Founding Fathers: Complete Biographies, Their Articles, Historical & Political Documents. Emory Speer

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Founding Fathers: Complete Biographies, Their Articles, Historical & Political Documents - Emory Speer

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after the first day of December, and before the first day of February next, the same ought forthwith, at the election of the owner, to be either re-shipped or delivered up to the Committee of the County or Town wherein they shall be imported, to be stored at the risk of the importer, until the Non-Importation Agreement shall cease, or be sold under the direction of the Committee aforesaid; and in the last mentioned case, the owner or owners of such Goods shall be reimbursed out of the sales the first cost and charges; the profit, if any, to be applied towards relieving and employing such poor inhabitants of the Town of Boston as are immediate sufferers by the Boston Port Bill; and a particular account of all Goods so returned, stored, or sold, to be inserted in the publick papers; and if any Goods or Merchandises shall be imported after the said first day of February, the same ought forthwith to be sent back again, without breaking any of the packages thereof.

      11. That a Committee be chosen in every County, City, and Town, by those who are qualified to vote for Representatives in the Legislature, whose business it shall be attentively to observe the conduct of all persons touching this Association; and when it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of a majority of any such Committee, that any person within the limits of their appointment has violated this Association, that such majority do forthwith cause the truth of the case to be published in the Gazette, to the end that all such foes to the rights of British America may be publickly known, and universally contemned as the enemies of American Liberty; and thenceforth we respectively will break off all dealings with him or her.

      12. That the Committee of Correspondence, in the respective Colonies, do frequently inspect the Entries of their Custom Houses, and inform each other, from time to time, of the true state thereof, and of every other material circumstance that may occur relative to this Association.

      13. That all Manufactures of this country be sold at reasonable prices, so that no undue advantage be taken of a future scarcity of Goods.

      14. And we do further agree and resolve that we will have no Trade, Commerce, Dealings, or Intercourse whatsoever with any Colony or Province in North America, which shall not accede to, or which shall hereafter violate this Association, but will hold them as unworthy of the rights of freemen, and as inimical to the liberties of this country.

      And we do solemnly bind ourselves and our constituents, under the ties aforesaid, to adhere to this Association until such parts of the several Acts of Parliament passed since the close of the last war, as impose or continue Duties on Tea, Wine, Molasses, Syrups, Paneles, Coffee, Sugar, Pimento, Indigo, Foreign Paper, Glass, and Painters' Colours, imported into America, and extend the powers of the Admiralty Courts beyond their ancient limits, deprive the American subjects of Trial by Jury, authorize the Judge's certificate to indemnify the prosecutor from damages that he might otherwise be liable to from a trial by his peers, require oppressive security from a claimant of Ships or Goods seized, before he shall be allowed to defend his property, are repealed. — And until that part of the Act of the 12th George III. ch. 24, entitled "An Act for the better securing his Majesty's Dock-yards, Magazines, Ships, Ammunition, and Stores," by which any person charged with committing any of the offences therein described, in America, may be tried in any Shire or County within the Realm, is repealed — and until the four Acts, passed in the last session of Parliament, viz: that for stopping the Port and blocking up the Harbour of Boston — that for altering the Charter and Government of the Massachusetts Bay — and that which is entitled An Act for the better Administration of Justice, &c. — and that for extending the Limits of Quebec, &c., are repealed. And we recommend it to the Provincial Conventions, and to the Committees in the respective Colonies, to establish such farther Regulations as they may think proper for carrying into execution this Association.

      The foregoing Association being determined upon by the Congress, was ordered to be subscribed by the several Members thereof; and thereupon, we have hereunto set our respective names accordingly.

      In Congress, Philadelphia, October 20, 1774.

      Peyton Randolph, President.

John Sullivan, Nathaniel Folsom.
Massachusetts Bay,
Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine.
Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Ward.
Eliphalet Dyer, Roger Sherman, Silas Deane.
Isaac Low, John Alsop, John Jay, James Duane, Philip Livingston, William Floyd, Henry Wisner, Simon Boerum.
James Kinsey, William Livingston, Stephen Crane, Richard Smith, John De Hart.
Joseph Galloway, John Dickinson, Charles Humphreys, Thomas Mifflin, Edward Biddle, John Morton, George Ross.
The Lower Counties, New-Castle, &c.,
Cæsar Rodney Thomas McKean, George Read.
Matthew Tilghman, Thomas Johnson, Junr. William Paca, Samuel Chase.
Richard Henry Lee, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Junr. Richard Bland, Benjamin Harrison, Edmund Pendleton.
North Carolina,
William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, Richard Caswell.
South Carolina,
Henry Middleton, Thomas Lynch, Christopher Gadsden, John Rutledge, Edward Rutledge.

      Ordered, That this Association be committed to the press, and that one hundred and twenty copies be struck off.

      The Congress then resumed the consideration of the Address to the Inhabitants of these Colonies, and after debate thereon, adjourned till to-morrow.

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