The Lone Wolf Series. Louis Joseph Vance

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The Lone Wolf Series - Louis Joseph Vance

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not going to need that car tonight; but the hôtel of Madame Omber is close by; and I'll follow and join you there within an hour at most. Meantime, this note will introduce you to the concierge and his wife — I hope you won't mind — as my fiancée. I'm telling them we became engaged in England, and I've brought you to Paris to visit my mother in Montrouge; but am detained by my employer's business; and will they please give you shelter for an hour."

      "He's coming in," the girl announced quietly.

      "In here?"

      "No — merely inside the row of little trees."

      "Which entrance?"

      "The boulevard side. He's taken the corner table. Now a waiter's going out to him."

      "You can see his face now?" Lanyard asked, sealing the note.

      "Not well…."

      "Nothing you recognize about him, eh?"


      "You know Popinot and Wertheimer by sight?"

      "No; they're only names to me; De Morbihan and Mr. Bannon mentioned them last night."

      "It won't be Popinot," Lanyard reflected, addressing the envelope; "he's tubby."

      "This man is tall and slender."

      "Wertheimer, possibly. Does he suggest an Englishman, any way?"

      "Not in the least. He wears a moustache — blond — twisted up like the Kaiser's."

      Lanyard made no reply; but his heart sank, and he shivered imperceptibly with foreboding. He entertained no doubt but that the worst had happened, that to the number of his enemies in Paris was added Ekstrom.

      One furtive glance confirmed this inference. He swore bitterly, if privately and with a countenance of child-like blandness, as he sipped the coffee and finished his cigarette.

      "Who is it, then?" she asked. "Do you know him?"

      He reckoned swiftly against distressing her, recalling his mention of the fact that Ekstrom was credited with the Huysman murder.

      "Merely a hanger-on of De Morbihan's," he told her lightly; "a spineless animal — no trouble about scaring him off…. Now take this note, please, and we'll go. But as we reach the door, turn back — and go out the other. You'll find a taxi without trouble. And stop for nothing!"

      He had shown foresight in paying when served, and was consequently able to leave abruptly, without giving Ekstrom time to shy. Rising smartly, he pushed the table aside. The girl was no less quick, and little less sensitive to the strain of the moment; but as she passed him her lashes lifted and her eyes were all his for the instant.

      "Good night," she breathed — "good night … my dear!"

      She could have guessed no more shrewdly what he needed to nerve him against the impending clash. He hadn't hesitated as to his only course, but till then he'd been horribly afraid, knowing too well the desperate cast of the outlawed German's nature. But now he couldn't fail.

      He strode briskly toward the door to the boulevard, out of the corner of his eye aware that Ekstrom, taken by surprise, half-started from his chair, then sank back.

      Two paces from the entrance the girl checked, murmured in French, "Oh, my handkerchief!" and turned briskly back. Without pause, as though he hadn't heard, Lanyard threw the door wide and swung out, turning directly to the spy. At the same time he dropped a hand into the pocket where nestled his automatic.

      Fortunately Ekstrom had chosen a table in a corner well removed from any in use. Lanyard could speak without fear of being overheard.

      But for a moment he refrained. Nor did Ekstrom speak or stir; sitting sideways at his table, negligently, with knees crossed, the German likewise kept a hand buried in the pocket of his heavy, dark ulster. Thus neither doubted the other's ill-will or preparedness. And through thirty seconds of silence they remained at pause, each striving with all his might to read the other's purpose in his eyes. But there was this distinction to be drawn between their attitudes, that whereas Lanyard's gaze challenged, the German's was sullenly defiant. And presently Lanyard felt his heart stir with relief: the spy's glance had winced.

      "Ekstrom," the adventurer said quietly, "if you fire, I'll get you before I fall. That's a simple statement of fact."

      The German hesitated, moistened the corners of his lips with a nervous tongue, but contented himself with a nod of acknowledgement.

      "Take your hand off that gun," Lanyard ordered. "Remember — I've only to cry your name aloud to have you torn to pieces by these people. Your life's not worth a moment's purchase in Paris — as you should know."

      The German hesitated, but in his heart knew that Lanyard didn't exaggerate. The murder of the inventor had exasperated all France; and though tonight's weather kept a third of Paris within doors, there was still a tide of pedestrians fluent on the sidewalk, beyond the flimsy barrier of firs, that would thicken to a ravening mob upon the least excuse.

      He had mistaken his man; he had thought that Lanyard, even if aware of his pursuit, would seek to shake it off in flight rather than turn and fight — and fight here, of all places!

      "Do you hear me?" Lanyard continued in the same level and unyielding tone. "Bring both hands in sight — upon the table!"

      There was no more hesitation: Ekstrom obeyed, if with the sullen grace of a wild beast that would and could slay its trainer with one sweep of its paw — if only it dared.

      For the first time since leaving the girl Lanyard relaxed his vigilant watch over the man long enough for one swift glance through the window at his side. But she was already vanished from the café.

      He breathed more freely now.

      "Come!" he said peremptorily. "Get up. We've got to talk, I presume — thrash this matter out — and we'll come to no decision here."

      "Where do we go, then?" the German demanded suspiciously.

      "We can walk."

      Irresolutely the spy uncrossed his knees, but didn't rise.

      "Walk?" he repeated, "walk where?"

      "Up the boulevard, if you like — where the lights are brightest."

      "Ah!" — with a malignant flash of teeth — "but I don't trust you."

      Lanyard laughed: "You wear only one shoe of that pair, my dear captain! We're a distrustful flock, we birds of prey. Come along! Why sit there sulking, like a spoiled child? You've made an ass of yourself, following me to Paris; sadly though you bungled that job in London, I gave you credit for more wit than to poke your head into the lion's mouth here. But — admitting that — why not be graceful about it? Here am I, amiably treating you like an equal: you might at least show gratitude enough to accept my invitation to flâner yourself!"

      With a grunt the spy got upon his feet, while Lanyard stood back, against the window, and made him free of the narrow path between the tree-tubs and the tables.

      "After you, my dear Adolph…!"

      The German paused, half turned towards him, choking with rage, his suffused face darkly relieving its white scars won at Heidelberg. At this, with a nod of unmistakable meaning, Lanyard advanced the muzzle of his pocketed weapon; and with an ugly growl the German moved on and out to the sidewalk, Lanyard respectfully an inch or two behind his elbow.

      "To your right," he requested pleasantly — "if it's all the same to you:

      I've business on the Boulevards…"

      Ekstrom said nothing for the moment, but sullenly yielded to the suggestion.

      "By the way," the adventurer presently pursued, "you might be good enough to inform me how you knew where we were dining — eh?"

      "If it interests you — "

      "I own it does — tremendously!"


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