The Hidden Children. Robert W. Chambers

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The Hidden Children - Robert W. Chambers

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from my mother, whose maiden name was Helen Dodge Cocks, a great-granddaughter of Samuel Dodge, of Poughkeepsie, the author of them.

      So far Mr. Chambers has not come, but he answered my note, inclosing your note to him. I have written to him, suggesting that he insert a footnote giving the authorship of the verses, that it would gratify the descendants of Samuel Dodge, as well as be a tribute to a patriotic citizen.

      These verses have been published a number of times. About three years ago by chance I read them in the December National Magazine, p. 247 (Boston), entitled "A Revolutionary Puzzle," and stating that the author was unknown. Considering it my duty to place the honor where it belonged, I wrote to the editor, giving the facts, which he courteously published in the September number, 1911, p. 876.

      Should you be in New York any time, I will take pleasure in showing you the original manuscripts.

      Very truly yours,



       New York.

      DEAR SIR: I have not replied to your gracious letter, as I relied upon Dr. Morris to prove to you the authorship of the verses you used in your story of "The Hidden Children." I now inclose a letter from him, hoping that you will carry out his suggestion. Is it asking too much for you to insert a footnote in the next magazine or in the story when it comes out in book form? I think with Dr. Morris that this should be done as a "tribute to a patriotic citizen."

      Trusting that you will appreciate the interest we have shown in this matter, I am

      Sincerely yours,


       May 21st, 1914.

       Ann Arbor, Michigan.


       727 E. University Avenue.


      "Onenh jatthondek sewarih-wisa-anongh-kwe kaya-renh-kowah!

       Onenh wa-karigh-wa-kayon-ne.

       Onenh ne okne joska-wayendon.

       Yetsi-siwan-enyadanion ne


      "Now listen, ye who established the Great League! Now it has become old. Now there is nothing but wilderness. Ye are in your graves who established it." "At the Wood's Edge."


      When the West kindles red and low,

       Across the sunset's sombre glow,

       The black crows fly—the black crows fly!

       High pines are swaying to and fro

       In evil winds that blow and blow.

       The stealthy dusk draws nigh—draws nigh,

       Till the sly sun at last goes down,

       And shadows fall on Catharines-town.

       Oswaya swaying to and fro.

      By the Dark Empire's Western gate

       Eight stately, painted Sachems wait

       For Amochol—for Amochol!

       Hazel and samphire consecrate

       The magic blaze that burns like Hate,

       While the deep witch-drums roll—and roll.

       Sorceress, shake thy dark hair down!

       The Red Priest comes from Catharines-town.

       Ha-ai! Karenna! Fate is Fate.

      Now let the Giants clothed in stone

       Stalk from Biskoonah; while, new grown,

       The Severed Heads fly high—fly high!

       White-throat, White-throat, thy doom is known!

       O Blazing Soul that soars alone

       Like a Swift Arrow to the sky,

       High winging—fling thy Wampum down,

       Lest the sky fall on Catharines-town.

      White-throat, White-throat, thy course is flown. R. W. C.

      CHAPTER I.


       Table of Contents

      In the middle of the Bedford Road we three drew bridle. Boyd lounged in his reeking saddle, gazing at the tavern and at what remained of the tavern sign, which seemed to have been a new one, yet now dangled mournfully by one hinge, shot to splinters.

      The freshly painted house itself, marred with buckshot, bore dignified witness to the violence done it. A few glazed windows still remained unbroken; the remainder had been filled with blue paper such as comes wrapped about a sugar cone, so that the misused house seemed to be watching us out of patched and battered eyes.

      It was evident, too, that a fire had been wantonly set at the northeast angle of the house, where sill and siding were deeply charred from baseboard to eaves.

      Nor had this same fire happened very long since, for under the eaves white-faced hornets were still hard at work repairing their partly scorched nest. And I silently pointed them out to Lieutenant Boyd.

      "Also," he nodded, "I can still smell the smoky wood. The damage is fresh enough. Look at your map."

      He pushed his horse straight up to the closed door, continuing to examine the dismantled sign which hung motionless, there being no wind stirring.

      "This should be Hays's Tavern," he said, "unless they lied to us at Ossining. Can you make anything of the sign, Mr. Loskiel?"

      "Nothing, sir. But we are on the highway to Poundridge, for behind us lies the North Castle Church road. All is drawn on my map as we see it here before us; and this should be the fine dwelling of that great villain Holmes, now used as a tavern by Benjamin Hays."

      "Rap on the door," said Boyd; and our rifleman escort rode forward and drove his rifle-butt at the door, "There's a man hiding within and peering at us behind the third window," I whispered.

      "I see him," said Boyd coolly.

      Through the heated silence around us we could hear the hornets buzzing aloft under the smoke-stained eaves. There was no other sound in the July sunshine.

      The solemn tavern stared at us out of its injured eyes, and we three men of the Northland gazed back as solemnly, sobered once more to encounter the trail of the Red Beast so freshly printed here among the pleasant Westchester hills.

      And to us the silent house seemed to say: "Gentlemen, gentlemen! Look at the plight I'm in—you who come from the blackened North!" And with never a word of lip our heavy thoughts responded: "We know, old house! We know! But at least you still stand; and in the ashes of our Northland not a roof or a spire remains aloft between the dwelling of Deborah Glenn and the ford at the middle fort."

      Boyd broke silence with an effort; and his voice was once more cool and careless, if a little forced:

      "So it's this way hereabouts, too," he said with a shrug and a sign to me to dismount. Which I did stiffly; and our rifleman escort scrambled from his sweatty saddle and gathered all three bridles in his mighty, sunburnt fist.

      "Either there is a man or a ghost within," I said again, "Whatever it is has moved."

      "A man," said Boyd, "or what the inhumanity of man has left of him."

      And it was true, for now there came to the door and opened it a thin fellow wearing horn spectacles, who stood silent and cringing before us. Slowly rubbing his workworn hands, he made us a landlord's bow as listless and as perfunctory as ever I have seen in any ordinary. But his welcome

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