Wallace; or, the Life and Acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie. active 1470-1492 Blind Hary

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Wallace; or, the Life and Acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie - active 1470-1492 Blind Hary

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Wallace fulfillit of hie curage;

      In pryss of armys desirous and sauage;

      Thi waslage may neuir be forlorn,

      Thi deidis are knawin, thocht that the warld had suorn:

      For thi haile mynde, labour and besynes,5

      Was set in wer, and werray rychtwisnes;

      And felloune loss of thi deyr worthi kyn.

      The rancour more remaynde thi mynd with in.

      Fol. 5 b

      It was his lyff, and maist part of his fude,

      To se thaim sched the byrnand Sothroun blude.10

      Till Auchincruff with outyn mar he raid,

      And bot schort tyme in pess at he thar baid.

      Thar duelt a Wallas, welcummyt him full weill;

      Thocht Ingliss men thar of had litill feille.

      Bathe meite and drynk at his wille he had thar.15

      In Laglyne wode, quhen that he maid repayr,

      This gentill man was full oft his resett;

      With stuff of houshald strestely he thaim bett.

      So he desirit the toune of Air to se,

      His child with him; as than na man had he.20

      Ay next the wode Wallace gert leiff his horss;

      Syne on his feit yeid to the merkat corss.

      The Persye was in the castell of Ayr

      With Ingliss men, gret nowmber and repayr:

      Our all ye toune rewlyng on thair awne wiss,25

      Till mony Scot thai did full gret suppriss.

       Aboundandely Wallace amang thaim yeid;

      The rage of youth maid him to haf no dreid.

      A churll thai had, that felloune byrdyngis bar;

      Excedandlye he wald lyft mekill mar30

      Than ony twa that thai amang thaim fand;

      And als be wss a sport he tuk in hand:

       He bar a sasteing in a boustous poille:

      On his braid bak of ony wald he thoile,

      Bot for a grot, als fast as he mycht draw.35

      Quhen Wallas herd spek of that mery saw,

      He likyt weill at that mercat to be,

      And for a strak he bad him grottis thre.

      The churll grantyt, of that proferr was fayn.

      To pay the siluer Wallas was full bayne.40

      Wallas that steing tuk wp in till his hand;

      Full sturdely he coud befor him stand,

      Wallace, with that, apon the bak him gaif,

      Till his ryg bayne he all in sondyr draif.

      The carll was dede: of him I spek no mar.45

      The Ingliss men semblit on Wallace thair,

      Feill on the feld of frekis fechtand fast;

      He vnabasyt, and nocht gretlie agast,

      Vpon the hed ane with the steing hitt he,

      Till bayn and brayn he gert in pecis fle.50

      Ane othir he straik on a basnat of steille,

      The tre to raiff and fruschit euiredeille.

      His steyng was tynt, the Ingliss man was dede;

      For his crag bayne was brokyn in that stede.

      He drew a suerd at helpit him at neide,55

      Throuch oute the thikest of the press he yeid;

      And at his horss full fayne he wald haif beyne.

      Twa sarde him maist that cruell war and keyne.

      Wallace raturnd as man of mekyll mayne;

      And at a straik the formast has he slayne. 60

      Fol. 6 a

      The tothir fled, and durst him nocht abide;

      Bot a rycht straik Wallace him gat that tid:

      In at the guschet brymly he him bar;

      The grounden suerd throuch out his cost it schar.

      Fyve slew he thar, or that he left the toune:65

      He gat his horss, to Laglyne maid him boune,

      Kepyt his child, and leyt him nocht abide;

      In saufté thus on to the wod can ride.

      Feille folowit him on hors, and eik on futte,

      To tak Wallace: bot than it was no butte;70

      Couert of treis sawit him full weille.

      Bot thar to bid than coude he nocht adeille

      Gud ordinance, that serd for his estate,

      His cusyng maid at all tyme, ayr and late,

      The Squier Wallace in Auchincruff that was;75

      Baith bed and meite he maid for thaim to pass,

      As for that tyme that he remanyt thar;

      Bot sar he langit to [se] the toune of Ayr.

      Thedyr he past apon the mercate day;

      Gret God gif he as than had beyne away!80

      His emys serwand to buy him fysche was send,

      Schir Ranald Craufurd, schirreff than was kend.

      Quhen he had tane of sic gud as he bocht,

      The Perseys stwart sadly till him socht,

      And said; “Thow Scot, to quhom takis thow this thing?”85

      ‘To the schirreff,’ he said. “Be hewynnys king,

      “My lord sall haiff it; and syne go seke the mar.”

      Wallace on gaite ner by was walkand thar:

      Till him he yeid, and said; ‘Gud freynd, pray I the,

      ‘The schirreffis serwand thow wald lat him be.’90

      A hetfull man the stwart was of blude;

      And thoucht Wallace chargyt him in termys rude.

      “Go hens, the Scot, the mekill dewill the speid;

      “At thi shrewed wss thow wenys me to leid.”

      A huntyn staff in till his hand he bar;95

      Thar with he smat on Willyham Wallace thair.

      Bot for his tre litill sonyhé he maid,

      Bot be the coler claucht him with outyn baid.

      A felloun knyff fast till his hart straik he;

      Syn fra him dede schot him doun sodanlé:100

      Catour sen syne he was, but weyr, no mar.

      Men of armess on Wallace semblit thar,

      Four scor was sett in armyss buskyt boune,

      On the merket day, for Scottis to kepe the toune.

      Bot Wallace bauldlye drew a suerd of wer,105

      In to the byrneis the formast can he ber,

      Throuch out the body stekit him to dede;

      And syndry

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