English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers. Tatiana Oliva Morales

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English Tests. Levels A1—C1. Tests with answers - Tatiana Oliva Morales

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him any money.

      will not lent

      would not lend

      would be lending


      12. I was sure that after midnight they all ….

      would be sleeping

      would sleep

      would have slept

      would have been sleeping

      13. His teacher was almost sure the student… all the exams.

      would be passing

      would have passed

      will have been passing

      would pass

      14. I was sure that Kate… by the time I ….

      comes, have arrived

      came, would arrive

      will have come, arrive

      would have come, arrived

      15. The employee says that he… on business next week.

      will go away

      will be going away

      would have gone

      would have been going away

      16. Our teacher is almost sure we… our exams.

      would pass

      will be passing

      will pass

      would have passed

      17. The guide has said that he… at 7 o’clock.

      would come back

      will come back

      would have come back

      will have come back

      18. I thought the manager… everything by our arrival, but I… wrong.

      will prepare, am

      would have prepared, was

      would have been preparing, have been

      will have prepared, had been

      19. The student explains that she… German lessons twice a week.

      would take

      will take

      would be taking

      will be taking

      20. The manager knows that the chief… next month.

      would return

      will return

      would be returning

      will have returned

      21. My friend has assured me he… the book by the time I… him to give it back.

      would have read, asked

      will have read, ask

      would have been reading, had asked

      will have read, have asked

      22. He assures me that he… the book by the time I… him to give it back.

      will have read, ask

      would have been reading, asked

      will read, asked

      will have been reading, ask

      23. Our new friend promised he… to see us when he… in London.

      came, is

      would come, was

      comes, would be

      will come, has been

      24. This employee has just said that he… on business to the USA next summer.

      would go

      will go



      25. The employee said that he… to the USA the next summer.

      will go

      will be going

      would go



      Translate the sentence into your native language. Choose the correct option.

      1. Fred asked Ann where he… so early in the morning.

      am going



      was going

      2. Mike knew his friends… for me at the metro station.

      will wait

      will have waited

      would wait

      would be waiting

      3. The chief didn’t know that the employee… the work the day before.

      has already done

      already did

      had already done

      would already do

      4. The guy assures that he… that woman.

      is knowing

      would know

      had known


      5. Nick understood why his friend… the previous evening.

      has not come

      didn’t come

      hadn’t come

      would not come

      6. She asked her ex-classmate if he… their English teacher.

      had remembered



      will remember

      7. The student reported he… the material.

      has already read

      already read

      had already read

      will already read

      8. Fred said that his wife… the next month.

      will come

      had come


      would come

      9. The man said he… tell me the right time, his watch… wrong.

      can, is

      would not can, were

      couldn’t, was

      cannot, is

      10. Nick asked his new friend if he… by air before.

      ever have traveled

      travels ever

      would ever travel

      had ever traveled

      11. The employee warned us that he ….

      will go away, tomorrow morning

      would go away, tomorrow morning

      would go away, the next day morning

      will go away, the next day morning

      Конец ознакомительного

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