Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh

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Sensei of Shambala. Book IV - Anastasia Novykh

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it sounds interesting,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered intrigued.

      “But we would need to strain all our brains!” Andrew remarked jokingly.

      “But what for? Why?” Ruslan began to interrogate. “What is hidden there?”

      Volodya replied in a bass voice, “But you were said, when you think well, you will understand.”

      “Right,” Eugene mocked at Ruslan when he saw that Sensei was keeping mysterious silence in that regard, “And if you don’t understand it, it’s your destiny!”

      The guys laughed together with Ruslan. Unlike us Nikolai Andreevich was apparently making some comparison in mind and remarked addressing to Sensei, “Wait a minute, you have said before that that the Threshold of Shambala was located at the ‘bottom of the flower’?! It means that before the Threshold of Shambala was placed almost in centres of civilization. And as far as I know, it means a possibility of more often contacts of Boddhisattvas with people, does it?”

      “Well, in the beginning of civilization it’s just a necessity. So no wonder that Boddhisattvas were openely present among people. Moreover the whole mankind consisted that time of small groups of people who were naturally protected from external earthly and space factors.”

      “But if Boddhisattvas of Shambala took care of people it means that some ancient Egyptian legends are not just legends?”

      “What do you mean?” Sensei asked in his turn.

      “Once I have read a legend about those who ruled pre-dynastic Egypt. I was a student that time and trained my mnemotechnique on it, especially memory for figures. You’ve just told about Boddhisattvas and I recalled undeliberately this chronology. It was said that 12 300 years Egypt was ruled by seven great gods: Ptah – 9 000 years, Ra – 1 000 years, Shu – 700 years, Geb – 500 years, Osiris – 450 years, Seth – 350 years, Horus – 300 years. Then there were twelve divine rulers including Toth and Maat, and they ruled 1570 years. After that there were 30 half-gods who ruled 3 650 years… The most interesting is that after their rule people began to rule Egypt. However something didn’t go well and 350 years Egypt was lost in chaos, alienation and discord without any ruler. The integration began at the time of Menes.”

      Nikolai Andreevich looked interrogatively at Sensei, and the last one replied to that, “Well, it’s not quite like that though…”

      “… it would be enough for people,” Eugene finished jokingly Sensei’s phrase.

      “This ‘chronology’ was written by Egyptian priest Manetho who lived in Egypt in IIIrd century b.c. during the times of Greek dominance. Manetho described the history of Egypt, composed a list of kings and dynasties based on more ancient sources fixed in papiri. In fact he tried to systematize and reanimate long forgotten literature sources including various legends. And the most important wasn’t about figures and dates which are argued today by egyptologists. The most interesting is that he highlighted so smartly the political reality in the history of Egypt that the Archons (when they got this writing which became quite popular among people) quickly withdrew his original writing and spreaded the rumours that it was destroyed during Egypt conquest by the army of Alexander the Great. That’s why the writing by Manetho didn’t come to modern people. They know about it only by quotes and comments of other authors. And they judge this writing in the modern world by the abstracts which were preserved in writings by Julius Africanus, Eusebius and Josef Flavious, and they even don’t think who were these authors, when they lived, whom they worked for and where they got information about the writing of this priest who lived a few centuries earlier. And I don’t even mention such a ‘triffle’ that every historian considered that time that he had a right to insert his own voluntary changes and interpretations of more ancient writings. That’s why scientific opinions are so contradictory even about the abstracts of this writing which cause both delight, disappointment, accusations that all of that are ‘groundless legends’, ‘evident figment’, ‘confusing information’.”

      “Well, if they don’t stop arguing about his for so many centuries, it means that this man really got at the heart of the matter,” Volodya remarked.

      “Surely,” Sensei nodded. “Let’s regard for example what some people call today as ‘confusing information’. One could find today a Manetho’s record that during the so called today First transitional period (It was right after the times of Imhotep when the Archons began to act in Egypt in real earnest and caused political instability, hunger, riots) Egypt was ruled by ‘seventy kings during seventy days’. And it was really so! But we will come back to that time and events.

      “Through Manetho’s writing the Archons ‘came to light’ in the history, in the first turn, by their structure. But it wasn’t for the first time. And it was mentioned about seventy two plotters in the legend about Seth not without a reason. Far from being occasional the Jewish priests organized later the supreme court for their people, the Sanhedrim, which was ruled by ‘chief priests’. Not by chance there were seventy one member in the Sanhedrim (if you remember, they questioned and judged Jesus Christ once). Because seventy (plus one to three), thirty (plus one to three) and ten (plus one to three) are the main numerical structures of Archons’ people.”

      “But why with a prefix “plus one to three”?” Victor didn’t understand.

      “Depending on significance of that circle for the Archons they add to it from one to three members. These are circles of power. We will talk about them later.”

      “These Archons are dashing guys!” Stas said with a slightly noticeable grin.

      “Of course! That’s why people didn’t have enough information and had only to trust in myths and legend (although to be on the alert). The nature brings little of artifacts. Let’s regard that very Delta region. Due to quick accumulation of precipitates people consider that the most ancient cultural layers are contained deep under the ground. And one needs a lot of money to dig them out.”

      Sensei made a little pause.

      “Right, everything depends on money,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

      “And money depends on the Archons,” Victor added sadly.

      In reply Eugene uttered with imperturbable air, “So let’s this ‘everything’ together with money doesn’t go right to the hands of the Archons!”

      Everybody laughed at this Eugene’s pun. And Stas answered jokingly, “It’s a pity, they don’t award a Nobel prize for big stupidity anymore! You would be unsurpassed in this sphere!”

      “What do I need that Shnobel prize for? It’s enough for me that I feel good here,” Eugene objected.

      The guys met again his comment with loud laughter. Only Nikolai Andreevich didn’t’ take part in our verbal fun, he was thinking over something of his own. Having waited for some time when the guys would calm down he uttered addressing to Sensei, “It turns out that it’s not so simple… It means that Boddhisattvas contacted more often people that time. And people regarded them as gods…”

      The guys calmed down immediately, apparently they were interested in this issue too.

      “It’s natural that Boddhisattvas are associated by people with gods,” Sensei said when the silence sell. “Since their knowledge and ability to control the matter (including nature, without any ’technical means’ as well as possession of other extraordinary abilities) would shock the modern man too, with all his piles of information about ‘advanced’ technologies, I don’t speak of those who lived during the time of birth of this human civilization. The contacts were indeed quite often. Since the Boddhisattvas of Shambala not only protected people but also they gave people knowledge, starting from elementary knowledge (how to plant seeds, build houses etc) and ending spiritual practices. That’s why people started to believe that gods need to look as humans in order to contact people. For example, those like Ptah and Osiris, they are not mythical figment but real personalities of Boddhisattvas who lived once among people. But the story of their life was strongly turned into a myth by people and simplified to the level of human comprehension, and moreover tied to a concrete geographical region. However

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