English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers. Tatiana Oliva Morales

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English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers - Tatiana Oliva Morales

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glish Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers

      Tatiana Oliva Morales

      Cover designer Tatiana Oliva Morales

      © Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2020

      © Tatiana Oliva Morales, cover design, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-3284-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      This series of tests of levels A1 – C1 is recommended for schoolchildren, students of language faculties, as well as for a wide range of people studying English. All tests are differentiated by complexity and have keys (correct answers).

      From the author

      This book can be used as a tutorial. If you need additional consultations or classes, you can contact me. Consultations / classes in person or by Skype are possible.

      My contact details

      Tel 8 925 184 37 07

      Skype: oliva-morales

      E-mail: [email protected]




Respectfully,Tatiana Oliva Morales

      Section 1. Fundamentals of English


      Indicate the correct transcription.

      1.Fit, full, feel, seat, fool

      [fit], [ful], [si: t], [fu: l], [fi: l]

      [fit], [fu: l], [fil] [si: t], [ful]

      [fit], [ful], [fi: l] [si: t], [fu: l]

      [fi: t], [ful], [fil] [si: t], [fu: l]

      2.Groom, beat, room, bit

      [gru: m], [bit], [bi: t], [rum]

      [grum], [bit], [ru: m], [bi: t]

      [g ru: m], [bi: t], [ru: m], [bit]

      [g ru: m], [bit], [ru: m], [bi: t]

      3.Come, groom, calm, feel

      [kʌ: m], [grum], [ka: m], [fil]

      [kʌm], [gru: m], [ka: m], [fi: l]

      [kʌm], [g rum], [kam], [fi: l]

      [kʌm], [gru: m], [kam], [fi: l

      4.Puck, park, lend, band

      [pʌk], [pak], [lend], [bænd]

      [pʌ: k], [pa: k], [lend], [bænd]

      [pʌk], [pa: k], [lend], [bænd]

      [pʌk], [pak], [lend], [bend]

      5.Pin, bring, ban, bang

      [pi: n], [briŋ], [bæn], [bæŋ]

      [pin], [briŋ], [bæn], [bæŋ]

      [pin], [bri: ŋ], [bæn], [bæŋ]

      [pin], [briŋ], [bæ: n], [bæŋ]

      6.Lot, port, fan, bang

      [lɔt], [pɔ: t], [fæn] [beŋ]

      [lɔt], [pɔ: t], [fæ: n], [bæŋ]

      [lɔ: t], [pɔt], [fæn], [bæŋ]

      [lɔt], [pɔ: t], [fæn], [bæŋ]

      7.Got, taught, tied, tired

      [gɔt], [tɔ: t], [taid], [taiəd]

      [gɔ: t], [tɔt], [taid], [taiəd]

      [gɔt], [tɔ: t], [taid], [tairəd]

      [gɔt], [tɔut], [taid], [taiəd]

      8. Right, riot, buy, buyer

      [vrait], [raiət], [bai], [baiə]

      [rʌɪt], [raiət], [bai], [baiə]

      [rait], [rait], [bai], [baiə]

      [rait], [raiət], [bai], [baə]

      9. Box, forks, lie, liar

      [bɔks], [fɔ: rks], [lai], [laiə]

      [bɔks], [fɔ: ks], [lai], [laə]

      [bɔks], [fɔ: ks], [lai], [laiə]

      [bɔks], [fɔks], [lai], [laiə]

      10. Word, ward, worker, talker

      [wə: ], [wɔ: d], [wə: kə: ], [tɔ: kə: ]

      [wə: d], [wɔ: d], [wə: kə: ], [tɔ: kə: ]

      [wə: d], [wɔ: d], [wə: kə: ], [tɔkə: ]

      [wə: d], [wɔ: d], [wəkə: ], [tɔ: kə: ]

      11. Led, said, bad, sand

      [led], [sed], [bæd], [send]

      [led], [sed], [bæd], [sænd]

      [læd], [sed], [bed], [sænd]

      [led], [sed], [bæd], [sæd]

      12. Pot, sport, try, dryer

      [pɔ: t] [spɔt], [trai], [draiə]

      [pɔt] [spɔ: t], [trai], [draə]

      [pɔt] [spɔ: t], [trai], [draiə]

      [pɔt] [spɔ: t], [trai: ], [draiə]

      13. Den, turn, torn, hall

      [den], [tə: n], [tɔ: n], [hɔl]

      [den], [tə: n], [tɔn], [hɔ: l]

      [den], [tə: n], [tɔ: n], [hɔ: l]

      [den], [tə: rn], [tɔ: n], [hɔ: l]

      14. Ten, learn, lawn, all

      [ten], [lə: n], [lɔ: n], [ɔ:l]

      [ten], [lə: n], [lɔ: n], [ɔl]

      [ten], [lən], [lɔ: n], [ɔ:l]

      [ten], [lə: n], [lɔn], [ɔ:l]

      15. Were, war, work, talk

      [wə: ], [wɔ: ], [wə: k], [wɔk]

      [wə: ], [wɔ: ], [tə: k], [wɔ: k]

      [wə: ], [wɔ: ], [tək], [wɔ: k]

      [wə], [wɔ: ], [tə: k], [wɔ: k]

      16. Ted, bird, born, earl

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔ: n], [əl]

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔn], [ə:l]

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔ: n], [ə:l]

      [ted], [bəd], [bɔ: n], [ə:l]

      17. Dot, naught, win, wing

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [win], [wiŋ]

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [win], [wi: ŋ]

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [wi: n], [wiŋ]

      [dɔ: t], [nɔt], [win], [wiŋ]

      18. Send, land, puck, park

      [send], [lænd], [pʌk], [pa: k]

      [send], [lænd], [pʌk], [pak]

      [send], [lend], [pʌk], [pa: k]

      [send], [lænd], [pʌ: k], [pa: k]

      19. Luck, lark, loose. book

      [lʌk], [la: k], [lu: z], [bu: k]

      [lʌk], [la: k], [lu: z], [buk]

      [lʌk], [la: k], [luz], [buk]


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