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and that describes every one of those fellows who are enjoying their supper in there. I wish you knew more of Hovstad.

      Peter Stockmann. By the way, Hovstad was telling me he was going to print another article of yours.

      Dr Stockmann. An article of mine?

      Peter Stockmann. Yes, about the Baths. An article you wrote in the winter.

      Dr Stockmann. Oh, that one! No, I don’t intend that to appear just for the present.

      Peter Stockmann. Why not? It seems to me that this would be the most opportune moment.

      Dr Stockmann. Yes, very likely — under normal conditions. [Crosses the room.]

      Peter Stockmann [following him with his eyes]. Is there anything abnormal about the present conditions?

      Dr Stockmann [standing still]. To tell you the truth, Peter, I can’t say just at this moment — at all events not tonight. There may be much that is very abnormal about the present conditions — and it is possible there may be nothing abnormal about them at all. It is quite possible it may be merely my imagination.

      Peter Stockmann. I must say it all sounds most mysterious. Is there something going on that I am to be kept in ignorance of? I should have imagined that I, as Chairman of the governing body of the Baths —

      Dr Stockmann. And I should have imagined that I—. Oh, come, don’t let us fly out at one another, Peter.

      Peter Stockmann. Heaven forbid! I am not in the habit of flying out at people, as you call it. But I am entitled to request most emphatically that all arrangements shall be made in a businesslike manner, through the proper channels, and shall be dealt with by the legally constituted authorities. I can allow no going behind our backs by any roundabout means.

      Dr Stockmann. Have I ever at any time tried to go behind your backs?

      Peter Stockmann. You have an ingrained tendency to take your own way, at all events; and, that is almost equally inadmissible in a well ordered community, The individual ought undoubtedly to acquiesce in subordinating himself to the community — or, to speak more accurately, to the authorities who have the care of the community’s welfare.

      Dr Stockmann. Very likely. But what the deuce has all this got to do with me?

      Peter Stockmann. That is exactly what you never appear to be willing to learn, my dear Thomas. But, mark my words, some day you will have to suffer for it — sooner or later. Now I have told you. Good-bye.

      Dr Stockmann. Have you taken leave of your senses? You are on the wrong scent altogether.

      Peter Stockmann. I am not usually that. You must excuse me now if I— [calls into the dining-room]. Good night, Katherine. Good night, gentlemen. [Goes out.]

      Mrs Stockmann [coming from the dining-room]. Has he gone?

      Dr Stockmann. Yes, and in such a bad temper.

      Mrs Stockmann. But, dear Thomas, what have you been doing to him again?

      Dr Stockmann. Nothing at all. And, anyhow, he can’t oblige me to make my report before the proper time.

      Mrs Stockmann. What have you got to make a report to him about?

      Dr Stockmann. Hm! Leave that to me, Katherine. It is an extraordinary thing that the postman doesn’t come.

      [HOVSTAD, BILLING and HORSTER have got up from the table and come into the sitting-room. EJLIF and MORTEN come in after them.]

      Billing [stretching himself]. Ah!— one feels a new man after a meal like that.

      Hovstad. The mayor wasn’t in a very sweet temper tonight, then.

      Dr Stockmann. It is his stomach; he has wretched digestion.

      Hovstad. I rather think it was us two of the “People’s Messenger” that he couldn’t digest.

      Mrs Stockmann. I thought you came out of it pretty well with him.

      Hovstad. Oh yes; but it isn’t anything more than a sort of truce.

      Billing. That is just what it is! That word sums up the situation.

      Dr Stockmann. We must remember that Peter is a lonely man, poor chap. He has no home comforts of any kind; nothing but everlasting business. And all that infernal weak tea wash that he pours into himself! Now then, my boys, bring chairs up to the table. Aren’t we going to have that toddy, Katherine?

      Mrs Stockmann [going into the dining-room]. I am just getting it.

      Dr Stockmann. Sit down here on the couch beside me, Captain Horster. We so seldom see you. Please sit down, my friends. [They sit down at the table. MRS. STOCKMANN brings a tray, with a spirit-lamp, glasses, bottles, etc., upon it.]

      Mrs Stockmann. There you are! This is arrack, and this is rum, and this one is the brandy. Now every one must help themselves.

      Dr Stockmann [taking a glass]. We will. [They all mix themselves some toddy.] And let us have the cigars. Ejlif, you know where the box is. And you, Morten, can fetch my pipe. [The two boys go into the room on the right.] I have a suspicion that Ejlif pockets a cigar now and then!— but I take no notice of it. [Calls out.] And my smoking-cap too, Morten. Katherine, you can tell him where I left it. Ah, he has got it. [The boys bring the various things.] Now, my friends. I stick to my pipe, you know. This one has seen plenty of bad weather with me up north. [Touches glasses with them.] Your good health! Ah, it is good to be sitting snug and warm here,

      Mrs Stockmann [who sits knitting]. Do you sail soon, Captain Horster?

      Horster. I expect to be ready to sail next week.

      Mrs Stockmann. I suppose you are going to America?

      Horster. Yes, that is the plan.

      Mrs Stockmann. Then you won’t be able to take part in the coming election?

      Horster. Is there going to be an election?

      Billing. Didn’t you know?

      Horster. No, I don’t mix myself up with those things.

      Billing. But do you not take an interest in public affairs?

      Horster. No, I don’t know anything about politics.

      Billing. All the same, one ought to vote, at any rate.

      Horster. Even if one doesn’t know anything about what is going on?

      Billing. Doesn’t know! What do you mean by that? A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.

      Horster. Maybe that is all very well on shore; but on board ship it wouldn’t work.

      Hovstad. It is astonishing how little most sailors care about what goes on on shore.

      Billing. Very extraordinary.

      Dr Stockmann. Sailors are like birds of passage; they feel equally at home in any latitude. And that is only an additional reason for our being all the more keen, Hovstad. Is there to be anything of public interest in tomorrow’s “Messenger”?

      Hovstad. Nothing about municipal affairs. But the day after tomorrow I was thinking of printing your article —

      Dr Stockmann. Ah, devil take it — my article! Look here, that must wait a bit.

      Hovstad. Really? We had just got convenient space for it, and I thought it was just the opportune moment —

      Dr Stockmann. Yes, yes, very likely you are right; but it must wait all the same. I will explain to you later. [PETRA comes in from the hall, in hat and cloak and with a bundle of exercise books under her arm.]

      Petra. Good evening.

      Dr Stockmann. Good evening, Petra; come along.

      [Mutual greetings; PETRA takes off her things and puts them down on a chair by the door.]

      Petra. And you have all been sitting here enjoying yourselves, while

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