The Greatest Works of Anna Katharine Green. Анна Грин

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The Greatest Works of Anna Katharine Green - Анна Грин

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Leavenworth Case

       Table of Contents

       Book I. The Problem

       I. “A Great Case”

       II. The Coroner’s Inquest

       III. Facts and Deductions

       IV. A Clue

       V. Expert Testimony

       VI. Side-Lights

       VII. Mary Leavenworth

       VIII. Circumstantial Evidence

       IX. A Discovery

       X. Mr. Gryce Receives New Impetus

       XI. The Summons

       XII. Eleanore

       XIII. The Problem

       Book II. Henry Clavering

       XIV. Mr. Gryce at Home

       XV. Ways Opening

       XVI. The Will of a Millionaire

       XVII. The Beginning of Great Surprises

       XVIII. On the Stairs

       XIX. In My Office

       XX. “Trueman! Trueman! Trueman!”

       XXI. A Prejudice

       XXII. Patch-Work

       XXIII. The Story of a Charming Woman

       XXIV. A Report Followed by Smoke

       XXV. Timothy Cook

       XXVI. Mr. Gryce Explains Himself

       Book III. Hannah

       XXVII. Amy Belden

       XXVIII. A Weird Experience

       XXIX. The Missing Witness

       XXX. Burned Paper

       XXXI. “Thereby Hangs a Tale.”

       XXXII. Mrs. Belden’s Narrative

       XXXIII. Unexpected Testimony

       Book IV. The Problem Solved

       XXXIV. Mr. Gryce Resumes Control

       XXXV. Fine Work

       XXXVI. Gathered Threads

       XXXVII. Culmination

       XXXVIII. A Full Confession

       XXXIX. The Outcome of a Great Crime

      Book I.

       The Problem

       Table of Contents

      Chapter I.

       “A Great Case”

       Table of Contents

      “A deed of dreadful note.”


      I had been a junior partner in the firm of Veeley, Carr & Raymond, attorneys and counsellors at law, for about a year, when one morning, in the temporary absence of both Mr. Veeley and Mr. Carr, there came into our office a young man whose whole appearance was so indicative of haste and agitation that I involuntarily rose at his approach and impetuously inquired:

      “What is the matter? You have no bad news to tell, I hope.”

      “I have come to see Mr. Veeley; is he in?”

      “No,” I replied; “he was unexpectedly called away this morning to Washington; cannot be home before to-morrow; but if you will make your business known to me——”

      “To you, sir?” he repeated, turning a very cold but steady eye on mine; then, seeming to be satisfied with his scrutiny, continued, “There is no reason why I shouldn’t; my business is no secret. I came to inform him that Mr. Leavenworth is dead.”

      “Mr. Leavenworth!” I exclaimed, falling back a step. Mr. Leavenworth was an old client of our firm, to say nothing of his being the particular friend of Mr. Veeley.

      “Yes, murdered; shot through the head by some unknown person while sitting at his library table.”

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