England, in America, before mee:
Brian Pendleton,
[1] Mass. Archives, vol. 60, p. 217a.
19. Commission to James Oliver and Others. July 16, 1664. [1]
Being Credibly Informed of the Arrivall of a ship at Piscatage manned with persons who have Given just cause of suspition and are suspected to have seazed the said ship in a way of piracy or in a undue and Illegall manner, Now that his Maj'ty may have his rights and dues preserved, his Good Subjects the Right owners and proprietors of ship and Goods releived wht [without] any such violent seizures
These are therefore in his Maj'tys name to Authorize and Require yow, Capt. James Olliver, Capt. Edward Hutchinson, upon Receipt hereof forth with to repaire to the sd River of piscatage and there to Apply yourselves to Capt. Brian pendleton and mr. Richard Cutts, who are hereby Alike Authorized and Joyned in Comission with yow, who together or any three of yow are hereby Impowred and Required to make seazure of the Comander, officers and Company of the said ship, whither in piscatage River or in any other Harbor, port or place within this Jurisdiction, in Case they shall Refuse to submitt themselves to your comand Relating to a due triall, to secure