Comparative typology of English and Spanish. Adapted fairy tale for translation and retelling. Book 2. Tatiana Oliva Morales

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Comparative typology of English and Spanish. Adapted fairy tale for translation and retelling. Book 2 - Tatiana Oliva Morales

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way (de esa manera) she had been sitting (sentarse) until (hasta que) she felt (sentir) that (que) the house (… casa) was got off the ground (despegarse) and carried (llevarse) in an unknown direction (en una dirección desconocida).

      The girl (… niña) ran up (correr) to (a) the window (… ventana) and looked down (mirar.. hacia abajo) – they had already passed (ya sobrevolar.. a través de) her (su) native village (pueblo natal), flew across (-) a lake (… lago), mountains (montañas), some (alguna) city (ciudad).

      And then (entonces) everything (todo) began (comenzar) to (a) spin (girar) and disappeared (desaparecer) before her eyes (ante sus ojos).

      When (cuando) Alice woke up (despertarse), she realized (darse.. cuenta de) that (que) the house did not fly (no volar) anywhere (a ningún lado).

      She got up (levantarse) and looked out of (mirar.. por) the window (… ventana).

      In front of her (frente a ella) there was (haber) a sunny lawn (… césped soleado) dotted (salpicado) with (con) different flowers (diferente.. flor..).

      The butterflies (… mariposa..) were flying (volar) and the birds (… pájaro..) were singing (cantar) there (allí), so (así que) the girl left (salir de) the house and went (ir) to (a) look around (mirar a su alrededor).

      She walked (caminar) a little (un poco), picked flowers (recoger.. flores), twisted a wreath from them (trenzar.. una guirnalda), lay down (tumbarse) on (en) the grass (… hierba),

      admiring (admirando) the azure cloudless sky (… cielo azul sin nubes), but (pero) suddenly (de repente) her eyes became round in surprise (por poco se desmayó de tal sorpresa) 

      about a meter away (aproximadamente a un metro de ella) 2.some tiny creature (una criatura pequeña), similar to a girl with wings (similar a una niña con alas), 1. was hovering over her

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