English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers. Tatiana Oliva Morales

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English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers - Tatiana Oliva Morales

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m], [bul], [bʌt], [bat]

      [dum], [bul], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      [du: m], [bul], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      [du: m], [bu: l], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      21. Dim, team, live, leave

      [dim], [ti: m], [liv], [li:\v]

      [dim], [ti: m], [liv], [li: v]

      [dim], [tim], [liv], [li: v]

      [di: m], [tim], [liv], [li: v]

      22. Pit, beat, dip, deep

      [pit], [bi: t], [di: p], [dip]

      [pit], [bi: t], [dip], [di: p]

      [pi: t], [bit], [dip], [di: p]

      [pit], [bi: t], [dip], [dip]

      23. Duck, lark, den, pan

      [dʌk], [la: k], [de: n], [pæn]

      [dʌk], [lak], [den], [pæn]

      [dʌk], [la: k], [den], [pæn]

      [dʌ: k], [la: rk], [den], [pæn]

      24. Tan, bang, cot, caught

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔt]

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔ: t]

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔ: t], [kɔ: t]

      [ten], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔ: t]

      25. Bell, hurl, ball, lawn

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔ: l], [lɔun]

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔ: l], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔl], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [həl], [bɔ: l], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [hə: rl], [hɔ: l], [lɔ: n]


      Translate the sentence into your native language. Choose the correct option.

      1. … you in Moscow?





      2. … he often come to see you?





      3. I… not at home now.





      4. Their teacher… not often give them a lot of homework to do.





      5. Mary and Boris… friends.





      6. … you live here?





      7. I… not a teacher.





      8. Paul… ill.





      9. Where… your sister study?





      10. They are… home now.





      11. Put the book… your brief-case please.





      12. Take your pen and put it… the table please.





      13. Go… the blackboard please.





      14. Ann is… school now.





      15. Come… here please.




      no right answer

      16. Come… please.

      no right answer




      17. Go… please.





      18. Come… the house please.




      out of

      19. Go… the classroom please.


      out of



      20. … pen is on the table.





      21. Go to… blackboard please.





      22. Open… text-book at page 11.





      23. … in please.

      Not to come

      Not come

      To come not

      Don’t come

      24. … doesn’t study here.



      Our children


      25. … are friends.



      Our brother

      Ann and Kate

      26. Boris…

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